1. Minizs2's Avatar

    Elemental shaman"s status in PVP

    Firstly , its a cataclysm thread. As i see 95% of the people is playing enhancement shaman in pvp. Is elemental shaman viable in pvp? Why do people ignore it? Even in pve enha is more famous that elem . Back in WOTLK elemental shamns was able to do high dmg and had a nice self healing. Please answer my questions.Thank you.

  2. Elemental isnt really viable in 2s imo
    3s more viable - LSD (lock ele rdruid), mage ele disc.

    It isn't great to be honest

  3. 2s-Go with spriest or fire mage
    3s-lok/shamy/rdudu,fire mage/shamy/rdudu or dpriest and spriest/shamy/rdudu or hpala.
    In rated bg's we are awsome since high aoe dmg and nice burst.

  4. Babsta2011's Avatar

    how ele shaman's work

    i think that ele shaman's have it hard in pvp cause all they try to do is heal through stuff and then burst and they also don't have cc like other classes

    and ench shaman's r better than ele because they have the burst that ele has and they also have better cc and have insta healz:(

  5. In Bg's they are doing ok. they ahve great aoe damage but in arena they are one of the weaker classes. there enhance is alot better. and if you wanna be c aster i belive almost all other castign classes are stronger.

    so it kinda depends on what pvp you are talkign about.
    For Bg's sure go ahead they can be fun there.
    For arena no not really go enhance or chose another caster class is my recomendation

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