1. 2 Weeks Ago  

    PVE - 5 Druid comp - fast dungeons - GOLD farm

    Hey, i made a 5 druid team(3Boomkin + tree + feral) to skip all trash during dungeons.
    -Tank 0/58/13 (5078gs)
    -Dps 54/12/6 (4354-4903gs)
    -Healer 6/12/54 (4679gs)

    The key here is that every toons got 12 point in feral talent for less detection and +30% movement speed. For the boomkins, skip eclipse talents. Juste use wrath.

    With that method, daily heroics are funnier and faster, but the efficiency depends of the dungeons.

    -Hall of lightning
    -Utgrade pinnacle
    -Utgrade keep
    -Drak'tharon keep
    -The Nexus

    -Hall of stone
    -Ahn-kanet: The Old kingdom
    -The Oculus

    -The culling of stratholme
    -Azjol Nerub
    -The Violed Hold

    HOW FAST ?

    Actually the 12 dungeons run (i do not count toc, fos and pos hc cause too low gear/skill) take me 2h30 with a 4300-5000 gs team. Every runs you get better and faster. You always find a way to grind time or just get better gear cause the fastest you kill > the fastest you finish.

    I think that night elves are best race for that playstyle cause of shadowmeld. Help with some mechanics to go faster and lose aggro in bad situations.


    The majority of gold you'll have comes from abyss crystal and emblem (Actually it's 100gold per AC and 200 gold per ametrine(10emblem))
    Here 's 2 way:

    >Heroics ? 3000-3500 gold/h + fun to play (can be hard to master)
    >Fos nm farm ? 5000 gold/h easier to master but boring cause you repeat the same thing (i made a video for this farm https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=jlRunXxiFwg )

    HOW HARD ?

    You will have some hard times at the begining cause you ll have to learn mboxing and get good gear(make such a difference) + you will die A LOT OF TIME. Some of the heroics boss can be really hard. But once you know your pattern/strategy it's going to be cake.

  2. 2 Weeks Ago  
    Here an example: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=fCsuZWkgTdc

    I've done Drak'Tharon Keep Heroic in 5:48 and it was worth 676 gold

    -1 abyss crystal = 100
    -20 emblems (amétrine 200 gold 10 emblems) = 400
    -gold bonus from rdf = 13.23*5=66,15
    -frozen orb =100
    -blue disenchent = 10
    TOTAL= 676.15 gold

  3. 2 Weeks Ago  
    Gundrak: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=_AaJBcYm2bU 7:27

    -1 abyss crystal = 100
    -30 emblems (amétrine 200 gold 10 emblems) = 600
    -gold bonus from rdf = 13.23*5=66,15
    -frozen orb =100
    -blue disenchent = 30
    TOTAL= 896.15 gold

  4. 2 Weeks Ago  
    Utgarde Pinnacle: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=EAtsl9W7qLs 7:39

    -1 abyss crystal = 100
    -20 emblems (amétrine 200 gold 10 emblems) = 400
    -gold bonus from rdf = 13.23*5=66,15
    -frozen orb =100
    -blue disenchent = 10
    TOTAL= 676.15 gold

  5. 2 Weeks Ago  
    Hall of LIght: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=aJA3AJJ7O6k 6:36

    -1 abyss crystal = 100
    -25 emblems (amétrine 200 gold 10 emblems) = 500
    -gold bonus from rdf = 13.23*5=66,15
    -frozen orb =100
    -blue disenchent = 30
    TOTAL= 786.15 gold for 7:39

  6. 2 Weeks Ago  
    not bad. But in really u can get more golds by deal quests like mboxer. Do 1 time and complete 5 times = 47g * 5 toons.

  7. 2 Weeks Ago  
    Hey, i havn t tried yet the quest grind cause i m scared that other faction players kill me again and again. I m bad at pvp and people like kill

    For the gold, 47*5=250 and compare to my fos farm, i would have to make 5000/250>20 quest per hour, and i dont't know if it s possible to find that much quest worth for mboxer and complete them for less than hour

    But i m pretty sure that there is 5-10 daily really easy and fast to do with a better ratio than 5000g/hour

  8. 2 Weeks Ago  
    I also recommend profession such as skinning on one person for some cheeky borean leathers (gundrak, dtk, spider dungeons, nexus and oculus). The profits from these alone in my old days of full running the dungeon sets.

    Curious tho, aren't you running in to dungeon reset issues with that many skips on fod example?

    Nice videos, very clear, informative and illustrative. Cheers mate

  9. 2 Weeks Ago  
    Hey, thx for the feedback

    Not sure if skinning gonna be worth cause i skip almost all mobs that can be skinned, but enchanting is a prof to take for sure. Maybe engineering can help to skip some packs

    For the dungeon limit it's no problem, cause i go through LFG (heroics or FOS run) and it doesn't count. Only when you go in manually

  10. 2 Weeks Ago  
    Nexus: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=LqM-wB3xvB8 9:07

    -1 abyss crystal = 100
    -30 emblems (amétrine 200 gold 10 emblems) = 600
    -gold bonus from rdf = 13.23*5=66,15
    -frozen orb =100
    -blue disenchent = 30
    TOTAL= 896.15 gold

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