1. Transmogrification costs

    Apparently mogging comes with a cost now.
    I understand that using the new omni-mog system should come with a cost (that`s fine), but currently even mogging stuff that you`ve unlocked before with rating/VIP/donation costs the same as using the omni-mog.
    I hope that doesn`t stay like that, you should be able to use the Transmog you`ve earned already at no cost.

    Oh, and from what I`ve understood the omni-mog will work on a rental basis (at the very least, that`s the way it`s currently working), ie you`ll get to use the mog you`ve paid for until you decide to remove/overwrite it, and should you decide to reuse it at some later point, you`ll have to pay another time.
    Would it be possible to be able to buy your favorite Transmog sets (at a higher cost), so that you could use them at no further costs?
    Edited: July 14, 2015

  2. you should be able to use the Transmog you`ve earned already at no cost.
    Second this.

  3. if you've payed with a token or points for a transmog you'll be able to keep it permanently, this is a no-brainer..

  4. So the new transmog system`s released, and yep, everytransmog costs tokens. Even those we`ve earned from rating, and the donor ones.
    I understand that you`ll need something else to get people to play because gear`s free now, but not being able to use the mogs we`ve earned, and especially, nor the one we`ve paid for is a pretty big mistake imo.
    I hope that you`ll reconsider this.

    Edit: I see that you can buy Transmog Tokens for free right now, but I doubt that it`ll stay that way.
    Also, being able to transmog rating sets without having the neccesary rating for it is pretty dumb. (Yes, there`s a limitation on items that actually require it, but you could just use another one from that set, ex: there`s 3 different Paladin t6 sets, there`s one that`s available for rating which you cannot without, but there`re two others that you can.)
    Edited: July 22, 2015

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