1. Disabling RDF would be a bad ideea.... mostly because of dungeons like Ragefire Chasm or Stormwind Stockades... Running to Orgrimmar at level 15 doesn't sound that nice.... Not doing them is not an option for those who want to complete all the dungeons while leveling for the achievs.
    Don't be lazy and run to Orgrimmar then. I did and it was much more satisfying than RDF.
    We made a full run from crossroads to Cleft of Shadow and it was much more satisfying than a boring port using RDF. That is part of the experience we want Lordaeron to have.

  2. Are you getting rid of summoning stones too? Because that would be pretty hardcore! :)

  3. No offence but disabling RDF seems like a crapy ideea to me and this is why :
    - no xp bonus (that's the whole point of rdf below 80 to me, cuz i don't give a rats *** about items or achivements)
    - no daily emblem of frost bonus ( 14 eof/week ...gone, it's gonna take a freakin year to get full t10)
    - no emblem of triumph bonus and no gold (it's not much but it's something) - pos farm non-stop anyone ?
    I wont mention the posibility that players might be worlds apart doing whatever things they do and cannot make a RDF in the meantime...jesus it's gonna feel like TBC all over again.

  4. We made a full run from crossroads to Cleft of Shadow and it was much more satisfying than a boring port using RDF. That is part of the experience we want Lordaeron to have.
    not to be polemic but that is not blizzlike. ref was part of the game in 3.3.5 so not implementing it will produce a NON blzzlike server at1x rate.

  5. not to be polemic but that is not blizzlike. ref was part of the game in 3.3.5 so not implementing it will produce a NON blzzlike server at1x rate.
    Hence the "part of the experience we want Lordaeron to have". If you chose to play on a x1 realm might aswell just dump Dungeon Finder really, I agree with that.

  6. Just to be sure Kaer^^

    Is Lordaeron going to be released at all? Or will it just continue being a test realm?
    I heard some ingame chat saying, that Lordaeron would never be released because of the amount of players, Who would be willing to play on it?

    All summed up..

    Will Lordaeron be released as a REAL playable server?! :-) (I HOPE IT WILL!)

  7. Lordaeron will be launched for everyone who wants to play there and rapidly moving toward a true rate and hardcore experience has been our team's passion for several months now.
    So Lordaeron is going to be released for real in about 2-3 months for now, just wait to have a playable realm :)

  8. Strange is that how they are against custom content. But then they implement new character models. Yes its not gamechanging but it is custom. When we asked for transmog option- no its custom content. Yes but same as character models-not gamechanging and it will bring TONS of fun.
    Now we again have custom content on Lordaeron- removed rdf and ss.

  9. No offence but disabling RDF seems like a crapy ideea to me and this is why :
    - no xp bonus (that's the whole point of rdf below 80 to me, cuz i don't give a rats *** about items or achivements)
    - no daily emblem of frost bonus ( 14 eof/week ...gone, it's gonna take a freakin year to get full t10)
    - no emblem of triumph bonus and no gold (it's not much but it's something) - pos farm non-stop anyone ?
    I wont mention the posibility that players might be worlds apart doing whatever things they do and cannot make a RDF in the meantime...jesus it's gonna feel like TBC all over again.
    ''.jesus it's gonna feel like TBC all over again.''

    Feel the same, grinding fest.

  10. Strange is that how they are against custom content. But then they implement new character models. Yes its not gamechanging but it is custom. When we asked for transmog option- no its custom content. Yes but same as character models-not gamechanging and it will bring TONS of fun.
    This has been stated many times already, but character models are a client-side thing, they don't change anything server side, meaning they are just an option for people who want to see better character models; transmogrification is a server-side thing. Offering a patched version that makes stable use of the upgraded character models doesn't creates or constitutes "custom content" in any way.

  11. This has been stated many times already, but character models are a client-side thing, they don't change anything server side, meaning they are just an option for people who want to see better character models; transmogrification is a server-side thing. Offering a patched version that makes stable use of the upgraded character models doesn't creates or constitutes "custom content" in any way.
    Ok thank you about explanation but what about rdf and removing ss- thats a custom content. I know that is Kaer's idea and will stay like that but maybe poll would be nice to see community oppinion on that huge things that will impact game greatly.

  12. Ok thank you about explanation but what about rdf and removing ss- thats a custom content. I know that is Kaer's idea and will stay like that but maybe poll would be nice to see community oppinion on that huge things that will impact game greatly.
    Actually, "custom content" only applies to adding stuff, like transmogrification. We aren't adding something, we're just disabling something.
    And if we had went by community opinion, Lordaeron wouldn't even be made. If you don't remember, when the idea was brought up to the community, it was shot down by a swift and vocal amount of people. This realm might be more meant to reflect Kaer's vision of a realm he would wish to play in, a more hardcore, old fashioned experience.

  13. It will be really nice to see realm without vote points and donors but just like bibanul said- it will be more like tbc than wotlk without rdf. Hope you guys will have nice population. Its nice to see full focus on wotlk again :)

  14. I just feel that if 3.3.x content is going to be available, RDF should be available as well since it was released along with that patch. That is what makes since if you want a Blizzlike server IMHO.

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