1. Great ...

    Hi there,
    I don't understand why Sargeras is Offline...
    I had a Hunter level 85 Fully Geared !! + I paid for it anyways ..
    And it's gone now ... Thank you Molten WoW

  2. m8 you can transfer your char to frostwolf for free just check under store-free and btw this is mop now so ur gear is kinda useless.

  3. m8 you can transfer your char to frostwolf for free just check under store-free and btw this is mop now so ur gear is kinda useless.
    Goes beyond that, he said 85 fully geared, so that must mean he missed the Moltdown and no longer has his character.

  4. He porbably doesn't know about moltdown,poor guy

  5. Bro long story short ****** caused that our whole char data was taken and we had to start from scrath and molten teamed up with AT(arena tournament) and is now warmane and like 6 months ago when it was new news we had the ability to get booster packs but u came back a little too late man. And sageras went mop and after a few months ppl could got a free transver to frostwolf (which also moved to mop) cuz of sageras's low population and every sagerian went to frostwolf and now we are here today most ppl got their gear back from earning it again but bro you were probably here when sagerasd was still cata so you hacve to play on nethralion now which is the only cata realm online.

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