1. [Guide] Arms Warrior PvP

    4.3.4 Arms Warrior - PvP Guide
    By: Juggertank
    Updated: October 12, 2015

    Note to New Players:
    use this guide as a startup, but when you lose a match, come back here to reread advanced tips to help your performance. Don't try to absorbed the entire thing at once.

    Note to Experienced players:
    Use this guide as a reference to check that youÔÇÖre remembering everything you could be doing in the battle.

    Table of Contents

    Section 1-Preparing your Character (basic)

    A. Introduction
    B. Low/No - CD Abilities
    C. Gear Used
    D. Interface required
    E. Macros
    F. Race Selection
    G. Talent/Glyph Specs

    Section 2-Arms Warriors in Action (intermediate)

    A. Opening
    B. 2v2 Team Basics
    C. Pressure
    D. Damage Mitigation
    E. Awareness
    F. Misc. Tips

    Section 3-Advanced Tips (Difficult)

    A. Countering each class- how to
    B. Cooldown use
    C. Stun timing
    D. False Pressure
    E. Intervene Timing
    F. Rage Management
    G. Mini-Bursting

    Section 1-Preparing your Character (basic)
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    A. Introduction
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    Hey Warriors, Since warrior is the class that I play and support just as much as paladin, I believe it's time that I gave the warrior community a guide as well. one thing you need to know right off the back, is that warrior forces an adrenaline-rushing ADHD Playstyle, and those who simply can't play like that will fail hard at the class until they learn to.

    Warrior damage, contrary to popular belief, is quite incredibly high in ordinary combat. Warriors have the highest non-burst DPS of all plate classes, and arguably all classes in wow. The damage pattern can be defined as Rapidly-occuring medium/high damage critical strikes (6/10 rating), raising to High damage (8/10 rating) rapid strikes during the burst.

    Defensive-wise, warriors would earn a (2/10) Rating, which is only that high because it actually has defensive cooldowns. The Defensive cooldowns are not 100% like most classes, and the most powerful defensive can be negated by disarm.

    Control: I give warriors a 7/10 In control because of the library of debuffs we have at our disposal. We also have multiple gap-closers that can be used on both enemy and friendly targets, or even without either.

    I hope the veterans of the class agree with my rating... enjoy the guide.

    B. Low/No - CD Abilities
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    This is a general description of each ability without a major cooldown.

    WarriorÔÇÖs Buffs:

    Battle Shout- Increased Strength and agility - More Power and Critical Strike Chance. Shares cooldonw with commanding shout.
    Commanding Shout- Increases Stamina - More Health. Shares cooldown with battle shout.
    Lambs to the Slaughter (or "slaughter stacks")- Increases damage by 10%, stacks 3 times for 30%.

    Juggernaut (proc)-
    Empowers your next slam or mortal strike with +25% crit chance, occurs after charge.

    Taste For Blood (proc)-
    This is your best friend, your peace of mind. This Will allow Overpower to be used every 5-6 seconds. The buff lasts 9 Seconds. (See Mini-Bursting)

    Sudden Death (proc)-
    Randomly resets the cooldown on your colossus smash; good for long-term pressure or doing a mini-burst (see mini bursting).

    Moves you to your target in less than a second, and stuns them slightly. (see crowd control)

    Charge at a Friendly player, but instead of stunning them, you take the next thing to hit them, as a favor.

    Hamstring- A Cheap Snare, only affects one target. If you put a second stack on a target, they canÔÇÖt move for 5 seconds.

    Piercing Howl-
    A Powered-Up Version of Hamstring... You Roar, and Slow everyone Around you by 50%. Costs More Rage than Hamstring, and cannot be used to lock a player in place.

    Thunder Clap-
    You Stomp the ground With a Badass Animation, Anyone hit with it will hit 10% Slower.

    Demoralizing Shout-
    Everyone Near you now does 10% less physical Damage.

    Rend is your First of Two Bleeds. Having rend on your target Is your top priority in 90+% of situations.

    Overpower Is an Arms warriorÔÇÖs Silver Bullet. It canÔÇÖt be dodged, parried, or blocked. It has an incredibly high Crit chance, and when it crits, It also Grants your Second Bleed, ÔÇ£Deep WoundsÔÇØ.

    Basic Melee interrupt; 10 second cooldown and locks out the Caster for 4 seconds if youÔÇÖre successful in interrupting. With Certain talents, you also get a damage increase when you successfully interrupt.
    (See rebuking in advanced tips)

    Mortal Strike-
    A Large Hit, on a fairly short Cooldown. It Refreshes Rend, Applies a 25% healing Debuff, and applies slaughter.

    Your Most Powerful Normal-condition Hit.. It has a short cast time, which means you need to stay right on top of your target to get one off, which can be really hard.

    A warrior's show-stopping killing blow. It's damage can push upward of 100,000 under the right conditions.

    Colossus Smash- Cuts your TargetÔÇÖs Armor In Half, and does fairly weak Damage.

    Sunder Armor- Takes away 4% of the targetÔÇÖs armor, can stack 3 times, resulting in 12% less armor. (really good with Col. Smash)

    Hits Two targets For Low Damage, Rage Dumper.

    Heroic Strike-
    Same GCD/CD as Cleave, hits only one target for slightly more damage than cleave; Rage Dumper.

    C. Gear Used
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    Gear does come down to preference, but my personal experiences tell me that a warrior needs to be as tough as possible, without giving up too much offensive stats. My warrior has 5395 Resilience, which has helped to save me from the dreaded frost mage/shadow priest shatters countless times. My warrior is still well capable of pulling 35k+ slams on weakened healers, so don't be afraid of losing offensive potential.

    - The Warrior 5-Piece Set has no other versions, so long as youÔÇÖre using the PvP Sets.
    - Your off-Pieces:
    Cloak:Mastery / Strength
    Those are your best options.

    2H: Gurthalak, Voice of the Deeps
    2H: Cataclysmic gladiator's _________
    1H: Cataclysmic gladiator's _________(Strength)
    OH: Cataclysmic gladiator's Shield wall.

    - Burst / Resil Trinket ALWAYS.

    For Humans:
    - Proc + Resil Trinket (If you want)
    - Bone-Link Fetish Is a trinket that will give you anywhere from 10k (non crit) to 40k (crit), depending on the situation.

