1. Lordaeron - Improved vs Ragnaros/Others? some questions.

    I played back in Molten days until it all went poof, then made a new char + restored until it all went poof again... And finally it was Warmane and I had my new chars once again, and then truthfully I just could not be assed and gave up. I heard of all these improvements and changes so I checked out Ragnaros..

    It was when a quest that half worked on Molten now doesn't work at all and is not completable (Argent Crusade, fly on drake to save NPC's trapped in web). Then I fought some spiders which walked through the floor upside down and attacked me with their asses, while head was under ground.. Then i fly away and a spider is chasing me mid air..

    Safe to say this isn't the best experience.. So i want to ask does Lordaeron have fixes and improvements and have the old servers been left to rot?

    1. Mob pathing? Its not on Raggy, mobs have no real pathing, very buggy.
    2. Quests fixed? So many broken quests it gets annoying, it seems worse now than Molten days.. Is Lordaeron better?
    3. Raids fixed? In molten days everything other than ICC was just completely broken, even ICC was very buggy/different to retail.
    4. Dungeons fixed? The dungeons were very playable on Molten, but a different experience to retail, lots of bugs..

    I like the idea of a super popular quality WOTLK, but if it's the same experience as old Molten or what I'm experiencing on Ragnaros then I just don't see the point. Raggy was an extremely cheap experience to begin with due to everything being pay to win and no real raiding or pvp culture to go by, most people with Shadowmournes never did a raid in their lives... It's not really an authentic experience.

  2. Lordaeron is indeed miles ahead of the older WotLK realms in every category you listed.

  3. In resume; all of your points from 1 to 4 are working. This is the first private server i play with working mob pathing, the first time i saw it i thought the mob was running away from me but it was looking for a path to reach me lol. Leveling my second character to 80 and havent found a broken/not doable quest yet.
    Dungeons and Raid are great.

    You can check the link summited by xZEPOx for more info.

  4. Thanks I will give it a try then.

  5. Wanted to give an update to this, I'm now mid way through northrend levelling. My experience has been

    1. Most dungeons are heavily buggy and lacking scripting or undoable (Slave Pens had untargetable mobs that would attack the group for the entirety of the dungeon, making it a waste of time as the healer would get killed. Underbog had places where 4 sets of mobs would be stacked on one spot, and where bosses had random trash mobs around them, but fine it's a WOTLK server not Vanilla/TBC.

    However with all the hype around Lordaeron I'd have expected it to get better in Northrend but Nexus was also very poor, fully doable but missing mobs, non working patrols and some mobs in random places, mana regen buff not working. The quest item book despawning for 5mins every time someone loots it is also very annoying, though I'm not sure if that is accurate to blizz servers or not, either way its very annoying.

    2. Most quests worked in some fashion, while often not blizzlike they were doable through most of the levelling experience all the way up which was great, however things actually got worse in Northrend, Dragonblight especially had some very buggy quests and "The Chain Gun and You" is completely undoable/broken and thus locking off further progression, so it seems loremaster for this zone is not doable on alliance, nor is Wrathgate (112/115 is my count).

    3. Numerous times while levelling I would fall through the world when trinketing fears or when charging mobs in the old world, from Outland onwards that did not appear to happen but instead charge would simply not work, certain mobs could not be charged at all or would evade and many areas would fail to path, making certain world PVP situations a nightmare if the terrain wasn't flat.

    4. Flying mounts cause ground mobs to pull agro and chase, rather than dropping agro and evading instantly as they would on Blizz servers, it's a minor annoyance but one that keeps popping up, it really changes the dynamic of how you play.

    5. For a hardcore server the droprates on blues/greens/cloth is massively inflated compared to Blizz servers, which is an opposite to the EXP gains you get, which to my memory seem a lot less than Blizz servers (they may not be, but I've never quested so much in my life post TBC).

    6. Finding a dungeon group can be hard, considering the high numbers posted and how busy the low level areas are it does get quite sparce as you go up and a fair amount of time was made to find players for dungeons, whether that is because people are avoiding them due to bugs or because as you go up the playerbase levelling thins out massively.

    7. PvP while levelling is pretty pointless here, there often aren't enough players taking part and most games have completely screwed number balance causing one side to have an overwhelming advantage through numbers, eventually the remaining players leave and it's over. I will refrain judgement for max level though.

    General game experience has been fun so far, enjoying playing but there has been a lot of frustration and it definitely feels like the server has a long way to go in terms of development to get it up to scratch.
    Edited: March 17, 2016

  6. So yeah, basically they didn't wanna waste any time debugging Rag/Wing when both of those servers are increased XP and easy to get to endgame on, as well as they aren't real "progressive" realms like Lordaeron is. Everything you listed about Rag/Wing is completely true, but here's what you seem to not know:

    When Warmane gets finished debugging Lordaeron they are going to port Lords core over to Rag/Wing and then those servers will all be equal, if you check the PTR right now they have a copy of ICC there and that's going to be ported into Rag/Wing very soon. So as you can see there is no reason for concern, many of us can assure you that Warmane is working hard and trying to get done as much as possible.

