1. well thats 10% arpen it really depends if you are close to capping hard cap, if that is all you need then sure why not. Just dont double stack it since the enchant is a single proc only.
    idk if its bugged or not but it proc really often sometimes even buff not ended and proced again lol

  2. Double Berzerking, it's the best by far iirc, the average EP of ArP is 2.2 I think, 140*2.2 is 308, Zerking is 400, stay with Zerking.
    and proc rate, cd counts(if there is cd)

  3. Archetyp's Avatar
    and proc rate, cd counts(if there is cd)
    With double Zerking it's like 400 AP all the time :<

  4. With double Zerking it's like 400 AP all the time :<
    sometimes it even gives 800 ap. But when you have high arp higher its value becomes. So idk the answer.

  5. arks's Avatar
    sometimes it even gives 800 ap. But when you have high arp higher its value becomes. So idk the answer.
    Double zerking all the way, when you really get to the point when the EP of 120 ArP > 400, its proc gets you overcap, esentially wasting it.

  6. Can anyone tell me what I'm doing wrong with my Rogue?

    I gemmed that way because Aldriana's spreadsheet gave higher values for balanced agi/haste + arp, as opposed to fully gemming arp.

    I only did 9.5k in VoA 25 (w/o Bloodlust) with a pretty nice raid composition.

    I blow my cooldowns at the right time and my cycle is usually 3SnD 5E

  7. Can anyone tell me what I'm doing wrong with my Rogue?

    I gemmed that way because Aldriana's spreadsheet gave higher values for balanced agi/haste + arp, as opposed to fully gemming arp.

    I only did 9.5k in VoA 25 (w/o Bloodlust) with a pretty nice raid composition.

    I blow my cooldowns at the right time and my cycle is usually 3SnD 5E
    its your crappy offhand dagger :) get a faster one so that you can proc your combat potencies more often inturn giving you a lot more energy than that crappy dagger with the crappy bugged proc rate. Also are you close to Arp capping? by close I mean 1300-1400 if you are not I suggest just going with all Agi or AP geming instead of ArP until you get there. Then respec to bleeds and do Ruptures instead of Evis rotation.

    Actually yes you are no where near the ArP cap just go rupture rotation and you should see a huge increase in your dps. Btw with your gear I suggest going assassination till you get more ArP gear.

  8. Thanks for that detailed reply, but it turns out your initial suspicion was correct :p

    I've changed my offhand to Flesh-Carving Scalpel and now I am MUCH less energy-starved.

    I'll regem full armor penetration when DBW drops (and if they let me bid on it, since this rogue's an alt)

  9. Thanks for that detailed reply, but it turns out your initial
    I'll regem full armor penetration when DBW drops (and if they let me bid on it, since this rogue's an alt)
    you dont have to wait on dbw but a good tell is when all of your gear slots have passive ArP stats on them. You need to get rid of that 4pcs bonus choose 2 best that either cap your hit or gives you ArP.

    and remember dont eviserate with those gear just use ruptures.

  10. you dont have to wait on dbw but a good tell is when all of your gear slots have passive ArP stats on them. You need to get rid of that 4pcs bonus choose 2 best that either cap your hit or gives you ArP.

    and remember dont eviserate with those gear just use ruptures.
    I'm going 4pT10 HC. I don't need the hit/expertise from Gangrenous HC/Ikfirus HC/Geistlord HC because we don't have crit caps here. Basically the misses/dodges/glancing blows get turned into crits when you have a high amount of crit, even though it shouldn't. So it's possible to eliminate misses/dodges/glancing blows with critical strike rating.

    The reason for using 2PC+3 offset is because of the hit rating which is needed to push our crit cap to more comfortable levels.

    tl;dr - 4pT10 HC + Aldriana's HC is probably BiS

  11. assuming you are capped at 1400 Arp then yes

  12. Joshnano's Avatar
    Awesome guide!

  13. with 4p10hc i think you would need every other piece to be hc and you would need to use both apr trinkets dbw and sharpened scale to get arp cap.

    1 agi is how much crit ? maybe would be better to get smth other with better arp and get whispering skull as 2nd trinket?

  14. Since HC raids are open, you can afford to deck yourself out in HC gear

    Yes basically DBW+STS, I won't even consider any other trinkets.

  15. I dont think anyone should even begin to consider still bugged combat on molten unless they can get to over 95% arp passive.

    Going combat is just a frustrating journey consisting of a desperate search for arp stats, while having no priority over assasination rogues when rolling arp....

    ...your reward for putting up with a far more narrow selection of gear upgardes is:

    Worse dps in the vast majority of boss fights.
    Faster trash clearance when no one really cares about your dps.

    So ya combat? Why bother.

    note on combat PvP (@OP supposedly proving combat viable in pvp)

    PvP combat is just rofl fail (except some duels)... the only people who think it is a good day to day PvP spec usually have dual donor arp trinkets and/or mostly do little of use in battle grounds, seeking out single people to killingspree.

    As for arenas... anything is "viable" on molten, especially if you only aim for 2k rating because there are so many people who don't have a clue and or play non-viable comps... hell you can just partner a good spriest (nomnom crit bug dots) and you can probably hit 2.2k rate just doing sap and blind maybe cheapshot kidney shot gouge as well, doesn't make it a good spec.

    That said I would have a combat spec..... if I could have triple specs.

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