1. May 24, 2015  
    Having played every class I'd say that ret paladins and a shadow priests are easiest classes to play if you just want to do some damage. That doesn't mean you can't do other things with them though.
    A really good ret paladin can make use of weapon swapping, seal swapping, dispelling, their cds, and off healing to help out their teams. I see a lot of ret players who don't understand that their class brings so much more to the table than just running into a group of enemies and popping wings. Same thing goes for shadow priests except without seal swapping and weapon swapping.

    Overall arms/prot warrior, ele shaman, and mm hunter are the classes I've had the most fun with.
    Edited: May 24, 2015

  2. May 24, 2015  

    No, ret paladin is the easiest class in wotlk pvp. You just click two buttons. Ret paladin was made for children, so that they can compete in wow without having the intellect, understanding and reactions of an adult. That's why you see half the Ragnaros realm running around as ret paladins, because its OP and easy to play.

    Before the database reset I counted in armory how many paladins (rets and holys) were in the top 2v2 ladder. I dont remember the exact number, but it was a little more then half of all the teams.

    So yeah, if you wish to play a class that is braindead, a monkey could play it, then choose ret paladin. I seriously can't understand why an adult would get any satisfaction in playing it though..
    I've seen you post on forums and talk about Ret in game so much that I can't resist the next line.

    No child ever has ever thought about Laying on Hands the tank to save a wipe, nor has a child ever though about popping divine sacrifice before ramboing in for the open in 2s instead, getting sapped and watching their partner get smoked while he is chain cc'ed. Sorry, No Child has ever used the spec to its full potential, ever.

    Your inability to see the depth that Ret spec has is exactly the braindead monkey mind you are talking about. This is called Projection bro. All the Rets you are making fun of have the same vision as you. Your mediocre opinion based on a very shallow view of how things work is not necessary and in fact when someone as simple minded as you reads a post such as yours, describing how easy it is, it just attracts more simpletons to the spec/class.

    If you do see a Ret in the top 10. They are most definitely pressing, not clicking, more than 2 buttons. More like 30 buttons or more, far more than you use in your sub par Resto dudu play.

  3. May 24, 2015  
    been away for one day and this is on 2 pages now o.O But yeah, some people must of misread what I said, I don't want to play a Ret, yet, because I have mained them in BC server's, Cata, MoP and WoD on retail, so I decided to try something new. This is only for PvE aspect, I already know when I get back into PvP I will play Spriest or Feral. Thanks for the opinions and help though guys, decided to go with CombRogue and if people don't require it much in raids I will switch to either Spriest or Feral ^.^

  4. May 24, 2015  
    been away for one day and this is on 2 pages now o.O But yeah, some people must of misread what I said, I don't want to play a Ret, yet, because I have mained them in BC server's, Cata, MoP and WoD on retail, so I decided to try something new. This is only for PvE aspect, I already know when I get back into PvP I will play Spriest or Feral. Thanks for the opinions and help though guys, decided to go with CombRogue and if people don't require it much in raids I will switch to either Spriest or Feral ^.^
    when i played in wotlk in raids there were like 1-2 rogues max

  5. May 24, 2015  
    when i played in wotlk in raids there were like 1-2 rogues max
    Then it will be fun proving my worth to be picked as the one or two ;)

  6. May 25, 2015  
    I've seen you post on forums and talk about Ret in game so much that I can't resist the next line..
    I dont think I have said anything about ret paladins on the forum. I rarely post here.

    My forum name is not the same in-game, so I dont know how you could say you have seen me there? You dont even know what I'm called on there..

    If you do see a Ret in the top 10. They are most definitely pressing, not clicking, more than 2 buttons. More like 30 buttons or more, far more than you use in your sub par Resto dudu play.
    I dont play resto druid...

    I basically read the intro and outro of your post and considering you started and ended with lies - I won't bother to read your actual argument. I dont have much for false people.

