1. thanks man,i'm the guy that shared ;). we don't have that much paladins QQ , guess we gotta 1 shot :D

  2. friendly bump - and thx for sharing the " good news" about vdw.
    maybe things have to get worse before they get better... :P

    should be doable with 4 bis hpals - SP gemed and 4 holypriests / even w/o orbs
    well maybe it is possible maybe it is nt the only problem is that it will take ages to heal...and we just spent 8 healers on vdw and 2 for raid 4 tanks which means only 11 dps i dnt think they can control the adds for too long :) any way it will be fun :)

  3. so they say they fixed vdw :( that boss was only worth doing in icc at 750k dmg per 5 sec :( meh no more fun anymore

  4. more fun u mean :) meh i miss raiding already :=) we got awesome dps i dnt think adds are issue or w/e

  5. Dignity's Light of Dawn No.54

    Lich King killed with main group

    Glorenzelg, High-Blade of the Silver Hand - won by Viperstring
    Heaven's Fall, Kryss of a Thousand Lies - won by Shizel
    [Invincible's Reins] - won by Hexforsex

    Number of continuous Lich King Kills (25 heroic mode) :54
    Week: 41

  6. Twilight Destroyer 25 Heroic No. 48

    Halion downed with main group!

    PetrifiedTwillight Scale - won by Bog
    Treads of Impending Resurrection - won by I forgot
    Cloak of Burning Dusk - won by Shizel
    Split Shape Belt - won by Bog

    Number of continuous Halion Kills (25 heroic mode) :48
    Week: 41

  7. we should retire habshu ;d !
    em retired :) done boosting newb goats!break time now

  8. Twilight Destroyer 25 Heroic No. 49

    Halion downed with main group!

    Charred Twillight Scale - won by Popesloth
    Foreshadow Steps - won by Serapph
    Signet of Twllight - won by Vipersting
    Phaseshifter's Bracers - won by Forestremedy

    Number of continuous Halion Kills (25 heroic mode) :49
    Week: 42

  9. Dignity's Light of Dawn No.55

    Lich King killed with main group

    Havoc's Call, Blade of Lordaeron Kings- won by Marfedelom
    Royal Scepter of Terenas II - won by Forgot who
    [Invincible's Reins] - won by Forestmeddy

    Number of continuous Lich King Kills (25 heroic mode) :55
    Week: 42

  10. Welcome back oh great Optixy

  11. Daymn pala, have some dignity!

    Fun part is, paladyium wasn't even in the raid^^

  12. Well in that 3 times,you was in Infusion. So dont talk a bull****s to other people,like you are angel.
    And btw did i say that you abuse that boss? or i asked you did you heal it legit? ;)
    Dude are u in period or sth? :D

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