1. Is it worth it starting on Lordaeron?

    Basically, title. I feel like I miss WotLK, but I wonder if I will have a good time on a server that is as far progressed as Lordaeron is. Are people doing Naxx/Ulduar still? Low level content?

  2. Both Naxx and Ulduar are very rarely done because of outdated gear and as such they're only played for weekly or high-end guilds chasing titles and achievements.
    If you want to progress through WotLK, I'd recommend waiting for Frostmourne to reset in April and play it then. It progresses through whole WotLK gradually every year. Read more about it here: http://forum.warmane.com/showthread.php?t=415559 and here http://forum.warmane.com/showthread.php?t=434018

  3. I'm not into the whole idea of cash shop, so Frostmourne is a no for me. Thanks for the quick reply!

  4. The cash shop doesn't really have an impact on the game. They can't obtain weapons and armor that are better than anything available on the game so all they do is skip the grind.

  5. I'm not into the whole idea of cash shop, so Frostmourne is a no for me. Thanks for the quick reply!
    The way cash shop works there though is different than how it works on Icecrown. Items appear on store only when enough people earned them in-game through progressing the raids. On Icecrown, all items are available by default immediately.

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