1. Gold

    Will you add gold to marketplace? The game is so unbalanced now... All things is overpriced, you cant even buy mats/gems...

  2. I wanna to ask u guys some guestion.

    1. When Warsong will be opened?
    2. What gear system will be applied?
    3. AT players, who have featured called ''Full PVP/PVE gear on all characters'', will be availagle on Warsong.
    4. What PVE gear ilvl will be a MAX!?
    5. There will be active BGS? I mean u will not try to kill them and just focus on ARENAS?
    6. What tmog system will u use? There will be available to purchase throught Marketplace for some Tmog items?
    7. Guru and other, lets call them ''World vendors'', will be available? I mean there will be some Vendors out of Malls?
    8. Thre will be available to do some Raids, cuz on AT last season, u was able to enter in them, as i can remember,.
    9. City bosses will be available?

    10. One more time, When Warsong will be opened ?

  3. When will the season start on Neltharion?

    When will the donation system come up so the warsong anniversary tournament winners can get their money?

    When will you fix the current MMR system on Neltharion

  4. when will mass looting be implemented(on mop realms)?

  5. 1. When can we except titles to be distributed?
    2. Only rank 1 titles or all titles?
    3. Any plans of moving Deathwing/Ragnaros to Blackrock host? 30ms on Blackrock 130 on DW/Ragna
    4. x1 Wotlk realm, 4.0.6 progressive Cata realm?
    5. Any changes for cost of the items on Cata marketplace? Wotlk item = 23 coins BiS item, Cata = 28 to 40.
    They are hosted at same place, Dw/Ragna will never have same ms as Blackrock since they have all the pve content and 4x more players online, which makes ms higher than on Blackrock. But that's only my opinion.

  6. When will you fix Gurth proc ratio on retri paladins? Since it's not normal for gurth to proc off ret's mastery or SoC

  7. One Big Q, what system will use warsong in regard of 400/416 pve gear?

    only donors?

    Hope not

  8. I only have one question and it is something that prevents me from playing.
    I get on and play for a while and then my internet driver stops working. Is there any way to fix it?

  9. 1. Are you going to delete ONLY coins Molten gifted on top of the coins we got as refundation for your donations increased by new years / Christmas bonuses, or all coins we got after Molten servers was hacked and crashed ?

    2. If I transferred some amount of coins from one account to another, ( for example i got refunded 100 coins from my donation and bonuses and got 50 more (total 150 coins) as Molten gift after crash and I send as a gift from my second account another 100 coins so now in total i have 250 coins, wrom which of one i have spent 150, so at the end i leave unspent 100 coins) will you after March 15th delete all my coins or you will leave undeleted base coins I got from my donations and bonuses for new year /xmass ?

    3. when will Legendary weapons be enabled for purchasing account that have all ready bought them before crash and will they be at price we have bought them all ready, or at some new price ?


  10. Why do you bombshell ToES and just release without a warning? There was no official announcement about ToES release time, all that was said was a simple reply by Edifice that it would be between 2000-2200(shoutout to him). Then someone just pushes it before the given time, really ****ed my guild over because no one was on at release time. So my question why dont you give proper estimated release times of raid and announce it Atleast 24hours in advance... It's very important?

  11. if you going to make mop just like cata ?? release all new raids then switch to wod before realising old raids ???

    why some parts of bugtracker is bug and noone care about it ?? (No tracker is associated to this project. Please check the Project settings.)

    can we have bags in mop marketplace ??

    will our cp reset when new season start in mop ? and when it will start

  12. @Malaco
    Did you used to have working anti-hack on AT? If so, would it be possible to enable on PvE realms?
    If not, how will you deal with the hacking program that reduces GCD by IMO at least 30%? (Seeing Disciplines on LK shielding, that nocooldown hack thing is becoming a standard raiding "addon". Can't imagine in PvP.)

  13. when will leave the ptr wod? and the final version of wod (no ptr)?

  14. Any update on buff stacking on MoP? (As in stacking multiple buffs with the same effect, giving insane stats)

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