1. What do the GMs even do on Warmane?

    Edit: Lessons learned, bridges burned, success earned.
    Edited: April 20, 2024

  2. I guess we could start charging you monthly to pay a GM to provide those services.

  3. The game was made to be live and be maintained by a team. You didn't even answer my question "what do gms do here?", you just made an ironic statement as a reply which is ironic in itself. I have no hate or anything against the staff of Warmane, if I have to pay to have my shield restored then I would be happy to pay a reasonable one time fee. I just can't believe I lost an item that took me months of time and effort and you guys can easily help with that but choose not to. A GM reviewing the ticket and rejecting it is as time consuming as actually doing the service a GM was meant to do.

  4. The GMs handle tickets for player reports and game breaking bugs. Like if you're doing a quest line that unlocks something fundamental and you can't complete the quest, they'll complete it for you in most cases.

  5. You can believe me or not, but GMs have told me they don't do that either. They just told me to wait until whatever quest I've been doing has been patched. I came to terms to accept that. But to me that is not important, and this issue is gamebreaking. I am a level 60 twink, I worked hard to get that shield from the a quest in aq40, and because it is a quest reward I can't get it again. I don't even have burning crusade gear. I do vanilla only when it comes to gear, enchants, even mounts etc. I lost my best in slot shield. I humbly ask that I simply get back something that is clearly worth a lot more than 8 vendor gold or whatever. If we can come to an agreement, this would make me as a player able to continue playing with something that cannot be replaced. This happened less than 24 hours ago.

  6. You can believe me or not, but GMs have told me they don't do that either. They just told me to wait until whatever quest I've been doing has been patched.
    Repost said "a quest line that unlocks something fundamental." That being something that makes it impossible to get some class ability or to get access to some end-game content, for example. It isn't for something that can be got/done elsewhere or that just isn't essential, like some achievement you get from completing a quest. Preemptively, just in case, no, twinking isn't encompassed by "fundamental."

    GMs won't return items because it's our policy. They aren't allowed to create and hand out items. You can try to get in contact with Support, in the off chance they have a different reply, but do it expecting the shield to be gone.

  7. Oh okay. I will try the Support Q&A, thank you.

  8. There's a few quests in Northrend that are simply MISSING on my mage character from howling fjord and I think zul'farrak and it's barring me from getting Loremaster. I made a ticket about it, kept it on for like 3 days until someone finally answered and I was told to "report quest bug on bugtracker, we don't complete quests". I did that and it was eventually flagged as "repost". The quests are still missing 1 year later, the staff will most likely not care about any sort of gameplay issue you bring them, I think most of their meager time online is spent banning ninja looters and bots, nothing else .

  9. There's a few quests in Northrend that are simply MISSING on my mage character from howling fjord and I think zul'farrak and it's barring me from getting Loremaster. I made a ticket about it, kept it on for like 3 days until someone finally answered and I was told to "report quest bug on bugtracker, we don't complete quests". I did that and it was eventually flagged as "repost". The quests are still missing 1 year later, the staff will most likely not care about any sort of gameplay issue you bring them, I think most of their meager time online is spent banning ninja looters and bots, nothing else .
    If the quests that were of concern were related to, for example, the DK starting zone, that's something a GM can assist with while the dev team works on a fix. That is not the same as quests that reward achievements, which is something the developers will need to correct, not the GM team. This was explained earlier in the thread.

  10. Uhm miss, I clearly said what kind of quest it was, there's no need to do a vague reply for rep. It was neither a DK starting zone nor an a quest giving an achievement,it was a normal quest chain from an NPC .The NPC simply doesn't give that quest . Look, I even tracked the post on bugtracker for you to peruse: https://www.warmane.com/bugtracker/report/106731

  11. Uhm miss, I clearly said what kind of quest it was, there's no need to do a vague reply for rep. It was neither a DK starting zone nor an a quest giving an achievement,it was a normal quest chain from an NPC .The NPC simply doesn't give that quest . Look, I even tracked the post on bugtracker for you to peruse: https://www.warmane.com/bugtracker/report/106731
    Repost said "a quest line that unlocks something fundamental." That being something that makes it impossible to get some class ability or to get access to some end-game content, for example. It isn't for something that can be got/done elsewhere or that just isn't essential, like some achievement you get from completing a quest.
    All Mercy did was point out your posting was answered multiple times already. You're just ignoring the answers given and went on throwing a tantrum.

  12. I was pointing out to the post creator that his query "What do the GMs even do on warmane?" is most likely "nothing that will help you" and then I provided an example with in-game interaction with the GMs followed by a post on bugtracker that has a link to a plethora of posts on bugtracker with the same issue and it is still "pending" 1 year later. So, if there was an issue that is "priority 1" in some of those posts and it hasn't been solved for 1 year, they'll probably not care about his shield. Then the moderator replayed by deflecting the issue, suggesting that it's "not something like DK questline and we don't solve quests that grant achievements", both of which have nothing to do with my example, a normal quest not working as intended. I'd have said nothing if the deflection actually had some reasoning to it. You're also suggesting that people cannot reinforce opinions if the authoritarian regime has given its verdict, since you're implying I can't post anymore once the "officials" have replied, ancient China much ? Long live the emperor ! Also , as a final note , please refrain from using terms such as "tantrum" , noone cares about your attempt to stroke your ego by comparing how mature you are to the general audience. Have a good day !

  13. Lost Ashen rep ring? GM job.
    Fixing a quest? Not really, GM may help you with quest progression/reset to fix an issue with it, only for quests that prevent certain game features e.g. skills, DK questline, "necessary stuff". Not to give players their unimportant items back because a player was careless.
    Answering tickets, player reports are also GM's job.

  14. The GMs handle tickets for player reports and game breaking bugs. Like if you're doing a quest line that unlocks something fundamental and you can't complete the quest, they'll complete it for you in most cases.
    Im waiting from 3 months for gms to fix a quest i did 10 tickets and they told me to report it on bugtracker, i did and it just stands there no one doing nothing, this quest is warlock quest to unlock infernal. It's bugged for me and im sure if you want to look for yourself there u go https://www.warmane.com/bugtracker/report/116094

  15. Im waiting from 3 months for gms to fix a quest i did 10 tickets and they told me to report it on bugtracker, i did and it just stands there no one doing nothing, this quest is warlock quest to unlock infernal. It's bugged for me and im sure if you want to look for yourself there u go https://www.warmane.com/bugtracker/report/116094
    You know your bugtracker report is kind of moot. Have you tried just abandoning and retaking the quest?
    Also you should look up how to properly provide screenshots. The link in your bugtracker report works for nobody but yourself. All it does is provide your name.

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