1. @Asumoral aka Hannzo please log more alts to reply to yourself.
    Oh noes. You're on to me :(

  2. Of course you use TinyPic xD

  3. Braging about killing ret paladin as BM hunter? Even if full geared. Such an achivement lol.
    You said the same when I kick your *** in elwyn forest.
    Your excuses: Shaman beat me, hunter beat me... DELENIS BEAT ME WITH EVERY CLASS!

  4. @Asumoral aka Hannzo please log more alts to reply to yourself.
    I alway thought the creator of this thread and that Hannzo are the same person, that explain why the creator change this name (Too similar). but not surprise me that this clown had multiple accounts, how pathetic :D
    Edited: April 21, 2015

  5. perhaps you wanna do some 10v10 wsg ? im more than sure, there will be people will gladly show you your place, random premade heroe :)
    we (me and some others) asked you it 2 years ago, yet you still "don't notice it" ?
    your screenshot shows 7 people premade, while we're 5 with what, with 3 players below 390ilvl ? you see, thing is ... why are you always backpedaling a real challenge - is that you know it's a lose, because noone will come to it with low geared alts, which we are playing now.

    but continue, your foolishness is fun to read, and also please, stop to copy other people typings, tho i doubt you'll ever learn anything besides "i hope you get aids/cancer kid" :)

    can't play actively these days, but feel free to answer, im sure we'll organize something ;)

    and yes delenis, im asumoral, and OP and all the other players in warmane, who thinks you're usual lowbie forum heroe, that's okay, i do understand that you're compensating it to yourself by saying it :) do you repeat it to yourself at nights too ?... :D

    inb4 bannhammer gets involved.
    Edited: April 21, 2015

  6. Strongone, I killed you alot of time alone. :)
    You are alway hiding under multiboxers.
    You are a clown in real life.
    LOL that is Strongone?? That dude is hilarious, he will harass people with his army of alts then claim they are all different people. Then he brags about killing people who are in greenies with his full donor chars.

  7. @Hannzo aka Asumoral I hate the way Delenis acts but i feel bad for you :(
    Look at you....so many posts with different account just to prove that Delenis is a backpeddling forum hero who's always being carried by his friends. Your posts only indicates how butthurt and foolish you are.

  8. @Hannzo aka Asumoral I hate the way Delenis acts but i feel bad for you :(
    Look at you....so many posts with different account just to prove that Delenis is a backpeddling forum hero who's always being carried by his friends. Your posts only indicates how butthurt and foolish you are.
    Oh noes. You're on to me again. Again!

  9. Lol the drama here is real, but the current situation with ally side is ****ed up, it seems everyone has moved to horde side and are doin tons of premade BG, can barely get a win in a solo queue, if lucky enough.

  10. Lol the drama here is real, but the current situation with ally side is ****ed up, it seems everyone has moved to horde side and are doin tons of premade BG, can barely get a win in a solo queue, if lucky enough.
    That is bs because horde are still losing pretty much every bg.

  11. No thats because alliance had 5+min on queues and ppl went to horde for instant queues, now whats left on alliance side is green stuff empire and AFKers just saw a 400+ lock to afk in WSG so ye maybe faction change seems very attractive for all my toons

  12. You said the same when I kick your *** in elwyn forest.
    Your excuses: Shaman beat me, hunter beat me... DELENIS BEAT ME WITH EVERY CLASS!
    Lel. Yes Delenis. You won 1v1 as BM Hunter vs Rogue. You're so good. As shamman? As i recall,our duels in Uldum,some considered Honor Farming,since i was horde back then. And you qq'd about me using execute. Lel

  13. As i recall,our duels in Uldum,some considered Honor Farming,since i was horde back then. And you qq'd about me using execute. Lel
    keeps talking about something that happened years ago.

  14. keeps talking about something that happened years ago.
    Well,obviously,you are still pist because of it :D

  15. Well,obviously,you are still pist because of it :D
    That happened in 2013, I killed you in 2015. Should I be annoying? ^^

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