1. The shard Kairoz had was the key to everything...well you can find the prelude to WoD here here and the events that happened after hellscream uses the time travel taxi (which I must say was very... moving) here

  2. It's sort of complicated story when you start thinking too much about it but at the same time it's a fairly simple plot, yes it's time-traveling alternate dimension wumbo jumbo which can spawn countless theories and issues with the story.

    What you really need to know is this:

    Blizzard wanted to show us the old Draenor and the events of the first Warcraft games so they needed some kind of a way to make that happen so they decided to go with the "alternate timeline" idea.

    Basically at the end of the book "War Crimes" Garrosh before given the final verdict escapes with the help of a bronze dragon Kairoz through the portal crated by the "Vision of Time" which sends him to an alternate dimension of Draenor around 35-37 in the past, just a little before the first Warcraft game begins.

    So what you need to know is that this is alternate reality, whatever happens there impacts nothing in our timeline, Blizzard just needed a way to allow us to see old Draenor in it's full glory without messing up our timeline. You don't need to think about it too much because all this "star trek" **** is just a way to get us to see old Draenor, they're not planing to use any more time travel stuff, it's sole purpose was to get us there.

    What happens next is explained in the short story "Hellscream" which you can read on the official site.

    But the summary is: Garrosh is now in an alternate reality Draenor specifically 35 years in the past and he together with Kairoz seeks to "convince" or trick the old horde for their own ambitions, to unite them together and use them to conquer "our" Azeroth. Garrosh gets tired of Kairoz ordering him around and chaining him and manages to kill him, taking the small crystal that fel apart from "Vision of time" when he escaped from his trial. So he goes to convince or better yet trick his dad Grommash that there is a treat looming over their heads. What happens next is basically him and Grommash talking a lot which is better explained by reading the short story since there's a lot of stuff going on between them. In the end after a lot of talking and trust issues he manages to convince him.

    In the end Grommash believes him and together with other orc clans they form the "Iron Horde". Garrosh also teaches them the powerful technology that he used in Siege of Orgrimmar to fuel their power. As you've seen in the cinematic they use the "Iron Star" from Siege of Orgrimmar to kill Mannoroth and they also enslave Gul'Dan and his Shadow Council and use them to power up the dark portal which they also connect with our reality and start the invasion.

    So the summary:

    -Yes there are a few ret cons, such as Garrosh never being born and some clans missing in that time on Draenor, but Kairoz explained that he specifically chose this reality which is a bit different.
    -Time travel is just used as means to get us there.
    -Orcs never drink the blood of Mannoroth and they never become slaves to the legion because of Garrosh's interfering.
    -Garrosh tricks his dad and together they form the Iron Horde to attack our Azeroth.
    -Our timeline is completely safe, anything that happens in that alternate reality won't effect our reality.
    -Thrall is the only orc with eyebrows.

  3. HargrimZA's Avatar
    -Thrall is the only orc with eyebrows.


    I seriously never noticed that. No wonder he's so irritated lately:D

  4. multiverse with different timelines (space cant be taken appart from this, naturally) has been used in everything that involves some kind of fantasy redaction and characters so they can re-use their own stuff and make different approaches. since this is part science - part bull**** (actually its all bull**** with a twist of "hey, this could happen") we dive into it, and its trully just a blank page so the writters can make a clean start on their approaches of the universe they once created.

    (doctor Who xD )

    The possibilities with this thing are endless to the point that even though "our Azeroth" could not be altered, it could also stop existing as where we could be locked into the new timeline.

    Regarding the Lich King, Arthas cant be the first lich king if the title means anything because the way the first one was created was through a damn freaking insane bond of darkness that is beyond a Paladin's comprehension. Thats my take at least.

    Summing up, either theory anyone can come up to as to what the future would bring, it really just depends on the universe we land, and thats not up to us ;P

  5. there is no discussion on this ,Draenor ofc . in WoD , the leveling is actually fun. in each zone you have a cinematic after you complete 1 part of the achievement requirment of that zone, you have your own garrison where you have followers and you send them on missions ,get epic rewards etc. also you can build proffesion buildings which give you bonuses. etc tailoring emporium converts sumptous fur into hexweave cloth,enchanting emporium converts draenic dust into small temporal crystals, your mine supplyes you with ores,and so on. basicly, draenor is really fun and great to play. PvE is hard, you can wipe in dungeons if you don't do the tactics properly. I just hope they don't nerf it like cata. [SPOILER ALERT] https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=mHwiEbXqh3k#t=12

  6. I love cinematics from WoW. If anything, they always come out with great movies. Even the old Warcraft 2 ones were good. I love especially the MoP promotion cinematic. Oh the look on the orc's and human's faces...priceless! I do wish there were more in all the other expansions like you say there is for WoD.

  7. I hijack this thread, this thread is now about the BEST THING EVERRRRRR
    Was also pleaseantly surprised to find that cute fire doggy in mail. I wonder if we get that 40 man molten core released this weekend; would be awesome:D.

    Nvm it's out, just gotta get home and try it.

  8. aracnine's Avatar
    well i think that what happens in wod seems to be a parallel timeline , by which I mean that both events are independent of each other....... in one of them the events are before TBC ,and , in the other one it is after what happens in mop.... but it seems garrosh wanted to alter history and bring about a change in the future so that the IRON horde could take over the entire AZEROTH and DRAENOR......

  9. Where can i read about, see about lore of World of Warcraft?
    I searched for it but nothing was in order and i want to start from the beggining of time, theirs not ours :D

  10. I do not know if this was discussed but I still want to ask. With Garrosh Hellscream going back in time does that mean that TBC is nullified? Does the Horde never come about? What I mean that when you hit 58 or 60 that now Outland is canon? Or is it some kind of LSD trick that you still somehow participate in the events that "had" (or even could have) happened? Garrosh goes back in time and changes the Horde from becoming enslaved to the Scorge and instead turns the Horde into the Iron Horde. Does Dreanor still break (spoiler maybe)? Because it seems like that with Garrosh doing what he does that Outland would be changed in greater ways than what it is now.
    Garrosh was killed by thrall.

  11. The Warcraft universe is actually a timeline multiverse, so when Garrosh goes back in time he doesn't really go back in time, he travels to a different universe inside that multiverse.

    So in the 'Iron Horde' timeline, the orcs won't invade their Azeroth, Thrall will grow up to be Go'el, Chieftain of the Froswolf Clan, not Warchief of the Horde. Varian will not become a Gladiator. All these things will definitely change in their Azeroth, but 'our' Azeroth, the one where Grommash did drink the blood of Manaroth, Go'el was raised by humans under the name Thrall, did become the greatest leader Azeroth has ever seen, this timeline will remain the same, because it is a different universe, and the only thing the Iron Horde can change in it is the present.

    Interestingly since their timeline has now been altered, their Azeroth will never know of Orcs and Dranei, and the fate of their Azeroth may be a lot different for it. The Alliance was formed to combat the orc invasion, if the races of Azeroth never band together, will they be able to stop the scourge? And even if they can, Deathwing will still awaken, and without Thrall as Earthwarden, he will not be stopped. So Garrosh most likely causes the destruction of their Azeroth by trying to destroy ours
    lol No orc's and draenei? They allready have that evben story line showed that rofl. Wtach more cinematics.

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