1. JuggerNaut [A] Recruiting


    Who are We
    We are PvE oriented guild on [A] side, going for the endgame progress once again. We are friendly guild with good atmosphere looking for some fun ingame farming WotLK content.

    Contact In-Game

    Guild Master : Funkey

    GM Alts : Tsonada , Tsonad , Tsonadhunt , Tsonadqt , Oopslock , Dafuq , Disciplined

    Officer : Masks
    Officer Alt : Mongos

    Officer : Hyfawahbi
    Officer Alt : Did

    Raid Leader : Blannk
    Raid Leader : : Brmbota

    Currently guild Progress

    ICC 25 Normal - Cleared 12/12
    ICC 25 Heroic - 10/12
    ICC 10 Heroic - Cleared 12/12

    RS 25 Normal - Cleared
    RS 25 Heroic - Not Ready Yet

    TOC 25 - Cleared
    TOGC 25 Heroic - Cleared

    Recruting - Contact Us In-game

    Requirements : 6.2k+ with Frostwing Halls 25 Heroic

    Guild Rules

    1. No insulting/harashing/nationalism and so on.
    2. We are english speaking guild, in raids and guild chat - talk to your language in /s or /party or in raidcall seperate room, this is why we have it.
    3. No disrespect to officers or any member in general - respect the others so they can respect you.
    4. No ofending/insulting what so ever.I dont care if someone died in the most epic way or argue with you. Trolling in a fun friendly way is not a problem, as long as there are boundaries.
    5. No ninja/using hacks in any form in guild or pug raids - all need gear, that dont give you permission be a dick.
    6. Be on time for raids so we can progress.
    7. No AFK or Dc during raids. Every onces in a while there are emergencies, but systematically doing it will resolve in not inviting you ever. Time is the one thing we give and we can't take back so don't waste it.
    8. Be polite, helpfull and mature - NO DRAMA in or outside the raids. If there is a problem wisper me (Funkey) after the raid or any other officer for asistance : )
    9. We do not spam for inv, we wait patiently till we are asked for our class/role in gchat and respond apropriately, or we are wispered to log the right toon ^^
    10. We know how to use RC = When you get inv for raid, its your obligation to log rc and go to the apropriate room, so we dont waste time waiting for you. RC is mandatory for 25m raids and heroic for better raid comunication. : )
    11. Have fun, all seams to forget it, but its only a game after all : )


    1) Pugging - Only Raid Leaders and above are able to host pug ICC's and RS25. Anyone else caught doing so will be Gkicked. Any member that sees other members hosting the above mentioned pug raids can also report the matter to any officer and the offender will be kicked out of the guild. However, hosting within the guild is fine.

    2) Bringing Alts - Everyone is only allowed to bring their Alts into the guild only if its DECENTLY geared. Decently geared meaning it is ready for lich king.

    3) Exploiting - All members are to submit to the rules of the server. This includes refraining from the use of hacks, exploits and third party programs that may result to risking other guild members and the guilds reputation. Failure to do so results in immediate removal from the guild.

    4) Respect - Although I understand that there might be some people you dislike in the guild. However, please refrain from causing dramas and just ignore that particular person. Therefore, members are expected to act mannerly at all times, in-game or through voice chat. This includes speaking in English and treating leaders and other members with respect.

    5) Ninjas - Taking dropped loots in which the player is not entitled to otherwise known as NINJA-ing is strictly prohibited. This applies on official guild runs and PuG runs. Committing to such act results in immediate removal from the guild.

    6) Being Professional - All members are required to learn and read up raiding tactics, they can be found in the Raiding Tactics section(Still under development). Anyone who is unable to execute or perform simple Juggernaut raiding tactics has no reason to remain in the guild.


    1) Punctuality - Members are supposed to turn up for raid and be on Raidcall at least 15min before raid starts.
    2) Voice Communication - Raidcall must be working, meaning that you are able to hear the officers clearly. If not there is no point going for the guild raid. We will not accept people without Raidcall into the raid. Anyone caught without Raidcall during the raid will be gkick.
    3) Commands - Only officers are allowed to give out instructions in Raidcall. We do not tolerate anyone shouting or giving out their own instructions to the raid. However, that being said, you are allowed to remind the raid leader of important timer such as blistering cold and defile. Take note to point out in the form of a question or reminder.
    4) Being AFK - Every once in awhile, everyone has to go AFK at some point to do their own stuff and we do understand that need. However, please do so in a professional manner by announcing to both the raid and the raider leader before doing so. If not, we will treat you as someone who has DC and replace you immediately.
    5) Leaving prematurely - In leaving a raid mid-way is strictly prohibited. Unless you have informed an officer beforehand, leaving the raid halfway will result in DKP deduction. Anyone who needs to leave early during the raid should tell the officers beforehand (Before the raid even starts).
    6) End of raid - Members are allowed to leave as soon as the instance is cleared and if and only if the raid leader/officer declared the raid is over.

    Our website: http://jug-wow.shivtr.com

    Not following the guild rules will result in susbantive amount of - dkp or guild removal

    Thanks for interest :)
    Edited: March 11, 2016

  2. Guild <JuggerNaut> [A]


  3. i found an alphabet mistake 'n' in last row of word <juggernaunt> ..... :P just bumping thread and gl

  4. JuggerNaut [A] Recruiting

    New Guild Rules, Posted

  5. Guild Progression for week
    ICC 25 Normal - Cleared
    RS 25 Normal - Cleared
    TOGC 25 - Cleared
    ICC 10 Heroic - 11/12

  6. Arent u ashamed of copy-pasting rules, and Raiding section from <Static> web site????

    6) Being Professional - All members are required to learn and read up raiding tactics, they can be found in the Raiding Tactics section(Still under development). Anyone who is unable to execute or perform simple Static raiding tactics has no reason to remain in the guild.
    U could at least change guild name in that rule. Lmao. 10/10 would join.

  7. Contact In-Game

    Guild Master : Funkey

    GM Alts : Tsonada , Tsonad , Tsonadhunt , Tsonadqt , Oopslock , Dafuq , Disciplined

  8. Well its not that big problems to take some guild rules since i'm leading the guild from the first time and its not that big problem if i did mistaken type :)
    Some respect would be awesome anyways, we got enough from you

    If you don't would like to join that's your Choice
    Good Luck and Have a great day :)

  9. Well its not that big problems to take some guild rules since i'm leading the guild from the first time and its not that big problem if i did mistaken type :)
    You might as well take their guild name then.

    Some respect would be awesome anyways, we got enough from you
    Don't know what you've been tought, but where I come from respect needs to be earned before it is actually given.

    Anyway.. despite my not so friendly comments from above I do wish you all the best with the guild.

  10. Guild Progress

    New Progress
    ICC 10 Heroic Full Cleared
    Congratulations from funkey to all guildie who got the achievement. and good job :> :) <3

  11. The first Icc 25 Heroic for the guild was 10/12 congratulations

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