1. BG Imbalance

    I would like someone to shed light on the current alliance buff. Over the next 2 months, PvP balance and gear distribution will snowball out of control due to alliance honor gains being to strong. Every BG that I do as horde feels incredibly lack luster due to alliance winning in honor even when the lose. When alliance lose, the horde REALLY loses. sometimes the spread can be up to 100 honor for horde, 600 honor for alliance. Below, the top 5 alliance players average more honor points than the top 5 horde players (even though it's by only 1 point, often times it's way more) even after the Horde wins.

    This just doesn't seem right.

  2. I agree that the hornor gain mayb should be lowered before August. But the reset of the perks should stay consistent.

    I started on Alliance duo to the fact that there were a server imbalance and they were trying to fix it. So some of the perks should definitely stay until August.
    Not because i gain from the perks, but because if you remove the all perks now you just "bamboozled" some people to go alliance, when horde have better racials for pvp in this expansion.

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