1. Billionaires Club Guild Tournament


    Billionaires Club is hosting a guild tournament on Warsong with a grand prize of $1200.
    1st will split 750$ While 2nd place will split 450$ which will be distributed over Paypal or Western Union.

    The Tournament will be played over the course of two days so please make sure you have enough time before you apply. An exact Date will be announced later in the week.

    This tournament will be played in 3v3 arenas and please note IF you're not in the guild you can simply not apply to compete. But you can always join the guild if you got above 2.5k+ 2s or 2350+ 3s.

    We're currently hoping to host this tournament within the next 3-4 weeks depending on how much fixes will be implemented and if npc spectator will be up by then.

    There will be invited 8 teams, and it will be round robin.

    Arena Rules is as followed:

    Comps must consist of HEALER DPS DPS, no 3x dps, 2x healer comps.

    Gear Rules:

    To make it the most fair for everyone we decided to make the gear rules FULL pvp with 1x 397 ilvl Pve trinket (or lower) and 1x 397 pve item (or lower) This does not include weapons, they must be pvp.

    Stream Link: Www.twitch.tv/Warmanelive

    Stream commentators will be: Zunniyaki and Salv.

    If you wanna apply to compete in this tournament, send either a forum message to me @Bellyflopper or Ingame mail to Kennigodirl With:

    Team Name, Characters names and what spec the diffrent players is.

    The tournament will most likely take two evenings to complete and expect to have 4-5 hours free each evening before you apply.

    Hope to see you in the tournament!

    -Billionaires Club

  2. so you've done this assuming the warmane stream will stream your tourney?

  3. so you've done this assuming the warmane stream will stream your tourney?
    We will be streaming it.
    We love when the community does stuff like this :)

  4. Oh no, we can't finish the tourny on AT if it gets DDoSed this time.

  5. Yo, whom should I write to the invite in guild?

  6. Cool, now I just have to get my team.

  7. hello.

    Billionaires club is hosting a guild tournament on warsong with a grand prize of $1200.
    1st will split 750$ while 2nd place will split 450$ which will be distributed over paypal or western union.
    say whaaaaaaaaaaaaaaat o_o

  8. Yo, whom should I write to the invite in guild?
    Kennigodirl. :)

  9. Arena Rules is as followed:
    Comps must consist of HEALER DPS DPS, no 3x dps, 2x healer comps.

    Just joking haha,very glad that AT will be streaming it :O.

  10. wait maybe that warsong is debugged? And, who is the gm of billionar club so we can mp him?

  11. wait maybe that warsong is debugged? And, who is the gm of billionar club so we can mp him?
    You can always whisper me or Corrupt ingame if we're online

  12. wait maybe that warsong is debugged?
    I believe they already have that in mind.

    We're currently hoping to host this tournament within the next 3-4 weeks depending on how much fixes will be implemented and if npc spectator will be up by then.

  13. /vouch/vouch/vouch/vouch/vouch/vouch

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