Ok so , I have a shaman in sargeras (Miilly), and there alot of things missing in this guide :
-Do never use glyph of earthshield or any talent related to it (earth shield improves, and the other in enhancement tree). I run with 11/9/51 you will wonder why , well as that spec my mana barely goes down and it makes you a tank in bgs or either arena. I dont have any kins of points in critical chance talents (i run with 19% critical chance)and even so I considerer it as a great advantage to sacrify critical chance for survival talents
Glyphs that MUST be use are glyph of lhw , hw , stonecleaw as majors, minor watershield, wolf, and anhk.
In pvp (arenas or bgs) I do never use chain heal coz its useless, so in my opinion if you want to be able to heal with high amounts you must use riptide, them 2 hw , after your TIDALS waves expired, use lhw, and repeat it
Im missing alot of things, im at phonebut once I get home ill post alot of stuff