1. Hey Baby Baby Ooohh... :cool: and Happy Anniversary to us yolo! ;)

  2. Happy Aniversary, Diffraction!
    Best guild on whole Molten!!

  3. May we live up to see many more.Love sex bruders

  4. stupid paci went troll still thinks that troll is better racial then orc for hunter LOL
    pac LOL

  5. There was some "high" moments as well:

    [02:07:32][R] [Restrosexual]: my chain heal did not do extra damage.
    [02:07:34][R] [Restrosexual]: extra damage.
    [02:07:35][R] [Restrosexual]: damage.
    ROFL. Damn, S.W.I.M. remember this and yes S.W.I.M. was high as a kite... :D

  6. pac LOL
    wtf men ur avatar's like oodi's
    fak ju
    kkk happy aniversary diffrekshun i sex ju up when i come back
    2nd is tina, done with dino
    dino veri gud sex

  7. My ban has finally expired, its just awesome to get infractions twice for same post.

    OT: Defrekshen werst geld jurop al yolo en shet,
    veri gut anus' arond gild, onli dem left coz all puzziez ran

  8. My ban has finally expired, its just awesome to get infractions twice for same post.

    OT: Defrekshen werst geld jurop al yolo en shet,
    veri gut anus' arond gild, onli dem left coz all puzziez ran
    you suck yo
    imma start using this account i think :DDDDDDDDd

  9. stefaye's Avatar
    Dafuq whole day without posts? World record

  10. nothing to say, after 30 (2 days ago 31th) lk kills there is really no need to keep spamming about it since it's farmed by us 3 times a week, everything in the same day :/

  11. nothing to say, after 30 (2 days ago 31th) lk kills there is really no need to keep spamming about it since it's farmed by us 3 times a week, everything in the same day :/
    He lie yo.
    Ok i lie

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