1. July 6, 2015  
    since 98 % of wotlk leveling quest line is fixed and the launch of ulduar and naxxramas is probably some months away (giving enough time to the dev team script it perfectly until them), i wanna ask to the staff what is preventing the official launch of lordaeronĀ“s first content? in this case vanilla and bc content, its just a matter of planning or is missing a lot of work in vanila and bc?
    i think they will launch it in september for get the best impact on the community

  2. July 6, 2015  
    do the quests in northrend work with supposed emotes/gossip/animations or are they just mostly completable, as in, you give in the quest and npc just stands threre? vanilla and to some extent tbc were tame on special events in questing but wotlk is where they really made it an rpg experience, so having all npcs just standing there would kill it for me personally

  3. July 6, 2015  
    I know you want to maintain a real Blizz-like realm, but just for the fun/RP/motivation to run old dungeons\raids you could add a transmog NPC. Cuz let's face it, the ONLY reason someone would do Ahn'quraj, Zul'Gurub, Zul'Aman ETC as a level 80 is to get the achievement (Molten core, Black temple and Sunwell offer legendary drops, but still...). But if there is a transmog feature a rogue could still have the T10 scuba-diver set and look like a resurrected troll assassin -OR- a warrior could finally think he knows enough about the light to be a paladin (warrior in T2 or recolored set from TBC dungeons)

  4. July 6, 2015  
    what is preventing the official launch of lordaeronĀ“s first content?
    The devlog says we're revising and rescripting instances in Lordaeron, so I assume that they're fixing vanilla/TBC content.
    And there is A LOT of bugs that should be fixed, most of the old raids need total revamp ;x

  5. July 6, 2015  
    So can anyone tell me what's the difference between finding random people for dungeon through RDF and finding the same random people through a chat? Doesn't seem a big difference to me... I'm pretty sure RDF is not killing the social aspect of the game and I have no idea why everyone is sooo against it...

  6. July 6, 2015  
    unstuck should be fixed, it must teleport to starting area or nearest graveyard not to HS location.
    This is a must, not only for Lordaeron, but for all realms.

  7. July 6, 2015  
    do the quests in northrend work with supposed emotes/gossip/animations or are they just mostly completable, as in, you give in the quest and npc just stands threre? vanilla and to some extent tbc were tame on special events in questing but wotlk is where they really made it an rpg experience, so having all npcs just standing there would kill it for me personally
    Good question. Are quest lines going to be lore/rpg friendly or just completable?

  8. July 7, 2015  
    My paypal is burning!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Release the server!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  9. July 7, 2015  
    so i have seen this brought up and agree that it would be an awesome feature added in. transmog would be very welcome and have no game altering effects that i could think of. Been playing on molten since 2011, with around 200 total days play time between toons and over 100 on just my main. never played retail and wanted too see the early content so I spent a lot of time exploring as much as i could, and collecting cool gears and drops i found along the way just too have it stored in a bag with no real use. its a shame because i think outland brought some cool gear too the game that would be nice too have a use for.
    im not into rp but it would also be very nice for those who are.

    but most importantly i think it will keep players interested in the game for longer. I have put a lot of hours into this game, and there is one thing that ruined it after so long of playing its that everyone looks the same after a while. you never feel like your getting anywhere but just catching up too the rest. and then when you get there there is not as much incentive too keep you interested. for me atleast i loved finally getting that nest gear slot filled with bis gear but it it kinda makes you sad that that will be what you have forever. got wrathful set? great. dont like the way it looks? too bad.
    I think transmog was added for a reason. not to be new content as much as a feature that was just needed in game.
    o and i forgot too say please :)

    i havnt been able too get back into this game since the wipe, and im patiently waiting for lord too be released and think this is a very good move you guys are making with lord. really hoping it gets a lot of us who just couldnt do it all over again after wipe back into the game. believe me i have tried playing and just get bummed out lol.
    a wotlk realm with 1x rates, restricted shop, i will also agree on the no gearscore addon but really no big deal. and transmog.
    as far as having something for donors you could bring back whispers between other factions. it was nice and made things like getting twink bg's going easier. never understood why it was stopped in the first place

  10. July 7, 2015  

    I have a mixed opinion about RDF. If it would be enabled, it should be limited (once per day) & it should have decreased XP/Gold.
    If it is disabled, summoning stones have to be enabled. It was a pain, back in TBC, when you had to walk to each dungeon/raid separately, without being able to teleport, but at least you ALWAYS had something to do. You'd never wait in queue in Shattrath, you'd always go places and enjoy the game, not speedrun it.