    For Non-Humans:
    Freedom / Resilience Trinket

    Gems have a Bit of Variety for Warriors:

    Red: +50 Strength (or similar) (I sometimes use the 25 str/resil gems in these slots, because of that extra toughness it gives)
    Blue: +25 Strength / +37 Stamina (or similar)
    Yellow(Orange): +25 Strength / +25 Resilience (or similar)
    Meta: +54 Strength, +3% Crit Effects

    1. Get Hit Capped
    2. Get Expertise Capped
    3. Everything To Crit

    Head: Vicious Strength
    Shoulders: Vicious Strength
    Cloak: SwordGuard Embroidery / Greater Critical Strike
    Chest: +20 All Stats
    Wrist: +130/ +50 Strength
    Weapon(2h): Landslide
    Weapon(1h): Mending / WindWalk
    Shield: +160 Armor / Pyrium shield spike
    Gloves: +50 Strength
    Belt: Ebonsteel Belt Buckle
    Legs: Dragonscale Leg Armor
    Feet: Earthen Vitality / Lava Walker (MOVEMENT SPEED IS AN ABSOLUTE MUST!)

    D. Interface required
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    Warriors Need Addons to Let them Know Certain things, HereÔÇÖs a list of addons that should suit you well:

    GladiatorLoSsa- A Live audio news feed of what's going on in your immediate area. You can pick and choose what it ignores, and set a limit on how fast it will report things to you.

    TellMeWhen- An easy Cooldown monitor, to show you cool-downs that you want to keep track of.

    Gladius- Basic Arena UI, everyone needs this... everyone.

    Nameplate addons(pick one):
    -NamePlateAdvance (may be hard to find, but I'd highly recommend this one)
    -PlateBuffs - Good for Tracking several debuffs on targets.

    E. Macros
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    Reset Macro
    will fix any sort of autoattack bug, re-equip your main weapon. Good for beating the autoattack issues going on right now. Be sure to use this macro, even if you do not have gurthalak, with two different weapons Because Enchant procs will come and stack from different weapons. One minor bug with this, is that it targets your last target if you use it without a target, Just thought you guys should know that's normal.
    /equipslot 16 Cataclysmic Gladiator's Greatsword
    /equipslot 16 Gurthalak, Voice of the Deeps
    Battle Stance Macro
    This is your Go-To macro that should switch from Defensive stance to battle stance, and equip your two hander. I choose the resilience weapon over gurthalak because it is always better to optionally drop resilience than to be forced into it. This macro should be on the same keybind as the defensive stance macro, allowing you to click the same button to toggle your stances and equip your items accordingly.
    #showtooltip battle stance
    /cast battle stance
    /equipslot 16 Cataclysmic Gladiator's Greatsword
    Deadly Calm:
    This macro will set up your deadly calm to make everything easier on you; it uses two abilities that SHOULD be used at the beginning of your deadly calm anyway, but this macro does it for you.

    #showtooltip deadly calm
    /cancelaura Bladestorm
    /cancelaura inner rage
    /cast deadly calm
    /cast sweeping strikes
    /cast colossus smash
    /cast heroic strike
    /p == Deadly Calm ==
    Charge Macro:
    Charging should always be followed up with a rend (unless you're going at your focus, which you should be using the next macro for), because rend procs taste for blood, and will keep possible stealth classes from entering stealth without being forced back out immediately. I've added the cancelaura bladestorm because mages, hunters, and shamans will blink away while you bladestorm and try to recover while you are sitting there in a bladestorm. Canceling the bladestorm and charging will keep them on their heels.
    #showtooltip charge
    /startattack [harm] target
    /cancelaura hand of protection
    /cancelaura bladestorm
    /cast [harm] charge
    /cast [harm] rend
    /cast [stance:3] hamstring
    Focus-Charge Macro:
    This macro should be used to stun your focus, and should always be followed up with either an interrupt, a fear, a throwdown, or a some sort of snare. Be sure to think of what you will do after the charge's stun wears off before you do it, so that you're not caught looking around for something to throw at the focus target in the 1.5 second stun. If you let them get away, they'll make you pay for either soon or in the long run.

    If you want, you can combine this into the charge macro with some modifier, but my keybinds already use every modification.
    /cancelaura hand of protection
    /cancelaura bladestorm
    /cast [target=mousover, harm] charge;
    /cast [target=focus, exists] charge;
    Burst Macro:
    This's your Burst Macro. No, You should not use your trinket with deadly calm, because deadly calm opens up the door for more utility, where as recklessness is always damage. Keep in mind these macros are not the law of warriors, but useful suggestions. I threw in death wish in this macro because then it will be useful as fury. Having death wish in there without being fury does not hurt you at all.
    #showtooltip recklessness
    /cancelaura deadly calm
    /p -- Recklessness --
    /use 13
    /cast recklessness
    /cast sweeping strikes
    /cast death wish
    /use Golemblood Potion

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    Intervene Macro:
    This macro should be set on your stance bar, in the same place as your Weapon Swap Macro. be sure to check "intervene use" section!
    #showtooltip intervene
    /cast [@HEALERNAMEHERE, help] intervene;
    /cast [@mouseover, help] Intervene; intervene
    Survival Macro:
    Throws any and all of your instant-cast health increasing abilities up, to give your enraged regeneration a seriously buffed effect.
    #showtooltip Alliance Battle Standard
    /cast rallying cry
    /use Alliance Battle Standard
    /cast lifeblood
    /use healthstone
    /use Mythical Healing Potion
    /cast commanding shout
    Nerf Macro:
    This macro WILL mitigate melee damage you take by approximately 15%, if you use it regularly.
    /castsequence [stance:1] Thunder Clap, Demoralizing Shout,
    /castsequence [stance:2] Thunder Clap, Demoralizing Shout,
    /cast [stance:3] demoralizing shout;
    Defensive Dance Macro
    This is your basic Defensive stance macro. It should be on the same key as your melee stance macro, so that you can spam the same key and switch back and forth between battle and defensive stance.
    /cast defensive stance
    /equipslot 16 Cataclysmic Gladiator's Slicer
    /equipslot 17 Cataclysmic Gladiator's Shield Wall
    Berserker Macro
    Berserker Rage Macro, is mainly a defensive one. It is put in the defensive section because of the shield block aspect of it. This one macro will help protect you and open the door to your enraged regeneration simultaneously.
    /cast berserker rage
    /cast inner rage
    /cast [stance:2] shield block
    Spell Reflection Macro
    This should stop any of your casts(slam or shattering throw) and quickly throw up spell reflect. it doesn't switch to defensive stance because that is milliseconds and rage that you might not be able to afford. It's designed to make your reflect happen with speed, so that you can use it with milliseconds to spare. Speed is key when it comes to reflecting.
    #showtooltip spell reflection
    /cancelaura bladestorm
    /equipslot 16 Cataclysmic Gladiator's Slicer
    /equipslot 17 Cataclysmic Gladiator's Shield Wall
    /cast spell reflection

