1. July 7, 2015  

    PvP Players Are you there?

    Hi! Im Raxor, a Human Arms Warrior. English isn't my native language, so i'll apologize from the beginning if i commit a mistake.

    I started farming for my PvP Gear 2 or 3 Weeks ago.
    I noticed that there are a lot of player doing the same, most of them are really "ungeared", but i'm not here to talk about them, because i'm more than sure that a lot of you are tired about that topic.

    What i really want to say, is that i also noticed a few player that are really skilled compared to the rest, on both sides (Horde and Alliance), some of them didn't have all the pvp gear, so i considered them as really good pvp players. My question is:

    How many people like this are in this realm? I mean people that play PvP in a "Competitive" way, or at least that are really skilled.
    Who are the best players in this realm?

    I just want to know a bit more about this realm! :D
    Edited: July 7, 2015 Reason: I wrote my name wrong! xD

  2. July 7, 2015  

    Currently I'm sitting at 2k rating with iLvL of 500 (hunter), playing with resto druid. The struggle real, most of our enemies are utter-**** and no, I'm not overexaggerating, they're just carried by gear, nothing else.
    Basically like 50% of our arenas look like this: we start, I'm spining somebody I can with Aimed+chimera combo and I deal about 100k damage (weow) if I'm lucky enough to score 2 crits, while warriors are roflstomping me/dudu on GCD. I'm getting wrecked with those 80-120k crits, 40k deep wounds ticks. Also rogues are annoying because in 60% of scenarios they open on my druid, he instantly barkskins, gets RoS'd and still dies even before Rogue actually shows up.

    It's really frustrating, enemies are basically facerolling, Bala druids are killing us both at the same time. Ele shammys are melting our faces with 2 casts if they're lucky enough to score crits and overloads.

    Each arena is frustrating and I'm really, really sad that I can't succeed because of my lack of gear.

    Examples of awful opponents: Shammies without grounding totems and hexes (really). Hunters missing scatter+trap combos. Literally no mage so far used poly (about 200 arenas). Paladins not diseplling Wyvern Sting. Warriors not even popping a single defensive CD or Intervene. Warlocks without mesmerizes, fears, etc. CC is almost non-existant because all they need is damage. But well, there's nothing I can do about it.

    It'll take me a little time to get geared but then things will be much easier. I've been playing hunter for about 8 years. I achieved 0.5% title on retail (Season 2) and 2300+ AT rating.

    I've met like 4-5 teams that actually could do something. There was a fake-casting shammy that could actually keep in roots for quite a while. One priest that used mind-control and one rogue that actually re-sapped. Also there was one guy who knew how to properly take advantage of Line of Sight, pillars and positioning.

    The gap between Tyrannical and Grievous is huge. I can stand 30% stamina increase, but ~70% damage increase is a bull**** to me.
    Edited: July 7, 2015

  3. July 7, 2015  
    Well, i never thought about this, but i think you're right. As a warrior myself, i can tell that damage is far more important than CCs, and that's something that didn't use to happen a lot on Official WoW, in fact it was the opossite, and i can tell this from my own experience.

    I played WoW MoP at the beginning of 2014, i think i was alredy on 5.4 season 12, i was able to get full pvp gear and achieve 2k rating on 2v2, and 1.8 on 3v3, i wasn't an excellent player, but i think i learned a lot from that period. Here is the evidence:


    (As you can see my rating was reseted) :(

    I remember that CCs were crucial to win an arena, if you were unlucky enough to fight against a better coordinated team you were done. Some teams were able to take you out of the fight for some much time, it was really frustrating sometimes xD. You wanted to kill a healer? Use CCs. You wanted to survive longer? Use CCs.

    But here on Warmane... I fought warriors full geared, and i was able to stand up against them for 2mins or more, just spending my CCs, while they just were bursting all their damage against me, at least some of them just disarmed me, but that's all, at the end their dps was better than my lower DPS+CCs. I can recall Paladins that couldn't do anything against my dps. Or some Warlocks and Priest that destroyed me in 5 secs... I think it's possible to take some advantage using CCs yet, but i's not the best option.

    I don't know why is happening this, i doubt that this is caused by a set of bugs that increases everyone's damage, maybe is just a tendency on the way people play.

  4. July 7, 2015  

    Welcome to Warmane.

    One of the forums rules is to not talk about who is best at Class X, as it leads to drama. As such I won't respond to that with my post.

    As for damage, yes it is higher on Warmane, due to a bug with Aura Stacking. This bug should be fixed next update, so be excited for that!

    I've been playing hunter/healer comps lately. I played roughly 15 games with a rdudu, and only lost 1 (we just played bad tbh). I then played 10 or so games with a holy priest at ilvl 465. We lost only 2 games, one against a warr/rsham and another against a warr/priest. We lost only because my healer ran out of mana (he was only using one trinket LOL). We ended the day at 2.1k rating (ya the 465 ilvl priest is 2.1k rating, he's really good though, toats carried me :D)

    We won our games only because we were co-ordinating our CCs very well. We're both very experienced players. As such, I cannot say I agree that damage>CC. CC is still king in arenas, and if you are very well trained with your abilities, you will be able to lock players up for up to a whole minute (sometimes even longer if they're stupid).

    Finally for how many players are skilled? To be honest, its a tough question to answer. A lot of the previous Molten/AT high ranked players aren't playing because they feel classes are too bugged. Still, there are many players who are very skilled (as you can see from the before mentioned priest) and they are very much active!

