1. [RELEASE] [TBC 2.4.3] Custom Vanilla LoginScreen for TBC

    Login Screen:

    Loading Screen:

    Download links with login/loading Screen:

    Download Links(only login):

    How to install:
    Just place patch-t.MPQ into your data folder and launch the game!
    Have fun!
    Edited: July 25, 2017

  2. i love it - thanks - using the green style once

  3. Have fun xD I am open to your suggestions.

  4. Is it possible to provide in your MPQ file a texture for 1920*1080 screen size? That is actually the only thing i would love to see. Rest looks wonderful.

  5. Sorry i can't help you xD My laptop have 1366x768 screen size, so i can't test.

  6. All you have to do is duplicate the blp file and add -WIDE at the end of the file name, Im a wow modder so I know these things.

  7. The tbc don't have that option, but i will do it for you test.

  8. "The Wrath of the Lich King login was the first widescreen-compatible login"

    Download link for test:
    Edited: July 25, 2017

  9. tested it, didn'T change the load screen to wide sadly =(

    thanks for trying though :-)

  10. I must say something that will make you cry. YOU ARE FREAKING AWSOME! Great job for doing this and sharing with others. I wish you a great life, and great journey.

    This is wonderful and the models that you imported. Thank you good sir. I have put everything you made in my wow. And it's magnificent how it looks made everything on 1920x1080 screen look normal.
    Elune be with you.

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