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    Heroic Throw(Gag Order Only):
    /cast [@focus, harm] heroic throw; heroic throw
    Throwdown Macro:
    Not much special here.... it cancels your BS and casts to get out a quick throwdown.
    /cancelaura bladestorm
    /cast [target=focus,harm] throwdown; throwdown
    Interrupt Macro:
    This is just the basic interrupt macro, does the same thing as the throwdown, but just uses pummel instead.
    #showtooltip pummel
    /cancelaura bladestorm
    /cast [target=focus,exists] pummel; pummel
    Fear Macro:
    Will keep you from breaking any fears you put out by stopping your auto attack.
    /cancelaura bladestorm
    /cast [@focus, harm] intimidating shout; intimidating shout
    /stopattack target

    F. Suggested keybinds
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    So, As a warrior.... your key bindings will be pushed to the limits, as will your knowledge of macros.
    You can't 3-button warrior, it's just an accepted truth.

    This part of the guide is optional, as it is entirely my theory behind how keybinds should be.

    First off, let me start out by asking you a few questions:
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    1. Is it easier to close your fingers or stretch them?
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    Close them, obviously.

    2. Should you be turning with keybinds on your keyboard?
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    No. If you're turning with your keyboard, you're doing it wrong.

    3. Using the WASD(default) keybinds, can you stretch your ring finger and pinky over the edge of your keyboard?
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    Most People Can.

    4.Do most classes revolve around 4 Main "regular" abilities with a variety of abilities mixed in?
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    Healers: "fast" heal, Cheap Heal, Large Heal, (variety heal).
    Warrior: Mortal strike, Slam, Colossus smash, (Cleave/heroic strike).

    5.Do most specs have a go-to spell that you would do to your target right away 99% of the time?
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    Warrior: Charge
    Hpally: holy shock
    Priest: bubble
    Death Knight: Grip
    Resto shaman: Riptide
    Hunter: Hunter's mark

    Most of these abilities are on shorter cooldowns, and serve as a good opening move for targets.

    Let me introduce you to my keybinds:
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    I have my T keybind as "target nearest enemy player"(shift+T to target nearest friendly player), and my "G" keybind as my initial ability. This means I can quickly target a rogue In stealth, and charge them (as warrior).

    S, Shift+S, F, Shift+F are my four "normal" keybinds. that's where I put my Four normal heals as a healer, and other variations as different classes.

    Space bar is still jump, but my shift+space is piercing howl, and control+space is my Nerf Macro. I do this so that I know every time I hit the space bar, I'm not expecting anything lethal, but working to survive.

    G. Talent/Glyph Specs

    Note: I do not advise you to use heroic strike specs, simply because it does not do nearly as much overall damage as slam.

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    Howl Specialization:
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    This Spec is Based around closed-quarters spread damage. Most Useful in Base-Oriented Battlegrounds and Healer/Melee Arena Teams. Maintain your Demoralizing shout, Piercing howl, and Thunder clap to give your team a serious advantage in the fight.

    Gag Specialization:
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    Based around control, this spec will minimize the damage by casters significantly. Using it, I recommend you use pummel whenever you expect the caster to use a control move on you such as a fire mage stun, a shaman's frost shock, or a bubble that a priest is looking to use.

    Evolved Specialization:
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    This spec is designed for the "better" warriors, looking to be an overall more solid fighting force.
    After some testing and some hard math.... I've worked out that this spec reduces your damage slightly, but greatly increases your damage resistance, rather than allowing a proc to heal you. In addition, this spec allows you to control casters, as well as keep rogues on their heels. You may be at say 95% of your full force, but you're opening up damage potential and control potential to counter classes that are generally expecting you to be a pushover.

    Section 2-Arms Warriors in Action (intermediate)
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    A. Opening
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    So, As a warrior, the opening of a match usually defines how the rest of the match will go. If you let the other team get over-confident, they will run you and your healer into the ground(most likely). Because of how your class rates defensively, you need to stay leaning forward and forcing the enemy team to stay on their heels.

    First and Foremost, if there is a rogue on the other team, and a target-able healer/dps, here's what you do:
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    If your battle shout is not on cooldown:
    -Switch to defensive stance
    -Cast Battle Shout
    -Intervene your healer
    -Have your healer mount over to the visible target as fast as possible, and get in combat. With your healer moving across the map so fast, a stealthed rogue should only be able to sap him once before he gets into combat. That one and only sap will go on you, a warrior, who can berserker rage out of a sap if they decide to open on your healer. If they open on you... sap wasted.

    Frost/Fire Mages:
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    Be sure to stay within 30 yards, but more than 20 yards away from your partner. This will make sure that only one of you are hit by a frost nova/Dragon's breath when the mage leaves stealth.

    Normal Case:
    You need to size up your enemies. In order to do this, you need to have a good idea what the stats of a fully geared, full resilience player of that class would have with the given buffs. Also, you need to look for A healer's procs, which would give away the fact that they are missing ~500 resilience for an extra bunch of spirit and intellect. Once you decide who the weaker target is, you need to gear check them. Open with a "mini burst", and see how low they get. (See Mini-Bursting Section)

    they should drop to about 70% health if fully geared, and if they drop any more than that, you've found a very good kill target.

    B. 2v2 Team Basics
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    For this, Let's assume you are playing with a healer, as that's the most viable option for arms warriors.

    Vs Healer/DPS: You need to try your best to spread pressure between the healer and dps in most cases.
    For example, if you face Disc/Arms: You want to spread your mortal strike debuff and bleeds on both the healer and the dps, making the healer use more healing, and in turn forcing their mana to drop faster.