    I hope this answered some questions you have and have a nice day. :D

  7. So yeah, basically they didn't wanna waste any time debugging Rag/Wing when both of those servers are increased XP and easy to get to endgame on, as well as they aren't real "progressive" realms like Lordaeron is. Everything you listed about Rag/Wing is completely true, but here's what you seem to not know:

    When Warmane gets finished debugging Lordaeron they are going to port Lords core over to Rag/Wing and then those servers will all be equal, if you check the PTR right now they have a copy of ICC there and that's going to be ported into Rag/Wing very soon. So as you can see there is no reason for concern, many of us can assure you that Warmane is working hard and trying to get done as much as possible.

    I hope this answered some questions you have and have a nice day. :D
    Just wanted to point out, my update above was based on Lordaeron. It's definitely a big improvement from Raggy but still a long way to go I see.

  8. 1. You seem to have some concern about some of the lower level dungeons, but then you go on to say that it's not big deal as this is a WoTLK server, so which is it? Is it important enough to comment on or not important at all and was probably worth not even mentioning anyways? Personally I hardly even touched a TBC dungeon outside of Ramps and BF as I leveled so fast through Zangarmarsh I really didn't need UB or SP, and barely even touched the Archidoun dungeons either as it was just easier to keep questing not stop.

    I think you're being a bit picky here and overly critical. Nexus works just fine, the missing mana regen buff doesn't even effect the group and the Quest Book only takes like a minute, maybe 90 seconds at best to reappear as I did it just the other day. Everything else is there is fine and no where near poor quality as you've exclaimed.

    You seem to have this idea that things should just magically work right on private servers, but this sadly just isn't the case. As you aren't playing on a Real Blizzard Core to Wotlk, it's next to impossible to get things a 100% right, but I feel Warmanes done great this time around as things here are very VERY playable and seem to be working wonderfully, with the mild exception of a quest here and there and right now I feel Warmane is feeling the most pressure to get new content out and that content is Uldaur, so some broken low level dungeons and a quest here and there can wait. Besides, once all raids are out and debugged, Warmane can always go back and fix other known issues, they just have to keep doing what they're doing and they'll be fine. In another year or two, this will be the most impressive WoTLK server out there.

    2. There is a Work Around for "The Chain-gun and You", I usually see this quest pop up in global and try and tell people that there's a work around for it, but also yes Warmane has fixed this quest, it just broke again and right now i'm not sure there's much they can do about it that wouldn't take more time then it might be worth.

    Anyways, what you gotta do is this. I always use the Gun on the Right Side (if you're facing down into the crypts and the door is at your back, then you should know which right i'm referring to). Moving on, you have to jump into the gun and lore one of the guards out and over for him til he reaches the end where he stops by the stairs. Once's he's there, stop what you're doing and get out of the canon and the Guard will actually come to you and you can jump right back in the canon, clear the field and do it again and again... and it should take you no time to finish this quest. I hope that helped.

    3. Yes we know, this is often a bad side effect of Private Servers, there really might not be much Warmane can do without people reporting where they feel through the world and what happen to make them fall through. This is a result of weak coding, but it would take forever for a Programmer to find all the weak spots in the world on their own, so I imagine that's why WM relies on their community to find such places and report it to them. If you seriously don't think this is the norm though, then you didn't play WoW during Vanilla, TBC, and WoTLK as I can tell you straight up, that this happen to me a few times in retail WoW back in the day, so I can't hold it against WM for having the same troubles when they've been fixing this server less then a year.

    4. I really don't see how this changes anything....it's kind of a lol to me.

    5. okay, but this really isn't game changing or anything. If anything I wish they'd do the same to with ore and leather and this could help keep prices from over enflatting on the AH. I call this a perk.

    6. I can honestly say that it's sad that you've made this long winded post just to sum it up with some Anti-NO RDF BS. It's Warmane's Server and ti's their choice, play here if you want. They could put RDF in if they wanted, they just don't care right now or maybe ever. We see this all the time here and you're not bringing anything new to the table by bringing it up.

    Also, make friends here fast., A lot of people have 80's now and can run you through low level dungeons, so you might lose some xp, but you can still get quest done and a chance at some fat lootz.

    7. Nope and in many ways Retail WoW isn't to different these days. PvP'ers are always the worst people to hang around and I wouldn't expect leveling pvp to be any better or worse then endgame pvp and as Retail WoW has had millions and millions of subscribers, you really can't compare one lone private server to that of the great white whale Blizzard created, if you miss retail that much, it's still right where you left it. People come here for the Nostalga and a chance to see what WoW was like back in the day and to play it for free.

    No one ever said Warmane was perfect, but to many of us it is home and I hope you give it a real chance, maybe one day you'll call it home to.


  9. It wasn't meant as to say that I'm not having fun or not enjoying the experience and I've not written it that way, it's just my observations and experiences so far. Nothing more, or less. I got around finishing that quest but really you have to jump through hoops to glitch it to work, you'd never figure it out without really looking into it.

    Lordaeron has been pitched as a very high quality WOTLK server, to rival other servers of top quality from other expansions and I was assured it would be a different world to Ragnaros. So far I've had awesome fun overall and I'm glad I joined up, but at the same time I feel its best to be as honest as I can about what I've seen.

    It is a lot better than Ragnaros, but there are still a lot of big issues that can be improved apon.
    Edited: March 18, 2016

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