    If I were you, I'd push the release of Outland 2+ months and Northrend 4+ months.
    Let's say you DO level up quickly. There is still something for you to do in those remaining 2 months.
    (Extending the continent release time will affect the ''world event achievements''. You'd have to wait a whole year to get some of those)

    Pre-Outland, you can do raids (AQ20-40/BL/ZG) for gear and extra fun. (In this period all classic cities should be somewhat populated)
    Pre-Northrend, you can do raids (SP, BT, ZA) for gear and extra fun. You can also put back S1/S2/S3/S4 PvP which can be obtainable. (Shattarth should be populated)

    You can also make your ''custom updates (patches)''. What I mean by this is; when you first release your server, the level limit will be 60 (Vanilla). After a week, you push out a couple of raids. And you keep doing that. Then comes level 70 (TBC). Same thing, but you release SP/Magister's Terrace last (like Blizzard did). Same for WotLK content.

    You should make weekly events (Treasure Hunt, Hide and Seek, PvP/Dueling events, World Boss, Parkour...) which can give you cool prizes which are not usually obtainable (certain pets, mounts...) and some gold.

    DONATE: I don't want to see a donate shop, but if you really have to make one, at least put items which are NON-OP & acquirable in the game as well.
    VOTE: It's a nice feature. Increases your spot on (OpenWoW/Xtremetop) and it should contain items like on the ''donate shop'' I mentioned above.

    Gearscore addon should either be disabled or put to a good use.
    GS shouldn't be chosen by the community: ''LFM Icc10 5k gs min''
    It should be built-in the server already. You must have a certain amount of GS before entering certain dungeons/raids (WotLK only!)
    I loved the idea, back in TBC, when you could go any raid immediately when you dinged 70 or even with PvP gear.
    Another cool thing about TBC is that you had to go into 5+ separate raids in order to get gear. (Each one of those gives you only 1 item for your mainset)

    Quests/Dungeons should be really nicely scripted, where NPCs/Mobs/Bosses cast more spells, talk more & do some emotes. (This doesn't necessarily mean adding custom content)

    I know my post is kinda all over the place. These are just some ideas that popped in my head now. I'll post some later!
    I'm really hyped for this server and I hope it will be released soon.

    Thank you for reading.
    Edited: July 7, 2015

  11. July 7, 2015  
    Transmog on WotLK is a custom feature and it mustn't be implemented, NEVER! Even the old realm could live without it. There are people who don't know what PTR is, but they demand transmog, it makes no sense,because it appeared in Cataclysm and should stay there, our gear is beautiful enough, we aren't a random private server that adopts all the silly ideas. NO to custom features!!! NO MORE Shadowmourne drops in ICC,additional portals, treasure chests or any other measures that are incompatible with the concept of authentic experience. People, just come to your senses!
    Edited: July 7, 2015

  12. July 7, 2015  
    Transmog on WotLK is a custom feature and it mustn't be implemented, NEVER! Even the old realm could live without it. There are people who don't know what PTR is, but they demand transmog, it makes no sense,because it appeared in Cataclysm and should stay there, our gear is beautiful enough, we aren't a random private server that adopts all the silly ideas. NO to custom features!!! NO MORE Shadowmourne drops in ICC,additional portals, treasure chests or any other measures that are incompatible with the concept of authentic experience. People, just come to your senses!
    Amen Brother.

  13. July 7, 2015  
    so i guess nobody is going to play on the updated version of wotlk?

    it cant be 100% retail like. there will always have to be some way too get people too vote or donate too the server. you do that by offering things special for doing that. now really would being able too transmog with coins or vp's cause that big of an issue? becuase it just seems like a good way for the server too make money without offering things that will unbalance the game between people who donated/voted or didn't.
    should we expect them too go thru all this trouble and offer a full retail experience for basically free? cause if there is no reason too donate or vote then most people will not. this could help balance the market place back out after being restricted for lord players.