    Vs Dps/Dps: This is your weakest area. Warriors have a 2/10 defensive rating, but it's still quite possible to win without any worries against most compositions.

    -Keep rend, deep wounds, and mortal strike(debuff)(If possible) on both targets the best you can.
    -Refresh and renew ThunderClap/Demoralizing Shout using the "nerf" macro.
    -Use Piercing Howl to Snare everyone before you intervene your healer.
    -Stun/Fear/Disarm the DPS bursting you to make your healer's life a lot easier.
    -Outwit, outplay, outlast. Play smart and play defensive, because odds are that time's on your side in these fights. However, there are certain double dps compositions where it is much more effective for you to go offensive with a dispel-ready healer; these will be outlined in the class-specific counter section.

    C. Dealing Damage (basic)
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    So.... damage dealing as a warrior tends to be the most confusing part to players who are new.
    Warriors get a bunch of procs coming, and it can be hard to tell what to use at times, if you're really new.

    Fist off, take a look at this picture showing a warrior's damage Percentages:
    You Can see below that warriors have three main DPS abilities: Slam, Mortal Strike, and Overpower.
    One thing to note is that because this is on a dummy, Slam becomes a much more viable choice for DPS, so I used it a lot more here.

    So your 3 main DPS are pretty unique, but they're all connected.

    Mortal Strike - Refreshes Rend, Deals pretty good damage, and adds/Renews Slaughter Stacks.
    Overpower - Requires Rend, boosted by Slaughter Stacks, High Chance to Crit.
    Slam - your... Normal Damage Ability. It's what you use when there's no better choices at the moment. If you keep using it for too long, yes you will put out a ton of damage, but you'll lose slaughter stacks and miss Overpower Procs. So keep in mind that Biggest damage is not always the best choice as a warrior.

    So, What SHOULD you do?
    (by priority):

    1. Rend- should always be used first on anyone you want taking damage. Rend is your "trojan horse" of abilities, opening the doors to your powerful hits.

    2. Slaughter stacks - Mortal strike gives you a slaughter buff, stacking up to 3 times; mortal strike also renews your rend.

    3**. Execute - Execute does HUGE damage (more than slam actually), and can fall dead even with overpower because of it's low crit chance. You need to get this off ASAP because it will dip the target down low enough that you might get a second or third execute off, and actually power straight through the healer's healing.

    3. Overpowers - Be sure to use every taste for blood proc you get, It is, as you saw, a HUGE damage source of arms warriors.

    4. Slams - When there's nothing else to do you can go for the big-hitter; slam. Slam can crit upwards of 80k on full starter geared(vicious) Cloth-wearers. It is REALLY fun to see slam crit, because it returns such high numbers when it crits at the right time.

    5. Heroic Strike/Cleave: Your rage dumps, Should be used if you hit 100 rage to keep your rage from going to waste. Cleave does 90% of heroic strike's damage but may hit two targets resulting in 180% damage and almost double the rage efficiency on a rage dump.

    D. Damage Mitigation
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    So warriors need to mitigate damage as much as they can when their healer is returning from a CC-Chain, to avoid dying... It's your responsibility to know when that is.

    You have:
    -2 Stuns
    -1 Fear
    -1 Disarm
    - 1 root
    - 2 snares (piercing howl is an AoE)
    - 1 Freedom Effect
    - 1 Pain-Supressing ability
    - 2 Escape Abilities (Leap and Intervene)
    - 2 Damage-Reduction Debuffs
    - parry/Block Chance
    - Line of Sight

    Noob Warriors don't know what to use, or when to use it.
    Good Warriors will use the right things, and maybe at the right times.
    Excellent Warriors will use the right things, in the right combination, and save 90% of them for later.

    Look at the class you're having trouble with and see what you could put together to mitigate their damage/burst.

    E. Awareness
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    As a warrior, you lack string defensive abilities. that's a given fact that just about everyone knows, only trolls/******s will deny it.
    When you play a warrior, you need to have a heightened sense of awareness to think ahead and prevent potential damage from unfolding (avoiding kill setups).

    To get this heightened sense of awareness, you need to understand what everyone's trying to do, which can and will be a lot to keep track of.
    A good place to start is playing all of the healer classes a bit, to know what they need in order to survive, along with what they use to save their dps.
    Also, look for patterns in how each class sets up their kills:

    Example 1: Enhancement shamans will root you with frost shock, and drop their searing totem, so that they can stack 5 searing flames, and get the opening lava lash on you.

    Example 2: Frost Mages will pop ring of frost and/or mirror images and root you, followed by a burst macro and frostbolt/ice lance.

    (look for class-specific counters in section 3-A for a continuation of these)

    F. Misc. Tips
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    None yet :)

    Section 3-Advanced Tips (Difficult)
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    A. Countering each class- how to
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    There's not a lot you can do to beat down an equally geared holy paladin; If they know what they're doing, you won't kill them without some lucky procs and a fail or two on their part. they're good targets to practice on, because most healers won't be able to take the amount of pressure that paladins can.

    In arenas you never hit the holy paladin. They get more holy power from taking damage, and they have passive talents to heal themselves while they heal their dps. You only look to interrupt, fear, and throwdown the paladin. You only go for a kill on the holy paladin if he is under geared, or if his partner is dead.

    -use a hamstring or a piercing howl on the paladin to snare them, they may get annoyed enough to freedom themselves.... leaving their DPS open to an improved hamstring.

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    -Battle shout glyphed is best here; you want to have commanding shout ready to use mid-duel (duel should last 20-30 seconds).

    -Charge into Recklessness/Trinket Burst, Throwdown once the charge stun wears off. He should trinket this.
    -If your recklessness doesn't screw you over, you should be able to dip him low enough to proc sacred shield right before he pops wings. If you get really lucky, you can break through it before he gets his wog off.

    -If he gets his wog off before sacred shield fades, the game is now even. Use your deadly calm macro once your recklessness fades, and work him down.

    -Be sure to use commanding shout/Rallying Cry/enraged regeneration once you hit 75% health; expecting that he deals another 10% of your health during the effect of enraged regen and landing you right back on 100% health.

