1. Wintergrasp Graveyard

    Is it normal that the Alliance and only the Alliance to suffer from the bug,malfunction..call it however you want,of being sent to the opposite graveyard,being forced to run back to the corpse.To imagine how deeply it affected the community,today the Alliance reached the last gate and almost took it down,but since all of the Alliance had to run back from nowhere,to the place they died,the Horde won again and again and the whole day,assisted by a bug.

    I am aware that such matters should be presented in the Bugtracker,where the staff dismiss them and tell us all that we don't know how to play and after that it proves that we were right(Like the minerals in Outland),but I simply want to know two things:

    1.Is the staff aware of this problem or is it another "design feature" meant to make the game more interesting for the Alliance side ?

    2.Why does this happen only on Alliance side ? Is this because the beginning graveyard is somewhat closer than other or what? I am playing on Horde side too,both assaulting and defending and never had it happen.

  2. Bump this is so annoying running around as a ghost doing nothing

  3. It's about time this gets fixed properly, it's literally UNPLAYABLE as alliance and more people are leaving the server everyday.. wtf is this

  4. Most certainly intentional as the "bug" comes and goes. Ally wins WG 90% of the time, so they use this bug to give Horde some VoA time.

    No sarcasm here, truth. Monday bug will not be here, Horde gets the weekend.

  5. Without this bug alliance was controlling WG 24/7.
    Let horde feel pro at least with bugs.

  6. One more lose.

    2 graveyards are up, but alliance players have been ported to bugged graveyard and have to run pat whole map
    Totally warmane'd.

  7. I hit 80 before 5days and i was so excited when i saw WG working so i join immediately.Everyting was OK before some horde kill me and i was teleported behind VOA entrance at horde graveyard.... 2-3 minutes walking to my body aaaand for this time horde already control all workshops and standing on top on our bodys waiting to kill us again(and another 3min walking).Like i say im 80 only from 5 days but for this time we(alliance) had 0 wins because of this "Graveyard bug". I don't know is the staff aware of this problem but for this moment WG is UNPLAYABLE as alliance player.
    My first impression for server was good but now sadly i'm thinking to quit this server ;x

  8. It's not only the alliance, do your research before posting such things... Horde had it too. The "real" hisue is not being rewarded with marks when you are dead at the time they give WG marks, it's worse.

  9. It's not only the alliance, do your research before posting such things... Horde had it too.
    Have never seen such bug while playing horde.

  10. It's not only the alliance, do your research before posting such things... Horde had it too. The "real" hisue is not being rewarded with marks when you are dead at the time they give WG marks, it's worse.
    Utter lies.

    Source: Have chars on both factions with over 100 WGs played

  11. Utter lies.

    Source: Have chars on both factions with over 100 WGs played
    I lost 2 WG because we had to res in the forteress. That's because Horde mainly have the WG that's why the bug appears less to us.

  12. I lost 2 WG because we had to res in the forteress. That's because Horde mainly have the WG that's why the bug appears less to us.
    Horde mainly have WG? ROFL. We rofflestomp you 90% of the time since WG has launched.

    This is why the bug *cough* advantage was created.

  13. Wow, i never thought you were so butthurt'd, sorry man. I'll let you from now.

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