1. June 1, 2020  

    Points Store discussion

    Hello guys,

    What do you use the Points shop for? Do you use it at all? I can't find no point (pun not intended) for collecting points. None whatsoever.
    Maybe I am missing something, so I ask you for some help :)

    During the Molten days their voting shop was pretty thin in relation to others, but nowadays this whole functionality looks just... redundant.

  2. June 1, 2020  
    Character rename, faction change, race change. Also you can deck out new alt and skip all the pre ICC grind.
    Pretty cool, considering it's one click a day. Also depends on realm, you can simply ignore the feature if it has no worth to you, it's not required for anything in any way.

  3. June 1, 2020  
    On a very rare occasion you might find a piece you need on the store for an alt, maybe... The services angrylol highlighted are what most people use their points on, though. The current point store pales in comparison to the one that was around a few years ago.

  4. June 1, 2020  
    Faction change to get those sweet Alliance weponds from ToC and Honour for my Xmog offcourse, Also really makes Loremaster achievement easymode.
    When I created my account I made the noobish misstake of getting a lot of blood elves (embarrassing I know) Race change helped me change 5 classes to Orcs instead.
    Getting the gear for "Herald of the Titans" Title was also made much easyer with Point shop.
    Edited: June 1, 2020

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