    -Use Fear at the beginning of his zealotry Burst, and use TellMeWhen(Addon) to watch for <Art of War> Procs. If you see this proc during his burst, you NEED to reflect that. it is HUGE damage that's not reduced by armor at all.

    If you do all of this right, you should be able to go toe-to-toe with ret paladins, assuming that they do not get too lucky with procs and crits.
    -Note every tip from the dueling portion.

    Kill Target: Ret paladin

    -Open on ret with a charge, rend, hamstring, (piercing howl if you got it). the ret will either freedom himself or dispel the snares. You WANT that ret to keep dispelling snares off himself, because he's burning through mana very fast.

    Once the ret uses freedom on himself or his partner, improved hamstring whoever doesn't have the freedom (very annoying for rogues to get rooted by hamstring).

    Save fear for the wings, and then throwdown for after he trinkets. Following the throwdown you can disarm and just kite.

    Obviously you need to shatter his bubble if your healer can't, and just run him into the ground as the match goes on. Ask your Healer to CC the Ret's partners to the best of their ability, so they cannot peel you off the paladin as he hits low health.

    Kill Target: Ret Paladin OR Disc Priest.

    The Tips above apply;

    -Spread Bleeds between the paladin and his healer (rend one, overpower until he gets deep wounds, and do the same to the healer)

    -Spam un-Improved hamstring on the paladin to force freedom or dispels, causing the paladin to oom.

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    -Prot paladins aren't too complex, but just be sure to keep them snared to do damage. Fear them during wings, and use bandages during this time if they aren't using seal of truth.
    If you see a prot paladin in arenas, it's usually blood dk/prot pally. Kill the pally first, and work on the blood dk.

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    -Spell Reflect when you see Nature's Grasp, throw down after the first one fades, and bladestorm after the second one fades. You can spell reflect and heroic throw to cause the druid to be rooted at a distance.
    -be SURE to keep bleeds on the druid, because it will force the druid to use GCDs and mana on himself rather than CCing you or your healer.

    -Look to reflect cyclones if you can, but good druids are tricky with their clones.

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    -Fear the druid when he uses StarFall, because the druid needs to be in control of himself for the starfall to actually do damage.
    Smash the boomkin's face in, same deal as a warlock. you out-DPS them heavily, and they don't do well at all when you're in their face.

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    - The strategy is to Get damage off before they can run and recover energy. Like ret paladins, druids have a short delay before their damage kicks in, so you need to do the damage right as the duel starts.

    -Trinket their opening stun, NOT their cyclones.
    -only throwdown after a charge (leap away to charge)
    -Colossus smash and recklessness (save bladestorm) burst. You want to be behind the druid to get through their insane dodge rate, and be bursting into their humanoid, travel, or cat form, rather than their bear form.

    -Swifty Duels Vs Feral Druids (4.3.4)
    Put your Back to a corner to mitigate the druid's damage, and be ABSOLUTELY certain to rotate the Nerf Macro. The Druid isn't usually the kill target, but there are times where you can put some Real damage into them.

    the Druid will usually pounce-Cyclone your healer as an opener, then begin to DPS you. To beat this you can intervene your healer and have the healer do what they can to stop the opening cyclone.

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    -The mage will try to polymorph you into an Improved Polymorph Right in the opener. Try to spell reflect this polymorph. if you trinket this, they will need to either trinket the reflected poly or ice block.

    -After it is reflected, run up to them and get an impoved hamstring off, and begin your DPS. Expect a frost nova and blink. you can either trinket this or bladestorm.

    -Wait a second after they blink to charge, because there's a bug where the mage is immune to stun a second after they blink.

    -Once you get on them (after a blink) and throw them down, smash their face in.
    -Sit on the Arcane mage.

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    Swifty Duels Vs. Frost Mages
    A couple things I'd like to add to this video:
    -ALWAYS save spell reflect for the pet's Freeze. After the pet freezes, the mage will get two powerful ice lances or a deep freeze. Both of these are a good thing to reflect back at him.

    Best healer for beating a frost mage: Discipline priest

    You need to Hit that mage hard, and ask your Healer to focus almost entirely on dispels, because frost mages do very low damage on a dispelled target.
    Also note, if you are dispelled, you can interrupt polymorphs going onto your healer.

    Mages are the Pressure target, but may not always be the kill target. you stay in their face until they leave their healer/partner vulnerable. If they never go defensive, you never swap off them.

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    Use TellmeWhen to Watch for Hot Streak. Hot streak is a fire mage's Green-Light to burst. Their burst is simply instant pyrobast -> combustion. The pyroblast is their main source of burst damage, so you need to protect yourself from that.

    Save your Trinket for dragon's breath, because the mage will usually stop and hard-cast pyroblast while you are disoriented. you may want to make a macro to instantly pummel after you trinket, that's up to you.

    Fire mages are very vulnerable to interrupts because almost all of their abilities are in the fire school, and the mage is casting 24/7.

    Be Sure that someone is regularly interrupting the fire mage, because he can become a real issue if you let him get on a roll. Fire mages are also good swap targets because of how squishy they are in nature. Keep bleeds on them to exhaust their healer's mana, and don't let them get any pyroblasts on you.

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    Swifty Duels vs Rogues

    Some food for thought vs. Rogues
    Addition to the video tips:
    -DO NOT try to stack slaughter stacks; their dodge is way too powerful, and you will just end up wasting rage. you will be looking for overpowers and rends for the majority of your damage.

    -USE THUNDER CLAP to refresh Rend! Thunder clap will NOT miss or be dodged by a rogue, and the range is much greater than melee range.

    -Intervene your healer at the start of the fight; you may need to use deadly calm to do this, but it's still worth it. Your healer needs to use your intervene buff to be immune to the first sap going his way, and get in combat before the rogue smartens up and saps him again.

    -Rogues HATE to be rooted. they don't have respectable bleed damage to pressure from a distance. If you can root a rogue mid-burst and get away from him, you've sent him a clear message that he's not going to control you and your healer.

    -Intervene your healer when you hit ~60% health because you can take a blind, garrote, sap, gouge, kick, or kidney shot.

    If you haven't seen the pattern here; intervene is the key to countering a rogue's control abilities.

