1. diemtee stop dieng on me plz!dero will get sad xd

  2. Kappa habshu.. y u do dis .. I'm a boi

  3. I don't know whats a kappa and at this moment im too afraid to ask..

  4. Kappa is a twitch emote that denotes sarcasm or trollery.

  5. Thank you for the explanation kind sir. I musta be to old now for this youngster vocabulary. In my younger times Kappa was just a brand of a running suit..

  6. Kappa is the single best way of determinating how ret*rded a person is

    The method of calculating is a simple standart proportional function equation

    x (gravity of ret*rdation)
    y (number of uses of the ''KAPPA'' word)


  7. Guess then we're a guild with a lot of "special" people...

  8. Guess then we're a guild with a lot of "special" people...
    *Points at Dethey*

  9. From Mar to Lod for 2 hours, YOU WOTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTT m8888888888888888888888

  10. ..:: LoD 6 ::..

    1. Glorenzelg - Imey
    2. Royal Scepter - Shadowkitty
    3. Invincible - Savandra

    25/25 alive.

  11. /cancelaura Dispersion


    It's good for YOU and your RAID

  12. Grats guys, may the Kappa always be in your favor.

  13. thats coz banes pala, looking like power ranger :>

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