  5. July 7, 2015  
    I've never said that any class is better than other or something like that, i just recalled some fights xD And about CCs, i agree that are way better, but not now on warmane, probably after they fix that Aura stacking bug it'll be the best option again, so i'm pretty excited about that.

    And i repeat, i think CC is better than DPS, and as you said, specially in arenas, i haven't played too much arenas on warmane yet, so everything i said is based on my experience through BGs and some Duels. But yes, CC on arenas was the king, at least during my period on MoP Official.
    Edited: July 7, 2015

  6. July 7, 2015  
    I've never said that any class is better than other or something like that, i just recalled some fights xD And about CCs, i agree that are way better, but not now on warmane, probably after they fix that Aura stacking bug it'll be the best option again, so i'm pretty excited about that.

    And i repeat, i think CC is better than DPS, and as you said, specially in arenas, i haven't played too much arenas on warmane yet, so everything i said is based on my experience through BGs and some Duels. But yes, CC on arenas was the king, at least during my period on MoP Official.
    Was moreso replying to the sentiment that damage is more important than CC.

    Even with buff stacking, I really don't think that's the case.

    We kinda went off topic though, didn't we :/

    All I can say is play a few games and judge the skill level of players for yourself! :)

    Good luck and as always have loads of fun!

  7. July 7, 2015  
    Oh well it's really great to know that there are really active pvp players.

    I don't consider myself a good player but i like to compare myself to better player, see them play and if it's possible duel some of them. And if there's an active PvP community that makes everything so much better!

    Oh and sorry for going off topic so much, but it was interesting. :D

  8. July 7, 2015  

    Currently I'm sitting at 2k rating with iLvL of 500 (hunter), playing with resto druid. The struggle real, most of our enemies are utter-**** and no, I'm not overexaggerating, they're just carried by gear, nothing else.
    Basically like 50% of our arenas look like this: we start, I'm spining somebody I can with Aimed+chimera combo and I deal about 100k damage
    I sopped reading here, if you spam aimed shot in arena you sir don't deserve to be over 2k rating.

  9. July 7, 2015  
    CC is 90% of MOP pvp when it comes to arena, take it from a warrior with some ridiculous damage. It doesn't matter how hard you hit someone if they root, cyclone, fear, or stun every few seconds. As long as you can damage enough to put some healing pressure on the other team (almost all classes can) it comes down to who CC's the most/the best

  10. July 7, 2015  
    Spam? Reading is hard I guess... Och boy, here we go again, probably another fully geared trash judging people around. But don't worry, I'll get fully geared and then just wipe floor with the likes of you.

    I also never said that damage is more important than CC, I just stated that currently most of geared players don't even need that crowd control to win arenas. Difference is so big that geared hunter hits about 60% harder than me but I didn't lose ANY of mirror arenas (Hunter+Dudu).

    If you guys claim to be that good then go ahead, wear those Tyrannical items and try to face mediocre, fully geared warrior that hits you like a truck and takes away 60-70% of your HP during 3s stun. I'm pretty sure you wouldn't be so "good" in this scenario.

    Also I can hardly believe that 465 iLvL healer can get so high. It's not like you're wearing full grievous and can burst somebody in the matter of seconds.

    Anyway, whatever, Blizzard ****ed up, gap's too big. I could get to 2,2k on AT with relentless items with ease but here, with those amounts of stats gaps it's not so damn easy. I seriously can't remember any arena on 3.3.5 where Wrathful warrior could take away 60% on my HP within 3seconds.

    I'm telling you, get Tyrannical set and feel the damage, maybe you'll understand my point of view.

  11. July 8, 2015  
    I really disagree with the gear statement.
    Ok I ain't saying there are no positive bugs on some classes, but if you can put up a strong CC chain you can win 70% even on tyra (got to 2.3k with half tyras tbh last season), regarding to Regulathor's post about mages not polying, well m8 its broken since it brakes if the target has any hot on himself.
    Another point when I hear about people crying about gear in arenas, did it ever cross your mind that these people played here longer then you and spent more time to get the gear ( excluding gear donors on this one ofc ), so its not really fair to Q_Q about that aspect.
    About the competitive aspect, well people currently play for fun (unless you are an affli lock/resto sham which destroy mostly everything due to the buffstacking and the drinking bug). I personally don't see a point anymore to go for competitive rather just for fun, unless that buffstacking/drinking bug get fixed.

  12. July 8, 2015  
    Just the other day I joined up with a friend of mine to do our weekly cap - we had a blast, he was 485'ish and I was 502 - we got like 30 wins in a row against mostly Grievous ppl and I usually don't do arena anymore, just when I have to. A lot of people are indeed carried by gear tbh, or luck.

  13. July 8, 2015  
    Yes many ppl os carried by gear, but if you cc/kite its cooldown is enough to surive.

    But dont worry about that, once your get full gear, it will be hard to get +2.4

  14. July 8, 2015  
    Arenas in this state just aren't fun to play, some comps just can't be beaten and its all about dmg because of buff stacking, when they fix that I will consider playing arenas for real, now i just cap guild mates with low ilvl, and honestly I enjoy that more then any real serious play. (1.9k-2k rating)

  15. July 8, 2015  
    On lower rating you find some "normal" comps but some really suck...
    At higher rating you find all the "pro" players (a.k.a: DPS+Healer comps that got lucky :/) Wich really isn't funny to play with.

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