1. We are still accepting apps from talented hunters mages locks and holy paladins. Other classes are being reviewed but we are generally full.
    I'm a talented hunter. I can 360 no-scope Lich King blindfolded with a dart gun.

    Jk haven't even killed Marrowgar 10-N yet.

  2. i'm a talented hunter. I can 360 no-scope lich king blindfolded with a dart gun.

    Jk haven't even killed marrowgar 10-n yet.
    i wonder why :d

  3. This thing called effort.
    Or when you stop attention whoring :D

  4. The 5th LoD in our history, the 1st after Moltdown, it was a ONE SHOT! We are back on track!!

    Congratz to all the people who got LoD!

    And for people who want to see the videos: http://www.twitch.tv/kblizz/c/6258510

    Xtia ~ GM The Forgotten Kings

  5. Congratulations

    Maybe your next kill will be within a month this time, jk, gz :)

  6. Finally a 2nd horde guild to down LoD, Grats naggers.

  7. sorry about it taking so long, actually had to gear a few people through normals first since they didn't have any coins. Its pretty hard to do wearing furious ya?

  8. Gratz :) and hope you get many more ^^

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