1. Is anyone from canada?

    Well first of all. ive been having 400-500ms ever since the server moved to europe but before it was below 100 when the server was in US.

    I want to know whats your ms whoever is in canada. I will be going there for good

  2. im near toronto, ms is 115

  3. i'm in nova scotia, ms is usally anywhere between 120 and 180, no lags tho.

  4. ahh thnx. at last no more "target is too far away" message when your chasing someone and his back is right infront of your face.

  5. I'm from the states and i have around 120ms.

  6. dbzss1's Avatar
    im near toronto, ms is 115
    Exactly this. There used to be time when I used to have like 50 - 60 ms on molten. Then they moved their servers like thousand times but I can't blame them since the ISPs in GTA are all crap.

  7. I am from Vancouver and my ms ranges from 180-250
    Sometimes I play with 300+ MS during peak hours but due to the massive timezone difference with EU I have the above.

  8. Australia here. Consistently 450-600ms seeing as we're nearly on the other side of the world. Rogue PVP is damn near impossible.

  9. Drazio's Avatar
    Nope. :D
    I'm from Denmark!

  10. May 1, 2013  
    Quebec here too , near Montreal

    About 160ms on Deathwing (Wotlk)
    About 100ms on Sargeras ( Cata )


  11. May 1, 2013  
    California(US) here- 190-250 ms here

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