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    Swifty Duels vs Warlocks

    -Trinket Death Coil, it's an instant fear that doesn't break on any damage and can't be broken with berserker rage.
    -Bladestorm out of Shadowflame (warlock's snare)
    -Don't let them set up a portal somewhere that you can't reach... don't agree to duel them if they try to play this trick on you.
    -Use Dueling Tips

    -Hamstring the Warlock AT OR NEAR his portal. They like to portal when you get them under a double hamstring, to wait out the root.

    -Warlocks need to run with a resto shaman or they cannot survive against anything. Have your partner break the shaman's earthbind totems.

    -Put Mortal strike, rend, and deep wounds on the pet along with the warlock, so that the pet is taking it's own damage as well as shared damage from the warlock.

    -Focus on rotating your two silences, charge stun, and throwdown to keep the warlock's damage at a minimum.

    -Trust in class balances; don't be afraid to go hard on the warlock, because you ARE the dominant class fighting a warlock 1v1.

    -The Goal for Warlock/Healer will be to drain the healer's mana down, because warlocks are incredibly inefficient with mana, but use life tap to regain it. If a healer tries to drink, that's your opportunity to kill the warlock, because locks are squishy!
    Capitalize on that.

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    The very little experience I have facing demonology warlocks gives me the impression that they're the arcane mage of warlocks; not really made for PVP, but still do big hits. Look at them as the arcane mage of warlocks and just treat them as such.
    I got nothing here.... demo locks are so rare. I know they take a lot of damage and stand little to no chance against any brained warrior, regardless of gear.

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    So Destruction is a warlock's attempt to being a frost mage; you see them now simply because they can live longer than 5 seconds vs a warrior in a 1v1. There's a catch though.... they do such hilariously low damage that they'll never manage to really hurt you. Compare it to a hunter with only concussive shot, ice trap, and scatter shot.
    Nothing to be said here.... Warriors will dominate warlocks in arenas. just be sure to not over-extend and die by accident.

    Death Knight
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    Swifty Duels vs UH DKs
    -Fear the Big Pet when he Transforms into a Brute.

    -Control the pet rather than the death knight; It is harder for enemy healers to cater to the pet than the death knight, and the pet is really a major source of the death knight's damage.

    -Use Disarms on cooldown to help your healer stay above the necrotic strike debuff.

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    -Root him
    -Rape him
    -Save Bladestorm for chains of ice (only after he is no longer rooted) when If/When he tries to kite you.

    Frost DKs aren't really an arena spec any more. They lack the survivability that most healers like; and that's to your advantage. You need to pressure that death knight to the point where he's forced to use unholy runes on death strike, rather than necrotic.

    The FDK fight is really straight forward; just maintain your buffs and manage your procs, and you shouldn't have any issues.

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    Best macro for fighting Blood Death Knights in a 1v1 Duel:
    Ask your healer to help with DPS. Stay disciplined in your damage-dealing, and you should work the death knight down after a while.

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    Swifty Duels vs MM Hunters

    -Spell Reflect when you see the hunter drop a Freezing trap; spell reflect will not actually reflect the freeze, but rather just allow you to step over it without becoming a sitting duck.

    -Save heroic leap and throwdown for after they use deterrance. This is going to be your killing attempt. If you do not drop them to near-death in this throwdown, you can expect to lose the fight.

    Beast Mastery:
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    -Hit the Hunter. Good BM hunters won't let you kill their pet in a 1v1.

    -Swap between the hunter's pet and his healer. If there is no healer, focus on the hunter's pet the whole time until it dies. BM hunters without pets are nothing. they have no real crowd control power, no burst, not even good sustained damage.

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    -Discs will try to bait your pummel with mind control; do NOT fall for it, Refresh slaughter right before he starts the mind control channel, and you should be able to resume killing him like nothing ever happened.
    -Don't throw the priest down while he has a bubble up, Wait to break it and then throw him down.

    -Watch for the disc to lose his bubble and all buffs on himself, And you can pull off a Jaw-dropping swap on the priest, which can be fatal. Be sure you have all of your buffs built up before you try this though.

    -Force Pain Supression on the priest's partner.
    -Build Slaughter, enrage, Full rage bar.
    -Heroic Leap-Throwdown the Priest
    -Recklessness/Colossus smash
    -50k Slams /30k overpowers for a shock & Awe Kill.

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    Swifty Duelvs vs Shadow Priest

    -Priests become a lot more of a threat when they can free cast. Keep someone/something (preferrably you or a death knight) on him to interrupt, and you should have much less of an issue.

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    -Don't interrupt mind control.
    -It IS a valid option to train the priest because he doesn't have pain supression.
    -Do not hit a target with guardian spirit on him; Just CC the Priest for the duration of it, and wait for it to fall off. it's a 10 second buff, sort of a lay-on-hands triggered by death.

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    -Spell Reflect the long-range Frost shock, because you will root him, rather than the other way around. If he roots you, he will drop his totems and wait for 5 searing stacks before he goes into melee range of you.

    -Break searing totem if at all possible; that totem is the key to their 100k lava lashes.

    -Try to predict when they will use wolves, and bladestorm right before if you can. the wolves auto-use their stun right when they're summoned, so the goal is to be immune to that stun when it comes.

    -Retaliation is an enhancement shaman's weakness. You hit them with larger numbers than they hit you for, but with retaliation you will be hitting them just as fast as they're hitting you. Combine it with a colossus smash for the shaman to drop himself nearly twice as fast as he'll drop you.

    -Retaliation/Bladestorm will be your Big Damage on him. Be 100% certain not to let him kite it.
    -You can kill the Wolves for victory rush (once molten brings them down to their correct 40k health, rather than 130k).

    -Have your healer Break his Searing totem and healing stream totem consistently, and the shaman will do VERY little damage. With the totem gone, the shaman becomes a sitting duck.


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    Swifty Duels Vs Elemental Shamans

    -Tell your healer to NOT dispel flame shock because it gives the shaman 3x casting speed.

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    Just don't do it.

    -Apply dots to the shaman whenever you get the chance, and even put a little mini-burst into him to force some healing and more mana use.

    -If the target is taking a lot of damage, even if they have earth shield on, Keep beating their face in. You may not be totally aware, but the shaman is losing mana fast if earth shield isn't holding the target up by itself.

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    Swifty duels vs warriors

    Two Starts to the warrior 1v1:
    -Melee range: Requires that you have rate right before it starts.
    -Charge Gamble: Requires better internet than the opponent.

