1. Myself,I ADORE NEMO. Wish you many happy years on Molten WoW. Best Restoration Chammy werld...Wish you new pennies too...

  2. Spoiler for next week: Pregnant the Tinkerbell!

  3. This is how you beat LK HC?
    no man we beat him with h4x

  4. Dino, fek ju and ur invincibru.

    Nemo best shaman

    Pregnant best dikay.

  5. Dino, fek ju and ur invincibru.

    Nemo best shaman

    Pregnant best dikay.
    and tuber best invicibruless droid

  6. Aguiss's Avatar
    Dino, fek ju and ur invincibru.

    Nemo best shaman

    Pregnant best dikay.
    Chuber i lost with 86

    :( fekin 100

  7. Well LK was one-shoted last night and counter is going up. 10 HC became TOO mainstream 6 months ago so we are keeping track only of 25 hc's just to make our fanboys mad, nothing more, nothing less :)

    LK 25 HC kill count

  8. Grymninja's Avatar
    Well LK was one-shoted last night and counter is going up. 10 HC became TOO mainstream 6 months ago so we are keeping track only of 25 hc's just to make our fanboys mad, nothing more, nothing less :)
    I hear Reknilador got Invincible despite your guys's efforts? xD

    Gratz Rek! Now refuse to come to raid under the pretense of brushing your newly acquired pony. :)

  9. Another raid, another kill. Second this week as usual.

    LK 25 HC kill count

  10. hay thur gaiyss, hope you're all doing well. and i'll be back soon dinur, tinur, nimur, and mahir. i'll see you guys soon and tell you all whazzzhappenedz. :cool:


  11. hay thur gaiyss, hope you're all doing well. and i'll be back soon dinur, tinur, nimur, and mahir. i'll see you guys soon and tell you all whazzzhappenedz. :cool:

    We all doing wet yolo

  12. kik tuberd pls and wtf u stil kip cont of lk kils men wtf nolif

  13. kik tuberd pls and wtf u stil kip cont of lk kils men wtf nolif
    It makes our fanboys who keep track of 10 man kills mad kk.

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