Hi everyone,

I'm new to the server and would like to get back to arena after 4 years.

My exp : 2k rated in 2s & 1,6k in 3s as a FMage back in retail Warlords of Draenor.

I'm a 6k gs (4/5 wrathful set) sub rogue, LF 2s partner, preferrably FMage / Disc Priest.

I did some games with an under geared priest and he doesn't even know how to install addons, which sucks if I meet fully donated players on arenas.

I wouldn't mind partnering up with someone that is slightly undergeared, but knows what they're doing.

Do note that it has been years, so give me a week of practice to get my game back on ;)

Let me know here if you guys are interested in partnering up together

discord is a must!