    Some tips:
    -Retaliation vs his bladestorm
    -Try to bladestorm when he leaps-charges, and Cancel your bladestorm into a throwdown.
    -If they don't snare you right away, root them and use the Nerf Macro from a safe distance.
    -Disarm Recklessness and follow the disarm with shield wall, Rallying Cry, Regeneration.

    -Be sure to maintain the nerf macro.
    -Intervene your healer if you get low health, to take the next interrupt or throwdown.

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    -Do your best to live through their burst. Retaliation is good vs them because they tend to hit faster than a normal warrior.

    -Call out to your partners when he is bursting. be 200% Sure to go defensive and control him, because you may find yourself with a new A** If you don't.

    B. Cooldown use
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    Deadly Calm
    Should be used as an intermediate burst cooldown, When you want to really test the other team, but don't really dare to go all-out yet.


    DC also has more flexibility in usage, so you can use it to go defensive and have no need to worry about rage requirement.

    There's not much to be said here, other than to be sure to only use recklessness when you're 90% certain it will be the difference in killing the target and them recovering. You need to be very careful with using recklessness, because it is on a 5 minute cooldown, and causes you to take more damage (pretty stupid).

    Shield Wall
    Two Uses:
    -Mitigate a burst coming your way immediately as it starts.
    -Healer is going into a CC Chain, and you're probably going to die anyway.

    Rallying Cry
    Two Uses:
    -Empowered Self-Heal When you don't have an active healer with you.
    -Borrowing time for your partner who is low health.

    Enraged Regeneration
    Two Uses:
    -Counter-Act a burst on you.
    -Standard 1v1 heal. You want to use enraged regen and rallying cry when you are at around 70% health, so that you should land almost on 100% normal health when both of the cooldowns fade away.

    Multiple uses for this cooldown, but the main one is the Freedom and unstoppability that it offers.
    -Good for baiting a disarm on a rogue, so that you can use recklessness without any worries.

    Best used to take a CC intended for your healer. See Defensive macros & Intervene Timing.

    Throwdown is pretty basic, but you should know that when people trinket this, it's not an immediate freedom like most stuns.

    See Stun Timing.
    Heroic Leap

    There's a few not-so-obvious uses for heroic leap.
    On this Arena map, you can bait someone's burst (for example a ret paladin), and then just leap up to the top, COMPLETELY ruining their burst.

    You can also use heroic leap to Line-of-Sight big casts such as mind blast.

    C. Stun Timing
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    Try this trick:

    -Interrupt a cast (locks them out for 4-5 Seconds)
    -Wait 4-5 Seconds (Damaging them obviously)
    -Throw them Down (another 5 seconds)
    -Interrupt their next cast again.

    It works really well vs. holy paladin or shadow priest.

    D. False Pressure
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    (vs healer/dps)

    In an arena match, players have a habit of sizing you up as a warrior and allowing themselves to get lazy with how they play. I like to play mind games with them, and not put out 100% pressure at the start. I let them adjust to my half-effort pressure... and then at a certain point in the fight I'll turn up the heat.

    E. Intervene Timing
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    Intervene, in my opinion, is the defining difference between good warriors and average warriors.
    Intervene will Take the next physical attack your targeted player receives.

    This Includes:
    -Any Melee interrupt
    -Scatter Shot

    There is one downside to this, however... It also takes certain melee hits, so your intervene might be wasted just because they hit your target with a physical attack.

    F. Rage Management
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    This is pretty important currently... warriors are having a hard time without rage coming from damage taken.
    Some tips you can do to help yourself with rage:

    -Only Cleave/Heroic Strike when you are at >90% Rage.
    -Only Mortal strike a target when slaughter is at 50% duration.
    -Overpower is your Best Friend.
    -Spec into Slam, the more rage efficient spec.

    G. Mini-Bursting
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    Warriors have buffs and procs that give them a lot of crits. You can manipulate these buffs and procs in such a way that you can do a mini-burst without actually using any cooldowns. Here it is:

    -Charge (gain Juggernaut Buff)
    -Rend (Gain Taste for Blood)
    -Colossus Smash (50% weaker target)
    -Mortal strike (Lose Juggernaut, Gain "enrage")
    -Overpower (should be used right after taste for blood's half-way point.)
    -Berserker Rage (to gain a little rage needed to finish the mini-burst)
    -Overpower (Immediately after it procs)
    -Mortal strike again, And allow yourself to settle down into your normal rotation.

    This can be done once every 15 seconds or so, so keep it in mind.

    If you have any questions, you can find me on Warsong.
    "Juggurtank" - Human Warrior.

    I hope this guide helped you in one way or another. please leave a comment with your thoughts about it.
    If you Liked it, consider checking out my Holy Paladin 4.3 PvP Guide or BGs Guide!
    Edited: October 15, 2015

  2. really nice giude man.the false pressure section is good.if playing warr/healer i always start on the dps.you can easily get the dps to 60-70% hp within the first 10 seconds of combat.throwdown the healer,deadly calm,you just forced atleast on trinket in the first 15 seconds.if your reading the advanced section you know what your doing anyway

    i agree with the intervening too.intervening and focus charging casts really do separate a good warr from the average bg tryharder

  3. Great guide but there is also another specc which I play, it works but you need to have great rage management. http://armory.molten-wow.com/charact...lux/Frostwolf/. I play 32/7/2 which is both slam and heroic strike specc. That way you can burst and have sustainable damage in arena and bgs. It's really hard to get used to but once you do master it, its srsly good.

    Also would be really nice if you made a vid so its easy to understand for new players.:D

  4. I dont have a 85 war yet but ama pretty sure this guide'll be really helpful to newbie(also detailed from triumph one).imho add hit,exp cap,reduce the number of spoilors(it really hurts to my lowbie phone hehe),isnt thr any burst macro

  5. Gj on making this jugger.

    Nice and clean to understand.

