1. Why GM does'nt care much About Cata

    Im so boring now playing cata seriously
    there are so much bug in cata especially for Hunter
    - Pet so bugged now sometime not attacking player looks like he lost again the target
    - cant summon jadefang and he deleted from my pet
    - so many spirit beast timer so bugged. i have to camp all hyjal spirit beast but he need one week more like banthalos need 18 days to spawn, skoll so hard to camp it, its so much losing my Real life time and then arcturis (Spirit beast bear), he need 2 week for spawning the stag. So worst timer ever. Not like MOP theyre so easy to get and the timer is not too long.
    so please fix it yet GM!!!
    the last cata fixed is 22 may 2015 after that so many new bug and then nothing get fixed yet
    for MOP theyre so much care about it

    Sorry for stupid grammer and english but i hope will fixed cata yet especially for hunter and spirit beast timer

  2. The majority of their manpower is currently focusing on getting Lordaeron ready for launch, once that has been dealt with they will port alot of their progress from said realm onto the other realms/expansions and begin tweaking the major bugs and issues. Lordaeron launches on the 25th of september.

  3. GMs dont fix things, Developers do.

    The forum isnt a place to complain about bug either.

  4. GMs dont fix things, Developers do.

    The forum isnt a place to complain about bug either.
    Bugs are reported in bugtracker, but cata realm haven't a single fix since months. We (The players from Neltharion), are the last **** in this server and Bm hunters are ruined. Good luck, have a nice day.

  5. No?
    Bugs are reported in bugtracker, but cata realm haven't a single fix since months. We (The players from Neltharion), are the last **** in this server and Bm hunters are ruined. Good luck, have a nice day.
    Well their main priority is not cataclysm so sorry you just have to deal with it and wait like everyone else has done for content or fixes (like it always been). Atm as i see it it's Lordaeron > Other wotlk realms > MOP > Cata

  6. Well their main priority is not cataclysm so sorry you just have to deal with it and wait like everyone else has done for content or fixes (like it always been). Atm as i see it it's Lordaeron > Other wotlk realms > MOP > Cata
    They will lose +2000 players then, every year this server is less populated, GL^^

  7. Bm hunters are ruined.
    I really don't see how BM hunters are considered "ruined" in cata.

    The only major BM hunter bugs I'm aware of are the spirit mend bug and the pet pathfinding issues. You could just use shale spider instead of spirit beast till they fix spirit mend's healing coefficient, which is FAR more superior than spirit beast in PvP anyway.

    As for the hunter pet issues, just make sure to use a /petfollow macro or use the "Move To" command whenever you see your pet stops moving/attacking. It is kind of annoying and you'll have to spam it quite often but you'll get used to it.

    I also heard Crouching Tiger Hidden Chimera talent isn't working probably (i.e. not reducing deterrence and disengage cooldown) but I'm not really sure about this one.

  8. Considering the Devs have a lot on their plate right now, going from Market Place, to getting Lordaeron ready, to implementing the AT core for Warsong. While also scripting some End Game Raids for MoP when they can. They have a lot of things they are working on. And as stated when Lordaeron is released a lot of the stuff will be ported over to other expansions sooner. So be patient. Also great exaggeration saying every year the server gets less population considering there was a wipe earlier this year and a year hasn't passed since everyone restarted.

  9. I really don't see how BM hunters are considered "ruined" in cata.

    The only major BM hunter bugs I'm aware of are the spirit mend bug and the pet pathfinding issues. You could just use shale spider instead of spirit beast till they fix spirit mend's healing coefficient, which is FAR more superior than spirit beast in PvP anyway.

    As for the hunter pet issues, just make sure to use a /petfollow macro or use the "Move To" command whenever you see your pet stops moving/attacking. It is kind of annoying and you'll have to spam it quite often but you'll get used to it.

    I also heard Crouching Tiger Hidden Chimera talent isn't working probably (i.e. not reducing deterrence and disengage cooldown) but I'm not really sure about this one.
    Please, shut the ****ing up if you don't know anything about BM hunter... Stay on your Blood dk

  10. Please, shut the ****ing up if you don't know anything about BM hunter... Stay on your Blood dk
    So you rather attack a person thinking that person only plays their blood dk when they could have a BM hunter and know what they are talking about?

    Seriously no reason to be hostile.

  11. Seriously no reason to be hostile.
    That ''person'' threatened me with beat me in real life because I'm alliance player, I just have to search the SS ^^
    Edited: September 7, 2015

  12. That ''person'' threatened me to beat me in real life because I'm alliance player, I just have to search the SS ^^
    And? If you really wanted to take it as a threat you could had reported him or took it up with the law. It still doesn't excuse you for attacking him for no reason. That is in the past so let it stay in the past.

  13. And? If you really wanted to take it as a threat you could had reported him or took it up with the law. It still doesn't excuse you for attacking him for no reason. That is in the past so let it stay in the past.
    Anyway he don't know what he is talking about. Bm hunters have to use Shale spider + 2 spirit beast to be eficcient in PvP.
    Edited: September 7, 2015

  14. Anyway he don't know what he is talking about.
    Suuuure he doesn't. I TOTALLY believe you.

  15. Please, shut the ****ing up if you don't know anything about BM hunter... Stay on your Blood dk
    It's true I don't a hunter myself; but my knowledge about these bugs comes from bugtracker and of course few friends who play BM hunter. And still, I clearly said I'm not sure about that.

    Get over the fact that I've wrecked your spanish áss countless times in the past few months and let's stay on topic, shall we?

    Also, I don't play blood anymore; you know.

    Edit: Headshottz (one of the best BM hunters on molten and the one who wrote the BM hunter pvp guides) never used a spirit beast in any form of pvp. He always used multiple shale spiders for maximum cc/roar or sacrifice.
    Edited: September 7, 2015

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