1. Arathi Basin ???

    So, theres an event achievement for AB, but I never get a random AB when Im in queue. I know several other people that are trying to get this also.

    Sooo.. does AB ever come up? Also, If Im just queued for AB will it get me in the random game if it happens to be AB?

    Or do I need to try another 20 BGs before I get it.. if ever..


  2. I would be interested to hear from people who play several random BGs a day (80s) how often does AB come up. If I keep queuing random will I eventually get it? Cant afk out either, dont wanna play 6 hours of pvp.

  3. These are my BGs played so far:

    Total BGs played: 133
    Warsong Gulch: 38
    Arathi Basin: 26
    Alterac Valley: 26
    Eye of the Storm: 33
    Strand of the Ancients: 10

    Note: around 10 of the warsong gulches was played before hitting lvl80.

    That leaves us with 26 ABs out of 123 BGs.

    EDIT: I do believe the time and day effects what BGs you get. Also the sample size of only my BGs is very small so I might've been lucky with that few Alterac valleys. I usually play at some point between 21.00 and 03.00 server time. I play on alliance.
    Edited: February 17, 2016

  4. total bgs played: 249

    alterac valley:113

    arathi basin: 45

    warsong gulch: 41

    eye of the storm: 47

    strand of the ancients: 3? ( 4 won wat)

    horde 11-18 server time
    Edited: February 17, 2016

  5. strand of the ancients: 3? ( 4 won wat)
    Yeah there's something wrong with SotA achievements and statistics. I got my "Win sota" achievement after winning strand 5 times, the 4 wins before didnt count for whatever reasons. ;)

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