  7. May 26, 2015  
    I dont think I have said anything about ret paladins on the forum. I rarely post here.

    My forum name is not the same in-game, so I dont know how you could say you have seen me there? You dont even know what I'm called on there..

    I dont play resto druid...

    I basically read the intro and outro of your post and considering you started and ended with lies - I won't bother to read your actual argument. I dont have much for false people.
    Yes you do play Rdudu and an Spriest(lol ez) named Thurneman. Forgot your dudu name but it doesn't matter and maybe that has all changed since moltdown.

    It is ok to hide and make assumptions without exploring, it just delays the inevitable. The truth starts out as a feather stroking the face and if one keeps ignoring it, then it will eventually become a brick to the face. It's up to the individual solely. Anyways it's not important because it's a game but we can tend to some aspects of our problematic egos in online reality, your's being an overly opinionated pansy.

    Edit: "Anyone here who play/played holy in pvp? I have played disc and shadow for a long time and I am quite bored with it. I also used to play resto druid. But right now I have some sort of obcession with playing holy priest in PVP."


    Unless you stopped playing Rdudu after moltdown, you seem to be the lying one here.
    Edited: May 26, 2015

  8. May 26, 2015  
    Yes you do play Rdudu and an Spriest(lol ez) named Thurneman. Forgot your dudu name but it doesn't matter and maybe that has all changed since moltdown.
    No, I dont play a Rdruid. Are you ******ed? I am telling you I am not a resto druid and you keep on saying that I am, lol.
    Correct, my main is playing Spriest and Holy priest in pvp. But that's not too hard to figure out when looking through my posts.

    No, my name is not Thurneman in-game.

    Edit: "Anyone here who play/played holy in pvp? I have played disc and shadow for a long time and I am quite bored with it. I also used to play resto druid. But right now I have some sort of obcession with playing holy priest in PVP."


    Unless you stopped playing Rdudu after moltdown, you seem to be the lying one here.
    Applauds, you managed to look through my threads and see that I am in fact a holy priest in pvp, and not a rdruid.

    All your accusations continue to be wrong, you lying clown. Keep on looking through my posts and see if you can find something else you can claim to "know" about me.

    You are a false person and I think that's obvious to anyone reading our posts. Unless you edit your posts......again. I'm guessing you are that Slovakian/czech person that used to stalk me, haha! When will this obcession stop?
    Edited: May 26, 2015

  9. May 26, 2015  
    Unless you stopped playing Rdudu after moltdown, you seem to be the lying one here.
    I forgot to add that I have played almost every class there is. But the true remain, I am not a rdruid which you claim. You are a liar.

    *Edited* I regret flaming them and being personal.
    Edited: May 27, 2015

  10. May 26, 2015  
    Pallzdani I've never seen a combat rogue in a raid :( I have seen geared combat rogues but never come across one in a raid. If you choose to roll combat rogue, just get in a guild that will bring you xD

    Thurneman you seem like a beaten dog that has got its back to a wall lol

  11. May 26, 2015  
    Thurneman you seem like a beaten dog that has got its back to a wall lol
    I think that he's funny. :)

  12. May 26, 2015  
    Pallzdani I've never seen a combat rogue in a raid :( I have seen geared combat rogues but never come across one in a raid. If you choose to roll combat rogue, just get in a guild that will bring you xD

    Thurneman you seem like a beaten dog that has got its back to a wall lol
    Hehe, aye. These two people started to harass friends of mine when they realized that they can't do anything to me. THAT frustrates me. Especially since I know that they wouldnt open their mouth to anyone outside of the computer. But on the Internet they all of the sudden grow a spine and two balls and try to bully people.

