1. I wanted to make an elite pvp guild on alliance (something like we did on fw) but i dont know anyone good from sargeras to have a start with... so if you know any exceptional players on sarg feel free to pm me here or send ingame mail to Tyrozine (sargeras or frostwolf)

  2. Hello trademan, I am member of POKEMOZ, and we are core PvP. You can try, show skills and results will come. We are doing everything, premades, rated, raids of Orgrimmar and Horde PvP vendors.

    BTW. Dont try with warrior, we have enogh.

    P.S. Last night we killed Garrosh :)
    Thats all your good at, exploiting LOS issues in Grommosh Hold so no-one can wipe you out while you freely kill Garrosh..

    Much skills, so 1550, such elite pvp.

  3. Thats all your good at, exploiting LOS issues in Grommosh Hold so no-one can wipe you out while you freely kill Garrosh..

    Much skills, so 1550, such elite pvp.

    horde cant be attacked neither...



  4. Hello trademan, I am member of POKEMOZ, and we are core PvP. You can try, show skills and results will come. We are doing everything, premades, rated, raids of Orgrimmar and Horde PvP vendors.

    BTW. Dont try with warrior, we have enogh.

    P.S. Last night we killed Garrosh :)
    I can't imagine any serious guild wanting to have this tradesman character join them. He clearly has no idea how to pvp, and spends his time flaming those that do.

  5. Thats all your good at, exploiting LOS issues in Grommosh Hold so no-one can wipe you out while you freely kill Garrosh..

    Much skills, so 1550, such elite pvp.
    I read "Thats all your good at, exploiting..." and was like DAFUUUUUUUUUUQ? Kemi? Then I read the quote :P

  6. Sadly my websites host (Shivtr) are based on Softlayer servers.....
    Who doesn't have an ad blocker? lol

  7. Sadly my websites host (Shivtr) are based on Softlayer servers.....
    Who doesn't have an ad blocker? lol
    i know, was just trolling around since its a pretty boring working day for me :(

  8. i know, was just trolling around since its a pretty boring working day for me :(
    You dont mess with Kemi, buraz...

  9. You dont mess with Kemi, buraz...
    i mess only with the best, why would i mess with kemii then :D yo bruda

  10. [G] <Beast - Within> - Elite PvP Guild

    Representing [G] Beast - Within Elite PvP Guild (A) ,Doing Rated Bgs on Programmed Basis and Premade Bg's on Constant Basis . No Snobs Only Skilled Dedicated Players Willing to be part of a great competitive community and fun at the same time . Our Melee recruitment is on 2200+ Rating and Ranged on 2000 + . Test in game and an ilvl of 465+ is required . If you are interested Pm in game


    Website : www.beast-within.enjin.com

  11. In my personal opinion, if you would be wanting to join an elite pvp guild, I would wait until Horde gears up a bit, because I've noticed that Alliance currently has the edge because a decent chunk of Alliance players have used the reimbursement coins to get full Tyrannical for their toons. But ultimately, the decision is yours, this is just my opinion.

  12. Representing [G] Beast - Within Elite PvP Guild (A) ,Doing Rated Bgs on Programmed Basis and Premade Bg's on Constant Basis . No Snobs Only Skilled Dedicated Players Willing to be part of a great competitive community and fun at the same time . Our Melee recruitment is on 2200+ Rating and Ranged on 2000 + . Test in game and an ilvl of 465+ is required . If you are interested Pm in game


    Website : www.beast-within.enjin.com
    You have different rating requirements for different classes? Now thats something different...

  13. You have different rating requirements for different classes? Now thats something different...
    Depending on the amount of Spots Available yes , Filtering is taking place , and finalization of the guild .

  14. Depending on the amount of Spots Available yes , Filtering is taking place , and finalization of the guild .
    I dont know... it aint fair though.

  15. I play both sides, i changed few pvp guild till now, so my exp is that:
    <but mum..> many skilled players and many non skilled, some angry kids officers and main point they r not act like guild.
    <verbaly violent> good skilled as pvp, but a lot of angry kids
    <blacklisted> fake skilled, and a lot undergeared, till this is new guild yet
    <and the stealted..> good skilled as single pvp, but not very good skilled as team play in bg, lose almost all rated, win when join 2 grps premade vs. pug party.

    i can find till now, good skilled team play guild with frendly and mature ppl.

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