1. June 7, 2017  

    Icecrown Twinking

    I used to play on retail for 10 years and the one thing that always kept me enjoying the game was twinking. Loved the 70 and 19 community back in original wrath and was just wondering if its worth investing my time to make twinks on this server.

  2. June 7, 2017  
    I used to play on retail for 10 years and the one thing that always kept me enjoying the game was twinking. Loved the 70 and 19 community back in original wrath and was just wondering if its worth investing my time to make twinks on this server.
    It's not really worth it at the moment. Neither of the brackets that you're interested in are active and I wouldn't expect that to change anytime soon, especially with the launch of the TBC realms. 19s might get little bursts of activity here and there, but they really haven't maintained anything of worth for longer than a few months in the past. 70s won't be coming back anytime soon, especially with the TBC realms, but also because of a variety of other reasons like a lack of willing/competent guild leaders, 79 twinks who would inevitably come back if 70-79 PvP was revived, bugged PvP gear vendors, not being able to do rated arenas, buffed raid content, etc.

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