1. Open Wintergrasp + Tol Barad


    I've seen that Wintergraps + Tol Barad is "disabled", whyever. It would be awesome, if you could enable it for easier Honor-Farming for getting better armor and stylegear.


  2. Hi Trinia,

    As understandable and reasonable as your request is, I have to be the bearer of bad news.
    The Warmane Staff "Have their Priorities". For the past three years and the foreseeable future, PvP development especially for Warsong, has yet to be remotely near the top.

    Hundreds of players have been in your situation of wanting to give ideas to help, but any and all have been shut down by 'moderator' posts defending their agenda, dismissing the post, and essentially killing off the realm.

    Very Respectfully,
    A 3-year warsong veteran.
    Edited: August 7, 2015

  3. Hey Juggertank,

    thanks for your reply. I think it's not smart to improve the realms with the most players, instead improving the realms with less players. That's dumb. If a realm has less players, then it should be the goal to get more players on the realm, or not? Maybe I'm wrong with that, but I would do it like that.

    And ofcourse it would be great, if Tol Barad & Wintergrasp would be opened, for easier Honor-Farming, because there are so many Battlegrounds which are lost, and so you still have a chance to gain Honor through Tol Barad & Wintergrasp.

    Also Malaco announced, that there will be a poll soon here in the forums, where people can vote for the old AT Warsong Realm or for the current Warsong Realm. And I really hope, that the people will vote for the AT Warsong, because it was much better than the current Warsong Realm.

  4. They should make the vote 3 ways then;

    1) Current warsong (will lose but put it anyway....never seen warsong so low populated, 200-300)

    2) 99% how AT Cata realm was (also was low population, 400-500)

    3) 99% how Molten Warsong was (was most populated with 1500-2000+ players always)

    Which ever option gets the most votes, Warsong should transformed into that style of realm....

  5. One time on stream staff member said no blizzlike to consider script TB+WG .. So you have your answer.

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