Hey guys, some of you may remember the Molten Vlog, the short lived weekly, bi-weekly vlog I used to host with kkthnxbye and some other friends of mine, a message to friends and subscribers.
*Clears Throat*

Thought I would clear that up since I have had people message me about it. Heres the story as simple as i can make it. Lately my computer I USUALLY do the vlog on is starting to degrade, lagging, crashing etc. I have been stressed about making the movies, not only that, I got ahead of myself, the lag I get on molten is too much for fraps to handle. Heres a link to my computer's Motherboard.


Also ill be uploading a video later or tommorow with more info about it.

Heres the plan, I hope withing the next 2 - 3 months i will get a job and save enough for a cheapish 6gb RAM computer for say 700 - 800$. when that does happen, I should be able to start back up again.

These Crashes that make me wait another hour in a half to que dont help. that will be the enxt thing on my agenda xD

Anyways shout out to Kkthnxbye who recorded the last few episodes on cata. Ill be sure to speak with you when i get any updates about jobs etc.

Thank you all for your subs, support, etc through the short lived series. lets hope it comes back stronger and better,

Ironically Named Molten Member;
Molten Hippies.

P.S. it has to do with a vlog series so i put it in videos. if its not in an appropriate spot feel free to move it.