1. Updates

    Why has every other realm including nelth recieved an update this weekend, except for Warsong?

  2. why do you people still make forums posts about this, you know they do not know what to do with this realm. The only issue I see is the lower playerbase and they can't really do anything about that except letting the pvp here merge with the pvp on neltharion or bringing the AT core (which I don't think will do anything). They don't answer to our suggestions because even if they liked it that would require some work and that work is directed towards the other realms because this is a private server and there is a limited amount of developers because if they had more developers it would be expensive so that's why the attention is on other realms because those realms have more people playing on it, while there are barely 200 on peak on warsong.

  3. May 14, 2016  

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