1. It's good not many people will have the best PvP items. Waiting in queue for 30 mins as top team seems pretty normal to me.

  2. About this, I remember there were before Moltdown an mmr system that was dynamic, if the team with high rating was on queue for a long time then the system would choose a random team with lower rating. I don't think this to be the best system, but for sure, even now, today I still think cross-realm arenas would be the best choice, if you guys could resume the development of the Clustering Load to make the support for this it would be great. To not say that would be one of the first servers with the cross-realm function, this would advertise more and more ppl would choose warmane becaus of being a cool feature or something. But well I guess I have a wish thinking or I may be wrong on something or so. But cross-realm, wow...

  3. About this, I remember there were before Moltdown an mmr system that was dynamic, if the team with high rating was on queue for a long time then the system would choose a random team with lower rating. I don't think this to be the best system, but for sure, even now, today I still think cross-realm arenas would be the best choice, if you guys could resume the development of the Clustering Load to make the support for this it would be great. To not say that would be one of the first servers with the cross-realm function, this would advertise more and more ppl would choose warmane becaus of being a cool feature or something. But well I guess I have a wish thinking or I may be wrong on something or so. But cross-realm, wow...
    This is just me conjecturing, but a new, more robust and reliable core, could be a first step in the direction of a stabler cross-whatever project. I just don't know how this would work with Lordaeron - wouldn't it just generate a lot of whining if people started to have to fight people with donated gear and the like (while ignoring the fact that without those, there might not have been any match at all)?

  4. I don't think that we can create a cross-realm sistem for the arena brackets including Lordaeron. With our progression sistem we may still be at the Ulduar tier (aka Furious Glad gear) and fight against a full bis geared wrathful team from Deathwing or Ragnaros. Maybe when we will reach again the last tier/season.

  5. About this, I remember there were before Moltdown an mmr system that was dynamic, if the team with high rating was on queue for a long time then the system would choose a random team with lower rating. I don't think this to be the best system, but for sure, even now, today I still think cross-realm arenas would be the best choice, if you guys could resume the development of the Clustering Load to make the support for this it would be great. To not say that would be one of the first servers with the cross-realm function, this would advertise more and more ppl would choose warmane becaus of being a cool feature or something. But well I guess I have a wish thinking or I may be wrong on something or so. But cross-realm, wow...
    Thanks no. Didnt came to lordaeron to fight against mourners.

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