  6. I don't recommend following this guide for reasons.
    I'm not able to post anything because apparently it will be seen as "insulting" for the forum moderators which is pretty funny to be honest, considering it's just an opinion, not an insult. hence, "don't recommend"
    Anyway, I beat him on my Warrior (full vicious) while he was playing the better comp, on his full Cataclysmic warrior.
    I managed to out-damage him on my Warrior after the arena was over.
    I'll make a guide if anyone wants. x)

  7. Swagmonsterx IRL:
    Full vicious with a 395 ilvl... That's quite amazing. Last I knew, you had the same exact weapon as me, and you were playing gag order with an interrupt-specced restoration shaman. I had a holy paladin and played with slam spec. Claiming that I had the better comp in the match-up is a pretty good showcase of the type of person in your little circle of cheaters.

    If you really came here just to trash on a guide and even went through the effort to re-post the insult twice, I'd recommend finding the nearest skyscraper and becoming a human physics experiment. This's meant to educate people, not be a showcase of any sort of skill, so please... Take my suggestion.

  8. I don't recommend following this guide for reasons.
    I'm not able to post anything because apparently it will be seen as "insulting" for the forum moderators which is pretty funny to be honest, considering it's just an opinion, not an insult. hence, "don't recommend"
    Anyway, I beat him on my Warrior (full vicious) while he was playing the better comp, on his full Cataclysmic warrior.
    I managed to out-damage him on my Warrior after the arena was over.
    I'll make a guide if anyone wants. x)
    Please make a guide :D

  9. Just few questions:
    - Why don't you consider the possibility to pick up Sweeping Strikes on your spec? Don't you find it useful in any kind of pvp situation?
    - I've seen that, instead of using one general spec viable for every kind of challenge you may face, you have two very different specs: one which maximizes your chance to beat mdps, and one built to counter healers and casters. Since you can't predict which kind of enemy you will face, neither in bgs or arena, don't you find yourself too much exposed when you, for example, fight a comp composed by casters with the slam spec? I'm asking you this because I've seen you don't even use the Spell Reflect glyph on that spec.
    - I know that you are suggesting to build up a very resilient warrior, with a lot of resilience gems and enchants, but wouldn't be better to find and use only one spec which allows you to be prepared to every kind of challenge you may face, instead of relying only on your resilience?
    - Talking about the addons, what do you think about Platebuff? My gameplay relies a lot on this addon, which allows me to track the timing of my debuffs applied on the target and the buffs used by him. Most of our abilities and talents are related to these bleeds and debuff we apply on the target, so I find this addon almost mandatory.

  10. Good guide in General!

    But keep in mind that you are dealing with molten bugs, which affect your gameplay. be aware that they may be fixed in the future. For example: Execute gains double extra bonus from slaughter, victory rush should only procc from hunter's pet or Players (not wolves or gargoyl) and you also shouldn't be able to heroic leap/Charge/intervene on top of that pillars. But the last bug will be fixed in maybe...2years?

  11. Just few questions:
    - Why don't you consider the possibility to pick up Sweeping Strikes on your spec? Don't you find it useful in any kind of pvp situation?
    For 3v3 it is useful, But With how sweeping strikes is behaving right now (double reduction), I don't feel it's worth taking over a talent such as rude interruption.

    - I know that you are suggesting to build up a very resilient warrior, with a lot of resilience gems and enchants, but wouldn't be better to find and use only one spec which allows you to be prepared to every kind of challenge you may face, instead of relying only on your resilience?
    Every Spec you make has weak spots in it. The ideal warrior spec would have both piercing howl and gag order, but we don't live in a perfect patch. Resilience is good against everyone, and acts as duct tape covering the holes in our class.

    @your polar opposite spec question; The point of the specs there are to show what warriors shoot for when they go into each spec. They can try for themselves what works in-between, But should start with specs that 100% achieve the goal the spec is made to do.

    - Talking about the addons, what do you think about Platebuff? My gameplay relies a lot on this addon, which allows me to track the timing of my debuffs applied on the target and the buffs used by him. Most of our abilities and talents are related to these bleeds and debuff we apply on the target, so I find this addon almost mandatory.
    I use NameplateAdvance for a modified nameplate, But I'll add your addon into the addon suggestions.

  12. For 3v3 it is useful, But With how sweeping strikes is behaving right now (double reduction), I don't feel it's worth taking over a talent such as rude interruption.
    Actually my spec includes both Sweeping Strikes and Rude Interruption, with only one talent point spent in both. It's almost like your Slam spec, but with two talent points spent on Sudden Death (another thing: it's quite strange you don't want to double the chances to reset Colossus Smash cd, it's our most important debuff alongside with Mortal Strike), and without any point spent on Drums of War. I don't find this talent so effective. You have choosen to put two talent points here to let your Pummel become free, but Pummel doesn't seem to be a rage starving ability so I don't agree with this choice.

    Every Spec you make has weak spots in it. The ideal warrior spec would have both piercing howl and gag order, but we don't live in a perfect patch. Resilience is good against everyone, and acts as duct tape covering the holes in our class.

    @your polar opposite spec question; The point of the specs there are to show what warriors shoot for when they go into each spec. They can try for themselves what works in-between, But should start with specs that 100% achieve the goal the spec is made to do.
    Assuming the fact that we can't create a spec which includes everything, it's exactly because of this inner limit that I find important to create a spec which is balanced between the two, with just some corrections related to the glyphs choosen and the talent points spent here and there. Don't take this as a negative critic to your gameplay. Everyone is free to choose the playstyle he likes the most. I'm just saying that maybe, in a general guide like this one, you should consider also a third spec which is not so specialized to persue only one goal, being this one to beat a mdps or a caster. I personally like these one:

    - Slam spec

    - Hoodrych spec

    The difference between the two is only related to the fact that the second one has got two talent points spent in Incite, in order to alternate between Heroic Strike and Slam when you have or you haven't got a lot of rage points to spend, and obviously to profit from Incite procs, expecially when you are trying to burst down the opponent.

    It's your guide man, so it's all related to your choices. This is just my suggestion. Have fun, and keep on rocking playing the most funny class in the game.

  13. I don't recommend following this guide for reasons.
    I'm not able to post anything because apparently it will be seen as "insulting" for the forum moderators which is pretty funny to be honest, considering it's just an opinion, not an insult. hence, "don't recommend"
    Anyway, I beat him on my Warrior (full vicious) while he was playing the better comp, on his full Cataclysmic warrior.
    I managed to out-damage him on my Warrior after the arena was over.
    I'll make a guide if anyone wants. x)
    i cant wait to see this

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