1. Why is there only 1 horde guild and why is it in 2 seperate brackets?

    Ps : nvm just saw drunkz
    Jinxed is on the Horde side too

  2. Jinxed is on the Horde side too
    There are 3 hord guilds lol ^^ fATALITY , Jinxed , Drunkz

  3. Arathi Basin and Warsong Gulch are my favorite battlegrounds.

  4. About The best dk I still consider Agonyx , Moldova and Bgherg as some of the best dks. Especially as unholy.
    We got agonyx as well , let's just say he retired from unholy. Bgherg is pretty good as well

    I do think Medan has potential to be better than bgherg though I mean he has a chance to learn from the greatest ever agonyx
    Edited: July 16, 2015

  5. We got agonyx as well , let's just say he retired from unholy. Bgherg is pretty good as well

    I do think Medan has potential to be better than bgherg though I mean he has a chance to learn from the greatest ever agonyx
    I do not believe medan could currently as i assume bgherg is very skilled but with enough practice im sure he could be very very good as he has a lot of potential!!!!!!! :))))))))))))
    Edited: July 16, 2015 Reason: Smiley wasnt smiley enough. Edit#2 needed more !!!

  6. Agonyx is rolling with disease spec, he literally runs around bgs spreading aids.

    Impressive damage numbers =/= skill, kid.

  7. Agonyx is rolling with disease spec, he literally runs around bgs spreading aids.
    I'm currently rolling with that spec and doing 6-8 mill damage in bgs without even trying. but that doesn't change the fact that Agonyx was one of the few DKs on Molten/Warmane who played unholy spec to its full potential.

    Quit being a hater, kid.

  8. I'm currently rolling with that spec and doing 6-8 mill damage in bgs without even trying.
    Thats like me, going Divine storm spec, equipping gurth, running into a group of hordes and spamming Divine Storm with SoR and spawning that many tentacles that you would lag like ****, then bubbling as I eventually drop low for another 8 seconds of aids spreading...So Pro right? No.

    Thats like me, going Divine storm spec, equipping gurth, running into a group of hordes and spamming Divine Storm with SoR and spawning that many tentacles that you would lag like ****
    that's not skill either, that's bug exploiting ;)

  10. I'm currently rolling with that spec and doing 6-8 mill damage in bgs without even trying. but that doesn't change the fact that Agonyx was one of the few DKs on Molten/Warmane who played unholy spec to its full potential.

    Quit being a hater, kid.
    How come you stopped playing blood? I thought you play blood (and strictly blood) in PvP; why did you stop? Peer pressure? Sellout? Sponsored by Failtality?

    I'm still new to the Unholy spec, but once I'm experienced enough with it, I'll find a decent partner and try to get Gladiator title :)
    Why not do it as a blood DK? After all, you did say you were 2.5k on Warsong (or was it 2.6k?) so you should have no issue getting Glad title here as a blood DK, right?
    Edited: July 17, 2015

  11. that's not skill either, that's bug exploiting ;)
    Exactly...it's not skill, just like disease spreading. And please, every ret raiding will eventually have to go SoR and Divine Storm multiple adds (Spine of Deathwing, Hagara Trash, Ultraxion Trash, Whelps on Halfus). So nearly every ret should be accused of exploiting then ^.^

    After all, you did say you were 2.5k on Warsong (or was it 2.6k?) so you should have no issue getting Glad title here as a blood DK, right?
    LOL Caught out in your lies!
    Edited: July 17, 2015

  12. How come you stopped playing blood? I thought you play blood (and strictly blood) in PvP; why did you stop? Peer pressure? Sellout? Sponsored by Failtality?

    Why not do it as a blood DK? After all, you did say you were 2.5k on Warsong (or was it 2.6k?) so you should have no issue getting Glad title here as a blood DK, right?
    Actually i've NEVER thought of converting to Unholy, but i've been getting too many QQ lately as blood (such as "bdk nub", "omfg bdk ***", "go play real class", "omg bdk go drink bleach", etc.). Also, these Death Strike jokes really pissed me off. So i decided to play a less OP spec, or let's a spec with higher skill cap ;)

  13. Spoiler: Show

    this is the 5th time in less than 2 hours

    molten pls fix

  14. Actually i've NEVER thought of converting to Unholy, but i've been getting too many QQ lately as blood (such as "bdk nub", "omfg bdk ***", "go play real class", "omg bdk go drink bleach", etc.). Also, these Death Strike jokes really pissed me off. So i decided to play a less OP spec, or let's a spec with higher skill cap ;)
    So; peer pressure. Or is it sellout?

    Spoiler: Show

    Also, nice dodge on the topic of your 2.7k rating from Warsong

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