  14. July 7, 2015  
    I agree about the pvp chest, but my only concern about that is just because of the gank fest that will cause for the low level players that will try to do quests in Hillsbrad Foothills and Alterac Mountains.

    But I got more ideas to make open world pvp more alive trough the world of Azeroth. If I remember well, there was pvp objectives in Silithus, Eastern Plaguelands, the Gurubashi Arena in Stranglethorn Vale and I guess in Winterspring. Why not make the open world pvp focus in that maps? The scripts are there, the events are there already, since it was done by blizzard back on vanilla WoW. You just need to give the token reward to the players after they can do that events with success. It would be great since it isn't custom content after all I guess, because the events are already there and done by the hand of blizzard, the only thing you were doing is just implement a nice reward to incentivate the players to do that content.

    I also agree about the RDF being disabled, I saw in another comment on this topic that it would make the game more harder, I must say, that is not enterly true. It may become hard to get a group to do low level dungeons and sometimes it will get a little hard to get the group to do the HC dungeons, but the diference won't be so big, with this decision it will make one element that Blizzard have forgotten for some time now and that is the most beautiful thing to see in an MMO, that is the social aspect. I remember back in the days where I played on another private server, that was x1 rates 3.3.5a (now they are closed), when some of the staff of that server were working on the trinity core emu, I remember, when they were struggling to script the RDF, until we got that feature fully working, the way we could do the dungeons, was, just pick the daily quest in Dalaran and start looking for members for the group. Back then, the people have to be respectul to the other members, or else they could be kicked instantly. Since we got the RDF working, the respect was being decreased, no1 cared about each other anymore and sometimes while doing the dungeons, it was a silent run, no1 talked at all for some reason.

    Because you want to disable the RDF, I have an idea, give us at lvl 80 the old daily quests that you could get in Dalaran, but instead of being Emblem of Triumphs as reward, give us the Emblem of Frost and this may fix the problem with disabling the RDF.

    This is one of the dailies I was talking about, you cna find in Dalaran near the NPC that gives you the weekly quest for the Raids. - http://wotlk.openwow.com/quest=13243

    Sorry for my bad english and long text.

  15. July 7, 2015  
    I recommend not releasing the server before everything is 100% complete. If you manage that, truly, the server could over populate.

    I do also dislike the implementation of the bloody coin purse and the gold regressing system. The bloody coin purse will begin as a friendly combat organisation however it will soon deprecate into how Gurubashi Arena is today. Mighty groups camping the area twenty four seven after they have all purchased the best gear, just to prevent others from being able to do so. They'll have two monitors and the second they pick up the bloody coin purse they just drag their mouse across their screen and click submit bloody coin purse. This will be how it will become especially because of the available purchasing of gear. Which I find is slightly hypocritical considered players cannot sell / trade their own accounts when you sell and trade another companies items yourself.

    Additionally the gold regressing suggestion should never, ever be implemented. I believe this may be a way for you to earn more money as players who may log off for a week with 200,000g of which they worked hard for, may come back with 10,000g and therefore be forced into purchasing items off the store rather than the auction house. In WotLK it took months to earn gold cap, dependent on the rate of the deprecation it is still gold being lost of which a player has worked hard for, that is like introducing gear deprecation. If you have a Shadowmourne and you do not do ICC for two months the stats reduce, because that is similar. I believe, just keep the server normal, 1x rate, 1x gold drop and 1x loot.

    Try to fix the server completely to 100% quest compatible, this would cause thousands of players to come to the server rather than the few hundreds that may visit for the custom events.

    As for the portals to Shattrath and Darnassus within major city's, I believe this is the most pathetic excuse to implement custom scripting, and I believe you are using this as an excuse to keep the custom scripts within your servers tags. Here are a few screenshots of how the portals will go, because there is absolutely zero space you can place custom portals without ruining the feel of classic WotLK.

    Seriously. I doubt people want to walk around these areas, however these took me over thirty minutes to think of as there is absolutely nowhere they can go. I suggest leaving the custom content on this server. Keep the marketplace for your money however set a cap such as no gear higher then ICC 10MNormal can be purchased.
    Edited: July 7, 2015

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