1. question(s) about this realm

    hello i wanna start playing here again but i have some questions.

    1. can you get these legendaries daggers/staff by doing the questline? or are they bugged?
    2.top8 most played classes?
    3.i'ts hard for a new player to gear up? (due to DS/FL already out)
    4. are hunters decent in pve?

    thanks for reading

  2. Ok i tell you what i know :D
    1. The daggers and staff are bugged i think.
    3. Yeah for me it was hard to get on hc ilvl, but with the 377 set and a bit reputation farming everything is possible ;)
    4. They do good dmg but the most important part is how you play them everyone got a own movement etc. :)

  3. hello i wanna start playing here again but i have some questions.

    1. can you get these legendaries daggers/staff by doing the questline? or are they bugged?
    2.top8 most played classes?
    3.i'ts hard for a new player to gear up? (due to DS/FL already out)
    4. are hunters decent in pve?

    thanks for reading
    1. Quests are being worked on. At the moment those items aren't obtainable in any ways (not even with donation). I know there are 7 guys who got the legendary daggers back then, when they were purchasable with donation, but it's just those guys. Never saw them
    2. Paladin, Hunter, rogue. They are like plague, especially the first. Just take a look at pvp ladder, 60% of it is made of paladins lol, retri being the most common thing you'll ever see. In general, Pala/hunter, with lock being one of the least played classes.
    3. If you are talking about pve, I don't really know. Many people look for decent geared players for random dungeons, but when it comes to pvp, the starter is easily obtainable by crafting or buying from AH. Pvp gear can easily be earned by farming bgs. If you want to go the hard way, you can farm bgs for honor points and then convert to justice points to buy pve gear, but that's a bit too long. If you go for normal difficulty dungeon, then you shouldn't have problems finding a group even with **** gear.
    4. Top dps classes are at the moment Fire mage (they have bugged ignite that stacks on itself until it deals like 1M dmg per tick lol), Retri paladins (told you they were common), Assassination rogues (because of bugged venomous wounds proccing twice from bleeds). Arms warriors, Enha shamans, hunters, unh DKs & co can pull very good dps as well, so play whatever suits you. Just bear in mind that the top dps is fire mage, no escape.

  4. 1. Legendary daggers/staff will not be able to be done via questline as it serves as the flagship of donations (hence, legendaries), same with Shadowmourne in WOTLK. AFAIK, daggers work well, and I know a Nelth player before the Moltdown complaining how his legendary staff was bugged.
    2. Paladin, Hunter, Mage, Rogue, Death Knight, Warrior, Shaman, Priest, Druid, Warlock.
    3.Not hard, leveling is a bit annoying due to bugs, farming for gold is a bit sleezy for professions, other than that, I geared up my chars awfully fast.
    4. Hunters are 'okay' in PVE.

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