    I understand that people are mean online, but what they have done to people I know goes beyond mean. And they live in other countries, so I can't do anything more than writing an angry text. And I always lived with the impression that 'nerds' were nice and sympathic people who knows what it's like to be bullied and therefor behave correctly. Instead I see these type of anthics...
    Edited: May 26, 2015

  13. May 27, 2015  
    To be honest, if played correctly a combat rogue can still top even with all those bugs. So far I've only seen 1 or 2 doing that sadly.
    Im sorry to take this away from u sir, but if you play with proper players; the combat rogue will never and never ever be anywhere close to the top.
    Sad story indeed.

    top pve dps: Mage hunter and pala
    from these 3 i think mage is best. FFB spec ofc
    and again: If you play with proper players then mage don't belong in the top section for anything but the (two) last boss(es) of ICC25HC.
    Warrior (but not so many know how to-but proper players do), Rets and hunters are the classes whom u speak ofwhen talking about the top bracket - with Hunter as the most universal of the three.

    Im not saying this was close to what we usually expect from this mage, but still get out a pin pointer:
    (and yeah the secound warr is w. lolmourne - 5th not)

    Edited: May 27, 2015

  14. May 27, 2015  
    Im sorry to take this away from u sir, but if you play with proper players; the combat rogue will never and never ever be anywhere close to the top.
    Sad story indeed.
    Outside of ICC it is actually possible because of no 30% buggy damage buff which double-dips with a lot of classes/spells.
    I was refering to ToGC25, I was actually in group with a rogue few weeks ago with whom I actually fought to be first as a paladin altho I usually have no problems with that. He was always close and sometimes even on first place.
    That's one of few rogues that I've met to do that since I started playing, and the first one since the Moltdown.

    Few things - Paladins get insane damage increase in ICC because of glitchy 30% damage buff which makes SoV do like two times more damage than it should and the other "minor" SoV bug is that it proc's 33% weapon damage on any amount of stacks and not 5 stacks of Holy Vengeance like it should thus letting you burst from 0's like there's no tomorrow.
    Hunter atm has Chimera Shot double dipping with ICC buff and stuff, doing double the damage as well.

  15. May 27, 2015  
    I hope you were being sarcastic. The amount of ret paladins on wotlk realms are silly. It's probably the most played class in PVP.

    No, ret paladin is the easiest class in wotlk pvp. You just click two buttons. Ret paladin was made for children, so that they can compete in wow without having the intellect, understanding and reactions of an adult. That's why you see half the Ragnaros realm running around as ret paladins, because its OP and easy to play.

    Before the database reset I counted in armory how many paladins (rets and holys) were in the top 2v2 ladder. I dont remember the exact number, but it was a little more then half of all the teams.

    So yeah, if you wish to play a class that is braindead, a monkey could play it, then choose ret paladin. I seriously can't understand why an adult would get any satisfaction in playing it though..
    Hehe, aye. These two people started to harass friends of mine when they realized that they can't do anything to me. THAT frustrates me. Especially since I know that they wouldnt open their mouth to anyone outside of the computer. But on the Internet they all of the sudden grow a spine and two balls and try to bully people.

    I understand that people are mean online, but what they have done to people I know goes beyond mean. And they live in other countries, so I can't do anything more than writing an angry text. And I always lived with the impression that 'nerds' were nice and sympathic people who knows what it's like to be bullied and therefor behave correctly. Instead I see these type of anthics...
    You are one of those mean people acutally, considering how you write everything. I wrote nothing harmful or mean to anyone and i just said my own thoughts about what i like/prefer but here you come and say pretty much that everyone that plays a retpaladin is a ******ed monkey + a kid? Guess someone is pretty butthurt.

    Why does it matter that many people plays retpaladin? People enjoys it just like i do, more than any other class in the game. I rather have a lot of opportunities than playing a FFB mage pressing 2 buttons over and over again, wich ret isnt. So if you manage to play a ret with only 2 buttons, then call me because i'd love to see that, you wouldn't even survive a kid lold and not to mention you main shadow-priest, pff hahahaha ggezpz. I think you should keep your thoughts in your mind and not curse them all over others, thanks.
    Edited: May 27, 2015

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