1. Vote shop

    Are they ever gonna reduce points needed for some old raiding gear on marketplace or they will just remain 29-30 points? I need to collect my points for 2 months just to get my shoulders and head transmogs...

  2. never.they even said in one topic that they wont change it.

  3. First of all there is no vote shop,its just marketplace,unless every time you click the ''collect'' button you do so with an announcement toward voting for...stuff,quit it.
    Secondly - the idea was that the stuff on market would also be available IGN through raiding old content - basically marketplace would be a one-stop shop for item that never dropped for you cuz RNG hated you that day/week/month,hence the high prices - it's not supposed to function like vote shop did,even tho that is it's exact use right now,but as it is right now we don't even hear a beep about heroics,let alone any new/new-old content cuz you know....a century old expansion needs all the attention. Then again i guess if they want to keep the [''best''] private server part in description without feeling full of it,then going back to almost a decade old,well rehearsed project is the safest bet. It's like fixing a single-stroke motorbike and claiming that you're a world-class engineer.

  4. I was lucky enough to buy my 2 mogs before this update, jk its souldbound for no reason FML!

  5. I was lucky enough to buy my 2 mogs before this update, jk its souldbound for no reason FML!
    i have two characters needing some tmogs pieces to finish and i waiting for marketplace to open again to finish them.,,

    buhu! suprise Q_Q

  6. The vote shop is very poor and I miss the old one. Coming back to this shop was a true surprise. I pretty much have thrown out any ideas of getting any items from the shop at all, and it seems that its best uses are for faction switching (15 points, so about a month at my 0.8 pts per day), race change (10 pts), or name change (10pts)... all of the rest is out of the window for me in terms of getting items. I miss the older shop. Also, my wolfslayer sniper rifle tmog... it is not even in the shop anymore, there are actually fewer items available now, so I am glad I got it before the change.

  7. Is it maybe possible that with 5.4.8 we will get marketplace updated?

  8. Disregard the "Vote Shop", you will get nothing out of it, the only thing you can do is patiently wait for the "SOON" to happen, where in they open all the older content on this realm.

    But considering that they are so focused on their Lovechild, Tis' not gonna happen SOON.

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