1. July 3, 2015  
    At the time of that post it wasn't. It was changed some time later so it is always active. Here is a reference post although people that played retail can also confirm: http://www.arenajunkies.com/topic/23...tealth-change/ :)
    Great catch!

    You should post that link to this report and maybe PM BlueAo to take a look at the report when he can.

  2. July 3, 2015  

  3. July 3, 2015  
    I can check out the arena part, but it was not active elsewhere and that I know.
    (It wasn't even always active in arenas, which did cause some issues like mentioned in that thread, but doublechekin' won't hurt)
    (p.s. you can too.)
    Edited: July 3, 2015

  4. July 3, 2015  
    All Agility classes get 27% of agility rating as Dodge.

    your 7% expertise will remove 7% of his total Dodge. Which can be pretty high if said rogue/feral/shaman/hunter is +500 ilvl.
    Also remember to try and keep behind a target as then their dodge is pointless.
    Nope, its not 27% agi/str > dodge/parry.

  5. July 3, 2015  
    Regarding dodge...

    I know this isn't the right spot to post this bug, but to inform everyone, you can currently dodge from behind as well.

    Partner had an ambush get dodged :D

    Will post after I can gather some evidence.

    Warriors are still my main concern, taking 100k Mortal Strikes isn't retail like at all lol...

    Plus, there's some issue with scaling... I had berserking in BG, and I popped my burst pvp trinket, and proceeded to put out a 242k crit.

    Normally I would do a 120k crit with burst trinket.
    Add 25% to that, you get 150k.
    To get to 242k, you really need to have something breaking down somewhere...

    I sadly have not the slightest idea what could make Chimera crit like that, but I think I've noticed it always happens with using the trinket while under berserking.

    Hope we cancel the arena season again and aim for working classes before we can even think of giving titles, realm firsts, heroic achievements, guild achievements, etc.

  6. July 3, 2015  
    I can check out the arena part, but it was not active elsewhere and that I know.
    (It wasn't even always active in arenas, which did cause some issues like mentioned in that thread, but doublechekin' won't hurt)
    (p.s. you can too.)
    Well that AJ post had 7 people confirming it's always active in arenas and that it wasn't active before July 2013. It also makes a lot of sense when you think about it. Stacking 250k shields in the beginning of arena kinda defeats the purpose of the debuff itself and sure as hell wasn't intended.

  7. July 3, 2015  
    really hope this is just another fun season

  8. July 8, 2015  
    Hey guys,
    Today I dueled 2-3 rogues and guess what? they dodged my hits and my Expertise is at 7%? How possible? Evasion? No their evasion was off. also I dueled 2x Frost mages and their ice lances were way too OP, one of them did hit me for 150k. really Warmane? why do you fix "battle pets" and "SoO" while PvP is currently broken... PvP fatigue doesn't decrease Absorbs if you enable Absorbs before the fight begin.... that's how disco priest and holy pala completely rape you on Arenas....
    ok i am a high rated Frost mage 522ilvl ( im just sayin this so u dont think im pulling suff out of my butt) and i do like 100k ice lance max in bgs , 50-60k against 522 targets . some classes maybe Op atm but i promise mages are not one of em

  9. July 9, 2015  
    maybe frost mage is not , but fire mage is lol.

  10. July 9, 2015  
    ok i am a high rated Frost mage 522ilvl ( im just sayin this so u dont think im pulling suff out of my butt) and i do like 100k ice lance max in bgs , 50-60k against 522 targets . some classes maybe Op atm but i promise mages are not one of em
    Frost mages are the most viable spec for arenas atm, and the damage is real, once you stack up those Icicles you can deal an insane amount of dmg and the CC is just unreal, sadly rarely any mage is on a high level here on this realm, thats why people think they are bad, but put a skilled frost mage and a sub rogue together and you will win 9/10 games on 2k+ rating.

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