1. Gauging interest for Boomkin PvP Guide

    Hi all. Titanform here from Icecrown. I have been PvPing as a Balance Druid for about a decade and am thinking about writing a guide for this more unusual pvp class.

    It is definetly one of the weaker classes in certain regards, but it has such a high skill ceiling you will be able to outplay your opponents regularly. You could consider it as a hybrid class that capitalizes on your opponents mistakes.

    Leave a reply if you're interested.

  2. Hi all. Titanform here from Icecrown. I have been PvPing as a Balance Druid for about a decade and am thinking about writing a guide for this more unusual pvp class.

    It is definetly one of the weaker classes in certain regards, but it has such a high skill ceiling you will be able to outplay your opponents regularly. You could consider it as a hybrid class that capitalizes on your opponents mistakes.

    Leave a reply if you're interested.
    I am, just for the sake of interest in it. I always want to hear what an experienced player have to say.

  3. Go for it, sounds like fun

  4. July 7, 2016  
    Please write it. I am looking forward to reading it.

  5. July 9, 2016  
    Here from the hunter club, just a learning boomie with still low gear, but would look forward to a PvP guide for boomies. GL with the guide, and yeah, you should certainly go for it.
    Edited: July 9, 2016

  6. July 9, 2016  
    I dont know if you remember me titanform,we were dueling alot in elwynn forest,you are probably thr best balance druid i ever fought in 1v1,would be nice to read your guide.i wait for it :)

  7. when can we expect the guide? :)

  8. Appreciate the positive interest guys. Sorry for the delay was on holiday!

    I threw a guide together you can read it here.

    I dont know if you remember me titanform
    Of course I remember you, where have you disappeared to?

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