1. [A] <Fusion> The most dominant PvP guild on Frostwolf

    We are a high rated hardcore and well organised PvP guild created by fusing ex <U DOGS WE CESAR MILLAN> and <PvP Legends>. We are trying to create a squad of top noch molten elite PvP-ers. Our roster is full of people who dominated the arena ladder on WotLK, Cataclysm as well as last sesason MoP realms. We are still open to strenghtening our team even more if you think you are worthy. We offer you a friendly community with a warm atmosphere who is looking to help you in game or simply help you perform better with your class by giving you tips.

    We started as 2 small seperate groups but we had big goals, we wanted to become the most dominant guild on the server and we surely did so.

    Our main goal and ambition: To be an elite PvP community that will dominate the arena ladders.

    Potential New Members Applying:

    - Having a strong background of PvP is required. Only people willing to give 110% dedication with a positive attitude are welcome.

    - Our needs are any exceptional players who want to bring their A game.



    --- 2s Requirements ---


    --- 3s Requirements ---


    *Your gear/ilvl is not important as long as you meet these requirements.
    *No matter how big your rating is you will be rejected/kicked if you act immature.

    You can post your application on our official website.
    Edited: June 28, 2015



    As a member you are entitled to the full benefits of the guild. This includes, but is not limited to: participation in guild events, the use of our message boards and website, the use of guildchat in-game, the use of our Raidcall server for you and your friends for WoW and other activities.

    You have the right to speak freely about your concerns and ideas on the forums, on RC and in-game.

    You have the right to information from the guild leaders. They are obliged to answer all of your questions truthfully.

    You have the right to request assistance from guild mates in your adventures. You are at the same time strongly encouraged to help your guild mates when needed, but not required to be at everyone's beck and call.

    You are entitled to be treated fairly, equally and with respect at all times. You are bound to treat others in the guild in the same manner.

    You have the right to request a change in guild policy, rules or anything else related to the guild. To do so, you need to inform a guild officer or guild master.


    As a member of our guild you will be kind and courteous to all players in the game. You will not kill steal, intentionally train, spam, insult, flame or bad mouth players, GMs or chat channels, or do anything that reflects negatively upon the reputation of the guild or its members.

    Discrimination or slander based on race, gender, religion, sexual preference or anything that is not accepted in real life, will NOT be tolerated. Punishment will be swift and severe.

    You will not harass, beg or complain to get people for your group, about being power leveled, teleported, resurrected, given loot, get enchants or items crafted. These things are not your rights, but your privileges. If a member or the guild decides to help you in this way, that is that member's decision. You cannot demand it from your guild mates.

    Guild chat may at times get rude and you are asked to have a thick skin and not to take offense at things that are meant as a joke. However, cruel comments and sexual harassment to another player will not be tolerated. This will be punishable by either a warning, demotion or removal from the guild.

    If you have any issues with other members of the guild, or other players, you will discuss those problems with the other person first. Do not bring issues to the officers unless you absolutely require mediation. We are all mature here and it is the belief of this guild that we can handle our own disagreements.

    If an issue arises that cannot be resolved, you will act in a dignified manner and allow the leadership of the guild to hand out any reprimands if required. When asked for the application code type "Who let the dogs out?" in the required field.

    Most importantly the guild is designed to enhance the enjoyment of the game for you and everyone that plays it. Do not cause undue stress or be disruptive within the guild for your own pleasure. Do not ruin the playtime of others.

    Guild Masters: Madcap, Rnp
    Officers: Tomsawyer, Insanelocks

    For more info visit our official website.
    Edited: June 28, 2015

  3. Reserved for future updates.
    Edited: June 28, 2015

  4. i dont mind applying in site, it shows how dedicated, committed a guild is.. but the thing is i wana ask here before i do all that first..

    im a hardcore pvp'r, ive been a arms warrior since cata.. i recently just got back playing WoW again, since i lose my account info i had to start a new character, my highest rating i had was 1.9k but could of achieve 2k+ but i stop playing.. i main arms warrior, i have ts,skype,etc.. with mic

    problem is, im not 90 yet.. im planning to get to cap this week.. as i dont have a guild yet, its slow for me. is it cool to just chill with you guys then start partying up once i get max level?

  5. We cant accept members without proof of their experience its against the guild rules. Farm some rating, and we will be happy to invite you.

  6. A guild recruitment thread isn't the place to discuss which guild is best, keep this section away from this type of discussion.

  7. July 1, 2015  
    A guild recruitment thread isn't the place to discuss which guild is best, keep this section away from this type of discussion.
    Thank you.

  8. This looks nice. Too bad I'm lazy to farm rating or play 2s for that matter after I am full geared. 2.1k cr, lel. Since you accept no exceptions, then probably will apply on Prideful season.

  9. Bump for good battleground premade yday, we totally owning 10+ games and was fun.

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