1. I saw some1 say there is a lack of fire mages? I remember when fire was overly bugged with multiple stuff that made them do 100k dps on FL bosses, mages were everywhere.

    Was their fixes the reason they started to disappear? O.o what is discouraging ppl from playing mages atm?

    I myself still pull 40+k burst on raiders dummy self buffed, if my ****ty net allows it xD sustained over 5m abt 25-30ks

  2. There's an huge difference between counterclass and an OP class. On my boomkin for example destro counters me completely but I don't think it's OP at all.
    yus and i agree with this though i hear a lot of people complaining about and sayin their op i have fought rets and frost mages before and beat them and they told me i was op lol i have a ret and a frost mage ik how ez they are and how much dps they do on my full starter mage i 3 shot someone and on my ret full starter i heal over 100k

  3. Poodleguy's Avatar
    Ah I did not know they scaled it down, regardless, you just need level 60 and majority of questlines around Hellfire Peninsula get open that is if they work properly, but people usually use Thrallmar and Honor Hold to plan their leveling and they regret it.
    oh yeah im totally going to skip outlands and hellfire because *******s gank those areas...
    are you on crack? you know that you have to go to outlands at lvl 58-60 and quest there, you dont skip things and like it has been said before its now a x10 rate, and you need to start in hellfire because it is a start zone of outlands . If I am level 65 i have more options but no. Don't come here and spew your BS when you have no idea what you are talking about.

  4. oh yeah im totally going to skip outlands and hellfire because *******s gank those areas...
    are you on crack? you know that you have to go to outlands at lvl 58-60 and quest there, you dont skip things and like it has been said before its now a x10 rate, and you need to start in hellfire because it is a start zone of outlands . If I am level 65 i have more options but no. Don't come here and spew your BS when you have no idea what you are talking about.
    You don't HAVE to go to outlands to level 58-60. There are Azeroth zones for that too, just saying.

    I'm wondering if you ever played on a retail pvp realm... If you think ganking, with our "low" population is bad, you should see what a real pvp realm is like.

    Anyways, try to spend less time in the quest-hubs, don't even read the quest, just turn in, accept, and fly out. Read what you need to do while in the air.

    Good luck levelling :)

  5. You don't HAVE to go to outlands to level 58-60. There are Azeroth zones for that too, just saying.

    I'm wondering if you ever played on a retail pvp realm... If you think ganking, with our "low" population is bad, you should see what a real pvp realm is like.

    Anyways, try to spend less time in the quest-hubs, don't even read the quest, just turn in, accept, and fly out. Read what you need to do while in the air.

    Good luck levelling :)

    Two words: Misery EU..... If you are on this Bgroup you'd know what it's like, the dark portal 20+ level 90s PvPing.... :D

    Molten players have it easy.

  6. Poodleguy's Avatar
    Two words: Misery EU..... If you are on this Bgroup you'd know what it's like, the dark portal 20+ level 90s PvPing.... :D

    Molten players have it easy.
    there is a diffrence between pvping and ganking lowbies

  7. oh yeah im totally going to skip outlands and hellfire because *******s gank those areas...
    are you on crack? you know that you have to go to outlands at lvl 58-60 and quest there, you dont skip things and like it has been said before its now a x10 rate, and you need to start in hellfire because it is a start zone of outlands . If I am level 65 i have more options but no. Don't come here and spew your BS when you have no idea what you are talking about.
    What I was simply suggesting is that you stay clear of those places and look for quests elsewhere, I know that you have to go to Thrallmar/Honor Hold at least once for the 2nd quest, but pick up everything and just leave and don't go there again unless it's safe.

    You'll probably have same experience with Borean Tundra with the same story, just stay clear of those places, you only need 3 levels in Hellfire Peninsula which on 10x shouldn't be that hard really.

    This is pretty normal on PvP realms, gankers usually camp places where they know lowbies will come to quest and people have a tendency for questing in the same routes multiple times.

    there is a diffrence between pvping and ganking lowbies

    Sadly nobody cares for that, they're there to ruin your fun because they have nothing better to do and that's it.

  8. there is a diffrence between pvping and ganking lowbies
    Level 58s dont stand a chance of running through the dark portal, thats what I mean.

  9. All classes op just depends what class you play if you play rogue u think mage is op and so is bdk if you play mage you think unh dk rogue and warlock are op if you play warlock you think unh dk rogue unh dk war....well warlock is sorta countered by everything but casters xd but if you play any class you will think the class that counters u is op ok some classes do a lot more damage then they should and some pets miss and ignore resil...who gives a fuq just roll that class or a class that counters it and u will repeatedly eat them but i can guarentee that if you roll a new class you will find a new class that counters u and u think is op.... O.o #newclassop
    Warlocks countered by everything but casters? Tell that to hunters and rets

  10. Two words: Misery EU..... If you are on this Bgroup you'd know what it's like, the dark portal 20+ level 90s PvPing.... :D

    Molten players have it easy.

  11. Where did everyone go today after 25m?! I went do an arena and guildies online went from 40 to 7 D:

  12. Where did everyone go today after 25m?! I went do an arena and guildies online went from 40 to 7 D:
    Girls night out, just arrived pissed drunk. Sargeras needs more alcohol vendors to keep me online.

  13. I forgot, we need more Gingerfaces, as many as mailboxes in Azeroth and Outland combined!

  14. Sargeras needs more drugs.
    There's always someone selling herbs in stormwwind ghetto.

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