1. Will the Warlords of Draenor Ptr be more Stable than the Mop one?

    In the Mop ptr i remember leveling 10 times to lvl 40 because of reboots with 5 minute back roll
    I wonder if this one will be more stable or the same.

  2. It will more than likely be as unstable to start with any test they had done on it so far will be internal testing once it's pet that's a whole new ball game as there will be a lot more connections to the realm.

  3. There is a reason why it is a PTR after all.

    You have to expect crashes and bugs to occur at any time.

  4. The WoD (most of part pvp wise) was scripted by WoD,and i have been playing PTR AT WOD before less then 2 months,it was pretty awesome,no lags,no rollabacks,decent pvp fixes, etc.They were working on scripting PvE aspect these 2 months with few minor PvP fixes probably.So i am looking forward to play Wod on Warmane

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