1. I see that Kaer is active here, so need to off-topic: Wer Goodie Bags? :P

  2. I like it, I like the new look., the new style that brings with itself. A new beginning had to be started and I am looking forward to see the future changes and ideas.

  3. Stream will be held on set dates, since last week's stream we were considering making it every 2 weeks or one month. But that's for future, we will may hold more frequent Stream sessions during March 2015 though. Warmane Stream page will be an important part of the website, hence it's on the main page. Also the changelog, devlog and stream pages will have an option of being the 'landing page' when needed.
    Can we expect one this Sunday? Really enjoy the weekly streams. With new season/new realm being launched on Sunday, would be a good day to have a stream if you weren't to busy so we could get information / ask questions about that information / ask questions about the new things happening that day.

  4. I see that Kaer is active here, so need to off-topic: Wer Goodie Bags? :P
    We were busy with the new name and website, that's why they weren't done yet. Now you know the answer :) that said. Also we now have an expected date of Goodie Bags release and it's March 18, 2015.

  5. Welcome to Warmane. :) This new site looks really sharp and fresh.

    I guess the names "Molten" and "Arena tournament" will slowly fade out over the next couple months then...

    What's the reason behind the namechange? Is it because the buffoon that ran away with the funds is still harrasing molten and tries to get the rights on the name molten or something like that?
    I welcome the change but don't fully understand why. :)

  6. Can we expect one this Sunday? Really enjoy the weekly streams. With new season/new realm being launched on Sunday, would be a good day to have a stream if you weren't to busy so we could get information / ask questions about that information / ask questions about the new things happening that day.
    Yes, we will hold a stream this Sunday. IF, I get a haircut and mustachecut to improve my own design to match Warmane's.

  7. Questions

    The Warmane site doesn't seem to have the counter for the coin wipe.
    The gifting block, is it just to disable receiving coins so that furture accounts to be restored can still send?
    Also for the gifting block, would we receive a counter for it (if it's based on account)?

    Current forum will be upgraded keeping all forum data as it is. The new forum will have a completely new layout, similar to Warmane's new design, security and performance standards.
    Ok, so it will have the 2.0 and the so called 3.0 style ?
    This 3.0 is a combination of the 1.0 capabilities + 2.0 visual (now Warmane visual) ?
    Could 3.0 perhaps have settings to change color / give option to choose format like perhaps how AT's work and then ofc keep things saved, so you wouldn't have to change each time.

    Since this hasn't been mentioned, also adding that we're looking to develop and integrate a completely new in-house BugTracker to be within the website to better serve our development organization and workflow. It should also be within the same Warmane account, same as in-game and forum account, unlike current one. Until then the old one will suffice.
    So bugtracker will be redone ?
    Or will you just change the current bugtracker's url and add to the forum this new in-house thing?
    If you won't be using a new bugtracker (thus saving old accounts+reports and just redo visual) will we be able to merge accounts / will it be automated based on email (if on email, might want to disable function to change email on bugtracker)?
    Also this bugtracker would it allow easy access to see the reports you made, it's currently a bit of effort to find it? Since when go activity, the "reported issues : x" doesn't contain a link.

    Armory is in works to be within new Warmane design standard. The information also in works to add detailed information on realm population, realm performance, latency, uptime, expansion rates, available content etc.
    Will it be an upgraded armory, like a 3D view (which can be enabled&disabled) ?

  8. Rest assured. We've written in the main post that nothing in the perk system will impact the game. We are committed to keeping realms retail-like.
    Retail like? Its friday 13th not 1st of april

  9. Welcome to Warmane. :) This new site looks really sharp and fresh.

    I guess the names "Molten" and "Arena tournament" will slowly fade out over the next couple months then...

    What's the reason behind the namechange? Is it because the buffoon that ran away with the funds is still harrasing molten and tries to get the rights on the name molten or something like that?
    I welcome the change but don't fully understand why. :)
    The reason is exactly as announced. That said, yes the buffoon does and will keep trying to undermine our work from all directions as he has been since his major fiasco, and we're dedicated to extinguishing those malicious intents. As the saying goes, the dog barks, but the caravan moves on. Off-topic answered and the topic must remain on-topic.

  10. Retail like? Its friday 13th not 1st of april
    It is indeed, just noticed :) and nonetheless yes, as retail-like as possible.

  11. The reason is exactly as announced. That said, yes the buffoon does and will keep trying to undermine our work from all directions as he has been since his major fiasco, and we're dedicated to extinguishing those malicious intents. As the saying goes, the dog barks, but the caravan moves on. Off-topic answered and the topic must remain on-topic.
    Leave the off-topic for Sunday's :P

    Any ETA on the new perks? Any chance we can expect them in Marxh? Or Atleast, an overview of your plans for them(maybe not the exact release per say)?

  12. Well it would be good to create a facebook page for the new name as soon as possible, since the called buffon may as well try to take it before you guys

  13. realm list? do we need to change the realm list logon or not just wondering?

  14. Well it would be good to create a facebook page for the new name as soon as possible, since the called buffon may as well try to take it before you guys
    We've got one, it's on www.facebook.com/warmaneofficial and we will integrate it once we figure a way of integrating those social link buttons on Warmane without negatively impacting the cleanness of the design :)

  15. realm list? do we need to change the realm list logon or not just wondering?
    Not at the moment, I'm assuming if they ever changed the realm list, the old one would just direct you to the new one.

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