1. New Guild, need help

    I'm starting a new guild called Holy Rememberance, and I could use a few tips about making a successful guild.

  2. I'm not a great Guild Master, but I love the people in my guild. My two cents are; Don't become the largest mass inviting random nobody's guild. Although I have seen some of them work out in favor of the Guild Master, that rarely holds. My opinion on a successful guild is to get to know your guild mates on a player base, and get them to get to know each other. The more your guild interacts with one another, the stronger your guild will be. Another thing, don't be too generous or too cocky. Giving everything will leave nothing else for you to offer, being too cocky will lose your respect with your fellow guild mates. Treat them at your level, not be above them. Lastly, don't try and become the best guild PvP and/or PvE. Then you'll get the haters and the jealous outsiders that will attempt to get you banned for exploiting some imaginary thing.

  3. In the guild i am (Warchained), we got the right amount of players and everyone gets along really well. Few things i've learnt

    - INVITING - I would suggest getting to know the person before inviting them. Some people usually say "If you give me gold, il join" < Do not invite those people. Ask them how often they play wow, if the character is their main or alt, if they want a pvp or pve guild.

    - OFFICER CHAT - When you have a guild, make sure your conversations about the guild are in Officer Chat. If you having an arguement with one of your officers, do it all in Officer Chat. You don't want people in the guild to see the top ranks not getting along.

    - LOSING MEMBERS - People always leave guilds. Don't take it personally. Sometimes if one person leaves, the domino effect can take into place, where a 2nd person will leave because the 1st person left and then a 3rd person will leave because they were friends with the 2nd person and so on. That is your worst case scenario. Don't worry too much, you can always rebuild. Theres a lot more players out there.

    - ACTIVE GUILD - Talk to everyone in the guild at some point. Don't alienate anyone. Make them laugh or invite them to a BG.

    - RAIDCALL - Download raidcall and get your guild mates to get it so you can all voice chat each other while playing.

    - BANK TABS - Organize your guild bank tabs. Make sure theres a section for certain profession items.

    - REPUTATION - Don't boast about how your guild is better than another guild. That argument never ends and it could give your guild a bad image.

    - GUILD TABARD - Get the opinions of your officers and make sure you all like the tabard design and symbol so you wear it all proudly.

    - HOME - In the guild i am, we all hang out in Goldshire. I think having a place where you all can hang out can build your friendship with everyone.

    - DEFINE GUILD - I know some guilds that will only invite people who have a high item level gear or you have to win a duel against their officer to join. Some guilds invite people to help them gear up or level up. Up to you on what kind of guild yours is going to be.

    - LEVELLING - Help your guild mates level. This helps in making people loyal to the guild.

    - CLASSES - Try to balance your guild with each class. You don't want to create a guild of tanks and dps with no healers.

    - PRESENCE - If you the GM, you have to be online a lot. If you going on vacation, let the guild know in the guild message of the day. People like to know the GM is available majority of the time.

    - EVENTS AND PRIZES - In my guild, the GM holds these awesome events like "Duel Tournament" where all your guild mates come together at a certain place and have a knockout round of duels. Winner would get a prize of an specific amount of gold.

    - PRACTICE - One of the reasons that made me stay in my guild, is i see the GM helping people in duels and teaching them how to use their class with rotations and burst.

    - WEBSITE - Some people create a website for their guild or a Facebook page. Its not necessary but some guilds do it.

    - PROMOTION and DEMOTION - Make sure to promote guild members at some point. No guild member wants to remain a low rank forever. Demote members who are not active. Personally i think if a member is online online once every 3 weeks, they should be demoted.

    - GUILD KICK - Kick members who are not active for a over a month. You don't want new members who just joined to see a guild full of inactive players who were last online 2 months ago.

    - WELCOME - (Optional ) Whenever you invite someone, make sure everyone welcomes them. It makes a good first impression.

    - ADVERTISE - A lot of guilds advertise their guild on global chat. Thats one way of getting your guild out there. Personally i think you shouldn't. Invite people you meet and get to know them < i noticed i said that before lol.

    - PREMADE BG - Work together with your guildmates. Once again, download Raidcall coz it helps alot to communicate while playing. If you have a guild member who constantly leave your premade bgs mid way because they feel you might lose, demote them. You don't need that kind of negativity in your life xD

    If i think of more, il add but thats all i know for running a guild
    Side note > Some people could disagree with some of my points. Everyone runs a guild differently. This is just my opinion of maintaining a guild
    Edited: June 18, 2015

  4. Hmm...There are really great points you 2 listed there... But I'm wondering, how can you meet more people, if the GM (me, as an example), is always busy, making events, talking to other GMembers, Promoting and Demoting...

    Even in RDF's, Raids, BG's, it's needed organization... I don't really think with all of that, you have time to meet more people, and more: People in BG's, RDF's, just do those things to get the points, not socialize... So they're either just quiet, or flame who doesn't do way they want us to do.

    I might be wrong about this, can't really play at the moment, but a few months ago it was like this (Ofcourse, it has some exceptions, and Officers help with all of that... But, making a new guild, with No One to rely on, it will be really har to do all of those things, unfortunately.)

  5. Hmm...There are really great points you 2 listed there... But I'm wondering, how can you meet more people, if the GM (me, as an example), is always busy, making events, talking to other GMembers, Promoting and Demoting...

    Even in RDF's, Raids, BG's, it's needed organization... I don't really think with all of that, you have time to meet more people, and more: People in BG's, RDF's, just do those things to get the points, not socialize... So they're either just quiet, or flame who doesn't do way they want us to do.

    I might be wrong about this, can't really play at the moment, but a few months ago it was like this (Ofcourse, it has some exceptions, and Officers help with all of that... But, making a new guild, with No One to rely on, it will be really har to do all of those things, unfortunately.)
    Which brings us to the last good point:

    When you promote your members, ensure that, in addition to the (definite) rewards of being promoted, your officers are also assigned some responsibility. This will help demonstrate your confidence in their competence, your certainty of their loyalty and highlight the importance of officers in the guild.

    It will also help reduce the workloads of your other officers and your workload as guild master.

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