1. Lordaeron Class!!!

    Hey whatsup community,

    i have a question to the PVP classes in Lordaeron..

    What do you think which class is most funny and strong in PVP, which class can you recommend me????

    I cant decide.. :(

    Sorry for my bad english and thanks for your answer :)

  2. Lordaeron or not it doesn't really matter as it's still Wotlk patch 3.3.5a.
    There's no best class in PvP it's all down to ur own skill, some classes do have their ups and downs versus others, but that's about it.
    You shouldn't just start playing X becuase someone told you it's 'good' or 'OP', you must find ur class and practice with it.

  3. Roll a class which is not played much like warlocks or rogues is my personal duggeation, warr prot and pally will be stronger in PvP in lower lvls but the class rolling thing always depends on ur playstyle , roll a class which u like if u dono exactly login to blackrock and check out classes at least then u will have an idea of each class feels this will help u decide right away...

  4. Top classes for PvP in WotLK imo are Mages, Paladins, Priests and DK's. They don't take much skill to play. Hunters don't take much either but they're not as capable as mages or priests imo.
    If you still want to be slightly op but want a challenge too, roll a Warrior/Warlock.
    If you just want a challenge, roll a Druid or Shaman. Imo, they take the most skill to play.
    Or roll a Rogue if you're a cheap bastard.

    This is just based on my experience.

  5. Nope. Top classes in 3.3.5a are holy paladin, WARRIOR, DK, rogue, mage and SHADOW PRIEST. All of them are pretty easy to play EXCEPT mage and rogue that are way harder to play than the rest. No challenge as mage and challenge as warrior? Dude, you're spewing bull****. Warrior is probably the easiest class EVER and it is good in arena in almost every single expansion. Shaman hard to play? Dude, just stop please... You clearly have no clue what you're talking about.

    Edited: September 14, 2015

  6. Nope. Top classes in 3.3.5a are holy paladin, WARRIOR, DK, rogue, mage and SHADOW PRIEST. All of them are pretty easy to play while Mage and Rogue are way harder to play. No challenge as mage and challenge as warrior? Dude, you're spewing bull****. Warrior is probably the easiest class EVER and it is good in arena in almost every single expansion. Shaman hard to play? Dude, just stop please... You clearly have no clue what you're talking about.

    Funny that you base your opinion of the whole expansion, that means every single PvP season, based on the very late part of the last one when everybody has Shadowmourne. Just a really mature and well thought-through opinion.

  7. Warrior was the strongest bull**** in most of the expansion. Patches 3.2 and 3.3 are where arms shined. In earlier patches mage wasn't even close to be as good as Retribution or DK.

  8. Nope. Top classes in 3.3.5a are holy paladin, WARRIOR, DK, rogue, mage and SHADOW PRIEST. All of them are pretty easy to play while Mage and Rogue are way harder to play. No challenge as mage and challenge as warrior? Dude, you're spewing bull****. Warrior is probably the easiest class EVER and it is good in arena in almost every single expansion. Shaman hard to play? Dude, just stop please... You clearly have no clue what you're talking about.

    Any ****** can pop sweeping strikes and bladestorm with a Smourne, it takes a bit of brain-power to stance-dance however. Shamans have to rotate totems, their dps relies of hardcasting if they are elemental or rng if they are enha... and rogues have to play around cc's/stealth.

    "rogue, mage and SHADOW PRIEST. All of them are pretty easy to play while Mage and Rogue are way harder to play." So are mages and rogues easy or hard to play? You're contradicting yourself buddy....

  9. If ur gonna divide classes based on skill cap ,
    Warriors and mages will be at the top u need a lot of skill to play them right and warr is gear dependant .
    Followed by feral druids, ench shammy and rogues
    Other classes occupy b|w spot, I won't comment on healers here cos I dono them.
    Last spot is ret paladin, retpally is a biscuit class u don't need any skill to play this so u can as well exclude it from the list..

  10. Any ****** can pop sweeping strikes and bladestorm with a Smourne
    Yeah and the point is any ****** can get nice rating doing that as a warrior while as a mage you can't just run around spamming Frostbolt and expect a good outcome.

    it takes a bit of brain-power to stance-dance however.
    No, all you need is macros and a LITTLE BIT brain.

    Shamans have to rotate totems, their dps relies of hardcasting if they are elemental or rng if they are enha...
    I thought you were talking about Restoration. In this spec shaman is really powerful, especially in 3v3 and doesn't take that much skill to play. You see, there aren't too many CCs to make as a shaman so most of the time you just run around spamming heals and Purges.

    and rogues have to play around cc's/stealth.
    Yup, that's what classes like warrior or shaman don't have to think about. As a warrior you can just run around doing pressure all the time without thinking about doing that much of CC and suddenly you're a hero with this class.

