1. Barbie 25 Heroic! Raid strategy

    Today the allaince guild ''We lose bg's daily'' had their first attempt at the new Molten boss called Barbie.
    I have managed to take a few SS of the boss encounter:

    Since they have wiped here's the boss leaving combat:

  2. I was thinking some Christmas event boss like the snowman last year, but this is confusing

  3. Does this post show him hackin in a BG? LAWL! he is flying on a mount in a bg _-_ report his own hacl bumb,

  4. Does this post show him hackin in a BG? LAWL! he is flying on a mount in a bg _-_ report his own hacl bumb,
    It's usable in bgs

  5. Enraged Barbie

    Waiting for pull

  6. I was thinking some Christmas event boss like the snowman last year, but this is confusing

    welcome new guy

  7. This is just hilarious, Giant *** Barbie, tiny little pocket healer.

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