    "rogue, mage and SHADOW PRIEST. All of them are pretty easy to play while Mage and Rogue are way harder to play." So are mages and rogues easy or hard to play? You're contradicting yourself buddy....
    My mistake, the point was clear though. All mentioned are easy EXCEPT mage and rogue.
    Edited: September 14, 2015

  11. cut the crap ! retri PALA is almost good in PVE and PVP both and easiest to play as well !

    TBH, there is no TOP GOD class to pawn everything, every class has its benefits and weakness which can be encountered by some classes and not by others. While you say Rogue is OP or ble ble ble .... why Rogues run from Warriors ?
    Now if you say, Warriors are on TOP or ble ble ble .... i have witnessed warriors dying from Unholy DK, Retri Pala and warlock !
    now if you say warlocks are on TOP or whatever .... Warlocks cant do much to a Disc Priest (if played proper)

    So its like a circle which follows eachother .... every class has another rival class who can kill it .... but in 2v2 Frost Mage and Unholy DK combo is not pretty easy to be deafeated .... takes almost whole brain to overcome them ....

  12. I've played on a x1 progressive server and at the start tier where everyone has very low resilience, classes like DK, ret pala and rogue were dominant. Everyone is going to have low hp, low mp5 and low resilience. Annoying comps like Udk / Rdruid are pretty OP because the dots from both classes as well as constant pressure from a DK is enough to burn the mana of any healer, especially when they are spamming chains of ice, roots and cyclone etc. There's not much you can do with no mp5.

    PvP honestly sucks with Ilvl 200 gear in 3.3.5 patch. It's gonna be a hectic zerg fest to start off with and eventually start to normalise, if the server I played on is anything to go by.

  13. As tjcx said it is a bit squeed at the start with 3.3.5 tallents and spells and starting gear however it makes some specs like desto lock more viable u like retail where in arenas affliction was dominant.

    As far as season 5 thou teams like rogue mage etc will still do amazing becasue of how the team works with all the cc. With lower hp pools and lower resilience this team can still dominate.

  14. RM isn't that strong. It's a lot easier to destroy people in Retribution+Frost, Retribution+MM or SPR. RM needs really sophisticated strategies, there are many things that can go against your way and fuk you up in this setup. Rogue in WotLK can get destroyed in a global, especially with low amount of resilience while paladin brings a lot of defensive capabilities.

  15. "Lordaeron or not it doesn't really matter as it's still Wotlk patch 3.3.5a.
    There's no best class in PvP it's all down to ur own skill"
    Well I would say half truth half bullcrap . Of course you will always find people who are noobs too kill with every class. But assuming that people play at highest skill standards relying more on their control and sustain instead of opponent failing, you could see some classes being more dominant then others. For example DK , becouse of crazy utilities silence 5 sec 7 sec glyphed full spell absorb , crazy death strike heals , massive slow and most importantly crazy summoned gargoyl, DK is most newbie friendly just becouse that one spell , summon gargoyle very easy to use. Talking about skilled DK 1v1 i think only frost mage shadow priest or feral druid have even chanse to beat you. Another top tier class would be warlock, if u mange your diminishing returns , crazy CC lockdown , very good damage , port for avoiding those bladestorm shadomurns.
    And about lowest tier classes , i would say retribution paladin , becouse it heavily relies on damage soaking sacred shield, so everyone who can dispel u wins against u , and u find hard time beating heavy cc ranged or heavy cc healing classes. Other lowest tier class would be , would be shadow priest , again simply becouse your damage over time can simply be dispeled , pretty self explanatory.
    Hope that answers whats "strong in PVP" . About "funny" part , well shadow priests and ret palys are pretty fcking funny to me :D Na jk jk , you probably meant "fun". Well you gave us no hint what u like to do , maybe its fun for you to heal or something , but personaly for me hunter is really fun to play , becouse you can shoot people in bgs from distance , you can set traps u can play dead decieving them , you can track enemys on map , i think its awesome. Or rogue stalking people while they dont see u , assassinating fools 1v1 in back while big groups fight focused on pressing forward :D .
    If you want to play fun PvP you should focus on bg instead of arenas , arenas are just for armor , well at least for me , becouse i hate arena format , very healercentric and that running around columns while im trying to shoot fcking makes me mad . :D
    Couldnt answer it properly becouse you gave no hint what u like :D However you can test classes yourself in blackrock pvp realm .

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